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Posts posted by SinCityGr8One

  1. Notice how every thread based around doing business in Thailand is clouded in mystery.

    It's only a mystery to farangs who don't know how things operate here.

    That's why it's so important to have Thais front for you whenever and wherever possible.

    If you've been here a while and still don't have any Thais - family or friends - whom you can fully trust, then it's time to seriously consider leaving.

    I think it's unlikely one could ever meet a Thai they will trust 100%. And I don't say that b/c I think all Thais are liars or anything like that. Those people are easy to avoid... But in general our ways of thinking are too different.

    I cannot completely agree with your point of view, because a shady character in Bangkok will be a shady character in London, New York City, Paris, Sydney et.al., and it don't matter whether they are Thai or a Foreigner to me. Out of the 100's Thai's I know/knew, I've only had the misfortune of dealing with 1 bad apple Thai. Out of several dozen Foreigners, I've only had dealt with 1 bad apple also. And, this is over a period of over 10 Years here. Maybe, I'm lucky or perhaps I've pretty much have seen or heard it all, and I've been cautious on who earns 100% of my Trust. IMHO

  2. I would highly recommend you have your Testosterone Level checked. After age 30, the Human Male production decreases by 1% each passing year. As Testosterone Levels decrease, muscle mass decreases also and abdomen fat increases. I myself, had my level checked about 15 Years ago and found out that my level was very low. I have been on Testosterone Replacement Therapy since then and have the level checked Yearly. The Physician started me with Androgel 1% (5g.), which is in sachet packets, and comes in a box of 30. After my nightly shower, I administered the contents to my mid-Chest/Abdomen area. I was on that for 10 years. 5 Years ago, my Physician changed my Rx to Testosterone Cyprionate (Intramuscular Inject-able) 1 ML per Month. I practiced injecting an empty needle with an Orange as it has offers similar resistance to needles as the human body. Practice made perfect and I was able to do my first injection of Testosterone without a hitch. I self inject once a Month since then. I return to the USA once a Year to see my Physicians and get various tests done. I also am on BP, Heart, Cholesterol medications daily. The standard Testosterone level range is between 300 to 1000. My last test came back at 813. I do take an ED drug as needed as a performance enhancer. I've been on Viagra, Cialis and Levitra (All Rx by Physicians) with no ill effects to my overall health. I also walk 3 Km daily and exercise at a Fitness Center several times a week. I quit smoking Years ago and drink Alcohol infrequently. Also, I maintain a healthy diet. And refrain from eating Beef as much as possible. I am 64, (but most people guess that I am 50) and the Missus is 39. See a Physician FIRST and have a Testosterone Level test done thumbsup.gif before you do ANY type of treatment. IMHO. Chok Dee!

  3. He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

    Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

    That is one of respect.

    Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

    The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

    Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

    Would be interesting to know what questions was asked by the journalist?whistling.gif

    I think the question was" Prime Minister Prayuth, Sir, why are you wearing a brown shoe on your left foot and a black one on your right foot?"

  4. In the USA, wearing a Military Uniform with patches, if you were not in any Branch of Service is called "False Valor". It is a Federal Crime to do so. It's covered under 10 United States Code, subtitle A, part 2, chapter 45, sections 771 and 772. Anyone not is service wearing a uniform during Wartime is committing Treason. The penalty for that is Death and has been unchanged since the Revolutionary War. Wearing a Police officer or "Peace Officer" uniform by impersonating that position will get you charged with committing a "Felony Crime". It is unlawful especially after 9/11 to do so. You will probably be handed over to Homeland Security and be detained and questioned for a bit then charged. Your life will be miserable after that. Placed on the "Watch List" etc. I'm not sure how it will end up for the Thai Actor, but I don't think it will be severe as if it occured in the USA.

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  5. I think the Chinese are brilliant when it comes to purchasing Foreign Assets. The Waldorf-Astoria is right up on Top with brand recognition World-Wide. Further more, they are investing in residential real estate in the USA heavily. One area is in the Las Vegas Valley. Chinese buyers generally don't haggle with the listed price and pay cash for homes there. Regardless of all the talk by the naysayers, the Chinese view the USA as a safe haven for investment and will meet the residency requirement for their children's University education. With two way trade between the USA and PRC at $500 Billion per year, it is only natural for them to invest there. While the Thieves of Wall Street and Bankster's applaud plant closing and layoff's, the Chinese know that in order to continue to sell "Made in China" products, Americans need jobs to purchase them. That's why they will invest in Businesses also in the USA. They look for long term gain and not just today's bottom line. thumbsup.gif

