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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. No surprises here; the correct answer would be separation of power ..........
  2. See an immigration expert, KSS springs to mind. Check out www.kss.co.th for details; Khun Anuchai can be your man who touches applications only if he's sure to get the applicant through ???? Good luck
  3. Prawit might need to be woken up properly to understand, what a landslide means. The rest of the cronies; get ready to pack and clear the stage. The winner took 301,000+ votes, second runner-up 126,000+ and third in line came through the finish with 116,000+. I personally do not care as the Thai electorate obviously does not care ever or intervene since 1932 ... Those successive governments got voted into office, irrespective of "legalized" coup, vote buying or other Asian miracles = you can only blame the voters for either getting "blinded" or by just sitting around and complaining but nothing more than that.
  4. From a commercial point of view; I wonder how much cheaper the pork meat must have been in Brazil to send it across the Pacific via Singapore to a "neighbouring" country from where it got "smuggled" into Thailand to be sold at the local price levels. Taking the costs of a cool chain (freezing) of sea freight container transport, little envelopes at the "neighbouring" country, smuggler reefer truck to Thailand ....... the mind boggles. There's more to this story as well but in all fairness, who cares .............
  5. Well, if you are more comfortable with Mawlamyine compared to Moulmein, if you know that Myanmar is pronounced MeeAnMah and not MyAnMar, if you can remember that Kyimyindaing was Kemmendine, the river Ayeyarwady is easier to remember as Irrawaddy - then all is OK. 45 years ago I visited a beautiful place called Maymyo and stayed at the Candacraig, my last visit was to Pyin U Lwin whereas the Thiri Myaing was closed for renovation. It is their language but on a forum like this I try to keep things understandable despite me being fluent in Myanmarese ငါ့အတွေးကို မင်းလိုက်နာနိုင်မယ်လို့ ငါမျှော်လင့်တယ်။ ????
  6. Well, worst case scenario is to send the accredited ambassador to sit in ........
  7. If the junta would have done it with less drumming, it might have worked for the crooks. The lady will live a saver life but it is yet to be seen, if it will be a happy life. She spoke her mind, a tip to the hat for that; there is future in Burma and it just takes continuous rattling of the cage. Rangoon will be breathing down Bangkok's neck but the heck ....... after all, its on the same democratic level between the two ????
  8. Maybe, just maybe: get less toys for the army, air force and the navy allow any Thai citizen to study free, provided the student is finishing the programme within the earmarked framework of subject and duration As things stand now, it seems to be even a profitable business to the tune of 6,000,000,000 Baht. The quoted figures result in approx. 110,000 Baht per student. Well, I call this modern slavery; once the youngsters are out of education, the first thing is to work on repaying an average debt of 110K with a salary of 10K-15K gross a month. It does not require rocket science abilities to see where this is heading. The next generation(s) of this country will be equally shafted if nothing changes. The present beneficiaries of the status-quo though will be seeing rapid changes over time as the whole thing will backfire sooner or later, unless the issue is addressed in such a way, that also Thailand educates its people to their intellectual and not financial abilities; see Scandinavia or German-speaking Europe and then you will no longer wonder, why these countries have successful and profitable industries.
  9. Prayut Verdict Day; the latest addition to public holidays? Just asking .......
  10. See you further first ......... another one of those fantastic rulings and laws .....
  11. 1) do not try your luck, chances that this idea goes South is ............... 2) TM6 (arrival/departure card) is still very much a piece of mandatory paper, UNLESS you enter and leave by air. If a border crossing happens overland (or possibly by ship for argument's sake) then the TM6 form is required. I do frequent crossings in Laos and they insist on TM6; another not quite coordinated handling of a government form ????
  12. No, Sir, I would never even consider trying to gain "the trust" of a pitbull. Same missing confindence in "trust" I apply to i.e. crocodiles, any big cats (leopards, tigers or lions for that matter) or at sea of any sharks. These animals are, given a circumstance not known or recognizable to humans, dangerous. Their (re-)action is triggered off by their and not our instincts. So since they "can" be most loyal but not "guaranteed" most loyal I rather opt for less dangerous animals and, if it has to be a dog, there are many other dog species which are more predictable. Fact is, that most mauling by dogs go onto the account of "trusted" pitbulls - your call!
  13. Somchai was here ....... again! The Lord knows everything and the Thais know even a little more; unable to ask a native speaker to give 'em a helping hand in proof-reading a sign. Pattaya, Pat Thaya, Badtya, Battaye, Bad Thaeeya ...... Jomtien, Jomtien Beach, Chomtien, Chom Thian, Had Chom Thien ...... But at least they got the submarines sorted now .......... they come with Chinese engines and Thailand is launching customer (for the engines); maybe there is a Mandarin manual to it .......
  14. Certain dogs should be prohibited by law and Pitbull is one of them. There is no justifiable reason to have such a potential killing machine at home. The dog is not at fault but the dog is a dog is a dog and nobody can tell you with 100% certainty what it takes for the dog to go bananas.
  15. Thank you, do you - by chance - have the link to download the blank form to be filled in?
  16. Lack of self-confidence, inferiority complex or just an over-the-moon ego? We shall never know for sure .........
  17. The market price is, according to the above OP, some 217 Baht/kg. The smugglers manage to get this meat from outside Thailand, pay off customs officers at the point of entry, truck (including empty return), driver and the profit for the smugglers. I just wonder, at what price that pork has been sold originally as well as why this smuggling is financially still worthwile? Possibly the Thai pork is too expensive - to start with? Same with eggs, eggs in Nong Khai and eggs in Vientiane must come from different planets - by their pricing ????
  18. Active and passive = in Pattaya it happens, that people get suicided 8-)
  19. Well, well, in this land "people" are seeing so many things which are absolutely invisible anywhere else. If lighting struck the car then it might be possible, that some nearby are definitely deaf; whoever witnessed a lighting stroke nearby will confirm that. Furthermore - in most cases - hits the highest point first, i.e. a big tree on the country side or a lightning conductor rod on top of a building. but who am I to know; I was not in said parking lot of the bank when lightning stroke ???? and hence still hear and see everything clearly 8-)
  20. Anyone here to enlighten me on the following question? What is a 29 year old secretary doing in the mayor's BEDROOM in the first place? For years? Maybe the official's secretary, certainly paid to the pay scale of the government, might not be too happy with the payout at the end of the month?
  21. "not prioritizing the lives of the Thai people" Well, the minister is right, the priorities are defined with Somtam, Lao Khao, corruption, exploitation and other bigger fish to fry - me thinks!
  22. So what ???? I am absolutely sure the Embassy, the Foreign Office or the Royal Household had their own translation experts on hand ....... Only one English speaker in CNX fifty years ago - what a surprise ????
  23. Look at the overhead wiring and then try to imagine, how the underground wiring might look like. I seriously wonder, why the PEA is not checking "accomplished work" prior to pay sub-contractors? As they have to do the job anyway, it puzzles me, why everything has to be done two, three, four or many more times. But, this is Thailand, belongs to the Thais and it is yet another proof of their absolute ignorance or carelessness of what happens around them ...... as long as there is Lakorn, Somtam and Moo Ping ????
  24. Hold your horses and give 'em time to rewrite the constitution to the pleasing of the Wissanus, the Prayuths, the Prawits, the Anutins and the Thammanats ......... Rome was not built in a day and so it takes a moment to readjust the paperwork again ......... What a farçe. We're living in the 21st century and if you take Lord Buddha's calendar, then Thailand limps a few hundert years behind present-day politics - or am I getting this wrong as well?
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