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Posts posted by kmj

  1. I receive dozens of malware and spam in to my Yahoo Mail junk folder every day. My favourite spam is the Apple email requesting that I verify my account before it's shut down. Just occasionally, I'll click the link and fill in the required fields.

    Email: f*&koffc%[email protected], provides a rough idea of how I proceed. Account no. 684654634, CVV no. 824, etc.

    Unfortunately even this action can cause the email address to be flaged as live and so triggering even more phishing attempts.
  2. Had they planted few Ya Ba pills on him he'd be done for 15 years at least like someone I know,

    in Russia, he'd get life with hard labour in some gulag in frozen shithole somewhere...

    So note to all foreign and domestic would be robbers and murderers... rat on your accomplices

    and you'd be out like a charm after only few years....who says crime doesn't pay???...

    2.4 million baht for 13 years is shit pay...

  3. in this era where we have websites that do everything for us - why do people still insist on paying a middle man? Especially young students who should be tech savvy.

    Middle men are popular here in Thailand. Look at the the schools who use agencies for example. Never heard a good word about them.

    It's called laziness and an unwillingness or inability to plan for future events. Something many Thai excellent in

    Its called a package holiday and millions are sold around the world every year to every nationality...

  4. He can't he charged with premeditated. He didn't think about or plan to kill someone. Which I believe are prerequisites for that charge. I don't believe it will matter anyway. This guy's too rich to ever see the inside of a prison. More likely, he will become a monk for a couple months to atone for his actions and make a lot of payoffs to the families to get the pressure off of him.

    When negotiating alway start higher then you're expecting to get.

  5. You have some catching up to do with us Brits.

    I agree.

    It seems Brits are always in the News for getting lost, raped, killed or killing themselves in Thailand.

    For reasons I have yet o figure out,

    Brits excel in all fo the aforementioned categories.

    Maybe they just take pride in being "Number one" ??

    Stop drinking in the afternoon 555...

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