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  6. I believe the following are the reasons for the High Tax on Vehicles in the Kingdom. For most new cars and trucks a 300% "road tax" is charged at time of purchase. For Luxury cars (BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, etc.) in the Kingdom, the road tax is 600%. The reason being is that the Tax generated, pays for road construction and maintenance. I also believe that a Tax of 500% is imposed on Tobacco and Alcohol. The Government determined that Cigarette smokers and Alcohol drinkers spend more time in Hospital than those that refrained from those habits. So, that tax is used to make all Government Hospital's essentially free (30 Baht for their service). I believe that those are the original reasons and might or might not be still valid.

  7. He has never been in a position like this.

    As a General he did not have to answer questions at all.

    So give him a bit time to his new challenge.

    Nobodys perfect.

    I am in total agreement with you. His entire career has been in the Military, rising up through the ranks to the top, in his 42 Years of military service to the Kingdom. His background is of a highly structured system. Going from the life of military service to being the Prime Minister, a Public Official, would be a challenging learning curve to anyone. One has to expect it will take some time for him to "lighten up" a bit when dealing with the Press. He was a little "stiff" at the Podium and has to learn to relax when giving answers to reporters questions. Regardless, he brought the Kingdom back from the edge of the abyss, and I think he has done a great job so far. thumbsup.gif

  8. It is a terribly written article - content free. The free democratic world takes a stand against military seizing of democratic and civilian government. The US should stand more on its stated principles and break off any relations with Thailand and stop pandering to Thailand military dictatorship representatives at US taxpayer expense.

    With opposing camps (Red Shirts & PDRC) just waiting for the right spark to ignite the conflagration, I am glad that General Prayuth Chan-ocha along with the Military stepped in and neutralized the situation. He gave both sides Months to resolve their differences and gave them two last chances to have a dialogue and settle their differences. By then, it was too far gone and the Kingdom was at the Abyss. He had to do what he was entrusted to do. First, and foremost is to protect the Monarchy. Second, not allow the Kingdom to erupt into Civil War. He did a great job with both tasks. The USA and Thailand have enjoyed mutual respect and friendship for 180 Years. I don't think breaking off relations would have benefited the USA. This is an internal affair of a Sovereign Nation. Breaking relations and/or imposing sanctions is only going to separate Countries further apart. Case in point, the current fiasco of strained relations and imposing sanctions between the USA/EU and Russia over the Ukraine debacle. Russia did a 180 and looked East and found a welcoming hand extended from China. Plus, I'm not sure what "Principles" the USA/EU has left. The past few decades have seen Invasion, Warfare and Conquest by the USA/EU by using it's "Principles" of Liberation and bringing so called "Democracy" to Sovereign Nations, especially in the Middle East along with Libya. They are ALL Broken States with millions of deaths, refugee populations, and in total chaos and despair. Plus, they are now the breeding grounds of ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh or whatever label you place on that group. I am glad the USA/EU did not interfere too much in The Kingdoms internal affairs and should have congratulated the Man responsible for what He did. IMHO. thumbsup.gif

  9. Hahahaha...... great joke.

    Keep it up Clarky....

    BTW 'slope' is not derogatory... It comes from the Vietnam war and was used by US troops to refer to Vietnamese Communist troops.

    Gooks, slopes, Cong, VC, Charlies ..... etc.

    Not for defaming reasons, but more a casual military designation.

    When the Brits liberated the Falkland Islands. The British Squadies referred to the island locals as 'Bennies'.... If you are a Brit you should know what I mean. For those who don't... Benny was the name of a popular 70s soap opera character, who happened to be mildly retarded.

    The military put out a communique to all squaddies and contractors not to refer to the locals as 'Bennies'... So after that everyone referred to them as 'stills'.

    They're 'still' Bennies........ lol.

    The first character that came into my was the late "Benny Hill". A true master of comedy. IMHO

  10. No, You are wrong. Who cares how he gets the money or how high his rents are. He is the richest man in Thailand because he has the most money. Game, set, match. Forbes beats your small sample of anecdotal evidence.

