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Posts posted by kmj

  1. What concerns me is the possibility or the likelihood of targeting the small family groups of fisherman going about their business as they have for countless generations.

    Will we soon see stories of lengthy gaol terms for these small operators while the big guys continue pillaging the waters.

    I think it's more like the big boys using the mom and pop fishermen as a wedge to plead their case

  2. Plenty of natural beauty. Should be an economic impact study to see how many people will loose their jobs. This guy sounds like a mini dictator. Visitors like to come back and be familiar with their surroundings also. Old businesses should be supported not demolished.

    They should have been demolished a long time ago, but better late than never...

  3. Thailand pays no mind to the Un refugee group or any other outside global organization

    Thailand did not sign the UN convention on refugees. These two should have gone

    to the UK or the USA where they would have been welcomed. The problem is

    those countries probably would not even let them in. But the US is Chinas biggest

    trading partner, and David Cameron just pimped out the British royal family

    so human rights can't be that high on the agenda in those countries either.

    I do know both countries talk big on human rights, but talk is cheap.

    Blah blah blah, but but but its not Thailands fault...

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