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Posts posted by FatherF

  1. If anyone knows about the Thai legal system, this kind of case could have so many twists and turns that it could still be going on when most of us are in our graves! I don't see how you could blame the whole thing on a couple of individuals since it was a mass demonstration? I mean Sondhi could not have done it on his own (or with the other 35)? So who do you blame? You can bet that you will be reading about this case for many years!

    I would imagine that the suit would be against the leader(s) of the PAD, as it was they that organized/orchestrated it in the first place. But, I am certainly no expert in Thai (or any other) law.


  2. Civile disobedience - PAD didn't "close the airport or shutdown it's operations"!

    It was the AOT Management of Suvannabhum!

    I was wondering how long before this would start..........

    If enough companies/groups etc got together, they could start a class action!

    The Airport was closed by AOT as a direct result of PAD demonstrations! Had the PAD not been there, the airport would NOT have had to close.


  3. What are you saying? Whoops it fell into my bag! Oh and whoops it also fell into my boyfriends bag too. I used to pinch perfum when I was much younger as it's small and valuable and makes a nice pressie for mum so I'm sure this is more a guilty till proven innocent. The evidence or even lack of it points that way to me and shoplifting in the age of CCTV is a bit silly. You do your crime you do your time or pay your fine! Anyone who thinks King Power is framing a couple of Aussies over 22000B of perfum needs their head examined as it's not worth the hassle. Next time don't get caught!

    Well Jirapa, the fact that you admit to being a shoplifter only adds to your credulity regarding this post, you mention CCTV, is there any CCTV footage of either of them stealing? You also seem to be in the belief that "this is more a guilty till proven innocent", very noble of you, I am sure you have something with which to back this up?

    Just on a side note, perfum is not something King Power sell (Unless i am much mistaken) they do however sell perfume!


  4. And I doubt this is a 'scam' in the sense that they did in-fact steal perfume valued 22k baht and no negotiation has been reported taking place.

    How do you know that they did in-fact steal perfume valued 22k baht? were you there? As far as I know, they have not gone to trial yet, nor have they been found guilty!


    Come-on father, your not trying to suggest that the police go around arresting innocent people are you? Of course they are guilty. :):D

    Also, at the risk of splitting hairs, I don't think theres going to be a 'trial' in this case, its hardly grand larceny, I would think they are either going to get an opportunity to enter a 'plea' or there might be a 'hearing', but a 'trial' no. :D

    Doh! :D:D

  5. I've read through the replies since my last visit and seem to remember something about her having done her time so the slate's wiped clean (sorry can't be ar5ed going back to find it). Thing is she was arrested and convicted in Thailand, convicted to 25 years (?), and then received a Royal pardon (?) and went back to serve the rest of her time in the UK (if she was "pardoned" why wasn't she released?). Under the UK rules of releasing all manner of low lifes back into society she was let out. Now she wants to return to Thailand, therefore like any of us she is subject to the whims of Thai immigration and they have told her to combine sex with travel.

    What's the beef?

    If someone comes round my house to a party and p1sses on the rug then wants an invite to the next bash it is my perogative to tell them to take their sour water someplace else.

    Completely Agree!


  6. Don't kill the messenger because you don't like the message.....

    Webfact, my previous remark wasn't about the specific content of your original post (article by The Nation) and certainly not an attack at your person (as messenger), whether posting as a member or as a Moderator.

    It was meant to ask if there's any other source, rather than The Nation, where Thaivisa's members, and I'm talking large numbers of members eager for news, can feed their hunger with English news about Thailand.

    I think I'm not the only one who thinks the constant stream of "news" or "made-up news" about Thai Politics is becoming so obviously one-sided and biased that there is no more space for -independent- quality news about Thailand and Thai politics -if there is any!-.

    I am a TV member for over 5 years now but the stream of news is becoming exclusively one-sided since I hardly read any other news than posted and sourced by The Nation.

    That's a risky road for TV since I always considered TV to be rather quality informed since Administration and Super Mods were posting from various sources; now the source is limited if not almost completely one-sided.


    Hear Hear


  7. DM for Cargo & Internal flights, Swampy for all International flights, an underground rail link between the two, incorporating a freight & Passenger service. Customs would only be required at Swampy, this would also release more slots for both airports, thus allowing more travelers/freight etc. Too easy?

    I have dealt (& still do) with IATA, and IMHO are a bunch of halfwits!


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