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Posts posted by kmj

  1. 26 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

    I did not see any of those reports.
    Were the reports from independents, or was this part of the son's story?
    I am seriously interested in learning about the habits of Thai wildlife...
    Also contemplating a move. Do I want to move closer, or stay away from rampaging behemoths?
    Some good deals on rentals near the area. :sad:

    I saw the footage and news report on channel 3 this lunch time - probably while most of TV members were watching CSI 555 :)

  2. 45 minutes ago, llz said:

    If only you were right !


     but 65/70 % of prisoners and 100 % of terrorists are muslim.

    That's what you get with no research and only believing in bullshit news, see how many liberation and freedom terrorist are on the list of designated terrorist groups by national governments that are not muslim.


    Hey but don't let the truth get in the way of your views...



  3. 51 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

    DNA testing completed overnight and give a negative result for the missing person.

    Quite impossible for testing to be fractionally completed in this time frame....but for the RTP, they did it and of course, now, there is no body, and probably in their pin brains, no further criminal investigation needed...for now!

    A preliminary test to indicate if the remains are human can be done easily with 24 hrs, And people like  alphabiolabs in the UK can do a criminal service DNA test in under 6 hrs ( while the person is still in custody ). So maybe Thai don't have access to that tech but a 24-36hr test is not impossible.

  4. 2 hours ago, Golden Brown said:

    Well done to Mr Trump being one of the few world leader who has the bottle to do anything about illegal immigration.   Too many liberals here for my liking who are snowflakes.  America getting their border back and quite right and not to worry about these liberal minded fascists.   Just wished the UK had a tough leader like him on immigrants.   We are too worried about the criticism that comes along with such policies.   Sadly, other than Nigel Farage we have no strong political advocates.   There are many, many supporters of Donald Trump throughout the world, people who are sick and tired of listening to liberals thinking we all have to agree with them!

    As a Trump supporter I thought you username would be Golden Shower not Golden Brown 555

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