    NO, YOU are wrong. First off, Forbes makes a great liner for the bottom of a bird cage, I get all the Financial and Business information by subscribing to the Financial Times and from my Financial Planner. Second, Good for him he is the richest man in Thailand. It makes no difference to me because I'm NOT. I've lived in Thailand for over a Decade and have all I need to live comfortably in a Condo in Bangkok and a getaway house in the Mrs. Village. I go to Malls, Mega Malls, Hub Malls infrequently and I will reiterate my original post just for YOU. I go and see lots of window shoppers without carrying bags. I see stores mostly devoid of shoppers and alot of staff just milling about. I do see the kiosks, food court and pharmacies busy but that's about it. I do see more purchases being made in Patpongs Night Market and the surrounding Sala Dang area. Also, the Suan Phlu Night Bazaar and the stalls up and down Sukhumvit are also busy. The fact of the matter is he is rich from the amount of malls and the high lease rates he gets monthly. Plus, stores in the malls are always changing because they don't have the purchasing customer base and fold up like a cheap umbrella. You are trying to challenge what I personally see and experience first hand and I will not allow you to change my mind. "He is the richest man in Thailand because he has the most money"? That's like saying "The bucket is full because the water is up to the top". What does your arguing points regarding wealthy families have to do with a lot of shoppers walking around Malls empty handed? NOTHING! It's meaningless, devoid of any factual matter. Game, set, match? <deleted> is that supposed to mean? I'll go one BETTER! GOAL! And the clock runs out of time! YOU, the loser strolls down wash out lane! Sha Nah Nah Nah- Sha Nah Nah Nah-Hey Hey Hey-Good Bye! cheesy.gif

    Stop the childish flaming. I wrote, "Who is the richest man in Thailand and what does he do for a living? The new No. 1 is the Chirathivat family, owners of the Central Group, a retail and hotel conglomerate that saw group revenues rise 27% to a record $7 billion in 2013."

    That is the truth and you have written nothing that disputes that. "At the height of the Thai political crisis in 2014 which saw widespread unrest, Chirathivat opened the most luxurious of his Bangkok shopping centres to date. Central Embassy bowed with much fanfare welcoming the likes of Prada, Hermès, Tom Ford and Christian Louboutin." //www.businessoffashion.com/tos-chirathivat

    Since you subscribe to the Financial Times I'm sure you read the article below.

    You feel better, business is better, everything’s better,” Mr Tos (Chirathivat) says during an interview in Harrods’ tea room, one of scores of luxury brands hosted by Central’s Embassy mall in the Thai capital. “We had no peace; lots of fighting and lots of argument; every party was blaming each other. And now it’s peaceful.


    So Mr Chirathivat the richest man in Thailand says, "The last month has been good and the next two months should be very good,” Mr Tos says. “But then, after that, we need to see what will happen.

    I guess we could question his education vs yours? Tos the richest man in Thailand,

    "Education: 1981-1985 Degree in Economics at Wesleyan University, Connecticut

    1986-1987 MBA in Finance at Columbia University

    VS your mall walking fantasies. Well like they sat up to you who to believe.

    "Stop the childish flaming"? "mall walking fantasies"? Are You NUTS or something like that? Get over it Pal, and Yes I have a MBA Degree from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. You need not question me any further because your argument is starting to make me think you are some sort of Lunatic. I personally don't give a Rat'5 A55 about your opinion. I did not in the beginning and I still don't. Opinions are just like A55holes, because everybody has one. However, you have self achieved in making yourself appear like one with the continuation of a senseless argument. You can take your all of your arguments and stick them up where the Sun Don't Shine! Are you locked up in an Asylum, or perhaps friendless with nothing better to do than argue with me over something quite stupid and boring. Your arguing points about the richest man in Thailand has absolutely nothing to do with my original posting. I've explained my position and my conclusion will not be changed by someone like yourself. I suggest you do something else with your time rather than argue with me. I sent you down Wash Out Lane before, now beat it! Can you dig it? DONE! beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

  11. I've only been to these Mega Malls just a few times, and most of the stores I see are empty of shoppers. Plus, most of the strollers in the Mall are carrying no shopping bags. The only businesses I see thriving are in the food courts,pharmacies or the little kiosks in the center that sell cremes, cosmetics and beauty products to female customers. I think most people in the Malls are window shopping and taking advantage of the air conditioning to beat the heat outdoors. smile.png

    Who is the richest man in Thailand and what does he do for a living? The new No. 1 is the Chirathivat family, owners of the Central Group, a retail and hotel conglomerate that saw group revenues rise 27% to a record $7 billion in 2013.


    Some one is right and someone is wrong. You or Forbes?

