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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. even if Free Speech becomes Free Slander ...Free insult..Free Cruelty ?

    Do you belong to the people singing "I am Charlie"?


    And.. They are exercising their Constitutional rights to free speech. The writer apparently has no concept of the Constitution but says it is being shredded. To the contrary.

    The author should stay in a country where there is no right to free speech like Thailand which would give him an attitude adjustment for talking about leaders like that.

    Freedom of speech, The Nation. Freedom of speech.

  2. Let us not forget that :

    1. George W Bush did draw a line and attacked Iraq and this way opened the door for a sectarian war

    2. the withdrawal of troops from Iraq was a treaty signed by G W Bush between the new Iraqi government and the US

    Conclusion : until now doing "something" in the Middle East has been more expensive in lives and money than doing nothing and let them kill each other.

    I wonder what would have happened were Mr Obama was on the train witnessing the attack, would he try to appease

    the attacker by praising his courage and religion saying I'm your friend, just sit there and do nothing like he did

    with ISIS, or, draw a line in the send saying if you kill people I will do something about it and than dose nothing....

  3. In the first volume of the "Nouvelle Histoire de l'Eglise" (= New History of the Church) (written in 1964 by French Cardinal Danielou and other experts) one can read that during the first three centuries of Christianity a marriage was considered as a matter to be settled (or negotiated) between families and only in the 4th century the Christian couple would go to a priest to ask for his blessing.

    This book was written and printed with Vatican approval (called "Imprimatur")

    It means the Pope is meddling in a situation where the Vatican should have no business at all.

    There was always understandable Vatican resistance against divorce but in the Orthodox Church the partner who was deemed to be abandoned retained his or her right for a new marriage.

  4. cheesy.gifclap2.gif

    Luckily for the lesbians the Jewish Bible (Levethicus) prohibits only male homosexuality....because those days women were treated as merchandise for marriage and were not supposed to have a sex life ....so ladies go on ....you do not have the male organs to commit sodomite perversion

    ""no to sodomite perversion.""

    So, it's homosexuality they want to ban in the first instance. How can you ban nature?

    ""no to sodomite perversion.""

    So, it's their opinion that it is perversion. It's only an opinion. And a minority opinion at that.

    ""no to sodomite perversion.""

    So, how does that relate to following a lawful order?

    ""no to sodomite perversion.""

    So, religious nutters.


  5. Nonsense. Europeans are in charge of their own borders and their own refugee and immigration policy. If Merkel and Hollande want to flood their countries with a million Third World refugees a year and their citizens don't like it, then those citizens should do something about it. They put these people in office.

    This kind of attitude prevailed when in 1939 a ship (the St Louis) with Jews trying to escape Nazi Germany was refused entry into the USA...and the ship was sent back so that the Germans could "take care" of those Jews.


  6. Nothing can change the fundamental rule that :

    1. a good economy is where the people believe it is good

    2.a bad economy is where the people believe it is bad

    ....and nobody has been able to predict exactly when the change happens

    Most stock market investors behave like a pack of young dogs ...if they see that one dog thinks it found a good tree for a pee they all rush to pee at the same tree...until one of the pack barks in panic and than they all run for cover.

    Prof Mertens and Prof Scholes were two Nobel Price winners for Economy in 1997 but 3 years later their company went bankrupt


    And what to say about the (in)famous US rating agencies or even the "oracle of the Fed) Alan Greenspan who never saw any problem until Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008 ?.

    I agree but when the Nobel Laureates company went bankrupt, their company paid all their revenues out as bonuses and then filed bankruptcy to dodge bills -- a common tactic that makes the owners both very rich and immune from being pursued for corporate debts. All they have to do is not own more than a 35% stake in it (proxy buddies take care of that quite easily).

    Thank you for this quite interesting clarification. My main point was to illustrate that "economy" cannot be taught as a science because the human factor is more than 50 pct / suppose there is next week an overthrow of the rulers of Saudi Arabia...or China descends in its old habits of civil wars....then again all economic predictions, models and formula's will be thrown out of the window.

  7. Nothing can change the fundamental rule that :

    1. a good economy is where the people believe it is good

    2.a bad economy is where the people believe it is bad

    ....and nobody has been able to predict exactly when the change happens

    Most stock market investors behave like a pack of young dogs ...if they see that one dog thinks it found a good tree for a pee they all rush to pee at the same tree...until one of the pack barks in panic and than they all run for cover.

    Prof Mertens and Prof Scholes were two Nobel Price winners for Economy in 1997 but 3 years later their company went bankrupt


    And what to say about the (in)famous US rating agencies or even the "oracle of the Fed) Alan Greenspan who never saw any problem until Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008 ?.

  8. How quick we are to side with the father. Why? Because he's not Thai? Who are we to automatically assume the girl's best interests is with the father. For all we know he could be a total controlling ass. Wives leave husbands often because of abuse or child molestation, or simply because some husbands are as*holes.

    Good point, well made. As someone said earlier, there must be more to this story. There are always two sides to every story.

    ...why did the mother kidnap her daughter....if she did not trust Australian courts it is not a good sign for her

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