    I am right! He is the richest man in Thailand because of the Astronomically sky high rents his company charges for the lease per sq. meter of retail space. Not by the amount of shoppers who are actually purchasing merchandise in his malls. I also don't believe the Chirathivat family places an added surcharge on every item the shoppes sell in their malls to accumulate their wealth. However, I could be wrong with that one. Forbes and You are looking at the bull's eye. I'm looking at the entire target. It is weird when you go into a Mall and six months later a shoppe is going under renovation because another business has failed and a different one is moving into that space. I'll stand my ground on this one based on personal observation and experience and not what a bedazzled writer in Forbes gushes about. wai2.gif

    No, You are wrong. Who cares how he gets the money or how high his rents are. He is the richest man in Thailand because he has the most money. Game, set, match. Forbes beats your small sample of anecdotal evidence.

    NO, YOU are wrong. First off, Forbes makes a great liner for the bottom of a bird cage, I get all the Financial and Business information by subscribing to the Financial Times and from my Financial Planner. Second, Good for him he is the richest man in Thailand. It makes no difference to me because I'm NOT. I've lived in Thailand for over a Decade and have all I need to live comfortably in a Condo in Bangkok and a getaway house in the Mrs. Village. I go to Malls, Mega Malls, Hub Malls infrequently and I will reiterate my original post just for YOU. I go and see lots of window shoppers without carrying bags. I see stores mostly devoid of shoppers and alot of staff just milling about. I do see the kiosks, food court and pharmacies busy but that's about it. I do see more purchases being made in Patpongs Night Market and the surrounding Sala Dang area. Also, the Suan Phlu Night Bazaar and the stalls up and down Sukhumvit are also busy. The fact of the matter is he is rich from the amount of malls and the high lease rates he gets monthly. Plus, stores in the malls are always changing because they don't have the purchasing customer base and fold up like a cheap umbrella. You are trying to challenge what I personally see and experience first hand and I will not allow you to change my mind. "He is the richest man in Thailand because he has the most money"? That's like saying "The bucket is full because the water is up to the top". What does your arguing points regarding wealthy families have to do with a lot of shoppers walking around Malls empty handed? NOTHING! It's meaningless, devoid of any factual matter. Game, set, match? &lt;deleted&gt; is that supposed to mean? I'll go one BETTER! GOAL! And the clock runs out of time! YOU, the loser strolls down wash out lane! Sha Nah Nah Nah- Sha Nah Nah Nah-Hey Hey Hey-Good Bye! cheesy.gif

  12. Who says that innovation, originality, design and forward planning cannot be found in Thailand?

    Beyond Imagination is right. What a boost for Thailand's image.

    Here we will see growing out of the sludge of cement and steel girders the greatest mall ever.

    Even the name is truly amazingly beyond expectations.. "Central" (erm unlike any others in Thailand - well can't really avoid that can they) "Westgate" (erm because it is in the west of the city and leading into it?) Anyway, it is sure to be filled with all the well-known brand name fashion shops that Thais like to see as they walk past. A giant food court will sell all the favourite Thai street dishes adapted for a relatively clean room , and every corner will have a branch of Mcdonalds, Starbucks, Burger King, Pizza Hut etc etc which will give visitors unparalleled consumer choice. Truly inspired planning.

    Weekdays it will be a paradise for local school children and uni kids to wander around for hours while they wait for their school or their parents to arrange a better alternative. Weekends the wide and sterile corridors will be filled with huge numbers of families who have the opportunity to spend their free weekends looking in the windows of expensive brand name shops selling imported goods they cannot afford.

    And the master stroke of genius - locate it outside the city centre, so everyone will have to drive there. The planners have had the best interests of the city inhabitants at heart. Once the most important families have discovered this new and exciting way to do exactly the same shopping experience as every other mall offers, then the police will not have to close all the main roads in the city to provide a safe passage for the motorcade to use, just the roads on the outskirts. This will improve traffic flow no end.

    Well done - great to see positive news and urban development with foresight...

    Bravo! clap2.gif Spot on Posting!

  13. I've only been to these Mega Malls just a few times, and most of the stores I see are empty of shoppers. Plus, most of the strollers in the Mall are carrying no shopping bags. The only businesses I see thriving are in the food courts,pharmacies or the little kiosks in the center that sell cremes, cosmetics and beauty products to female customers. I think most people in the Malls are window shopping and taking advantage of the air conditioning to beat the heat outdoors. smile.png

    Who is the richest man in Thailand and what does he do for a living? The new No. 1 is the Chirathivat family, owners of the Central Group, a retail and hotel conglomerate that saw group revenues rise 27% to a record $7 billion in 2013.


    Some one is right and someone is wrong. You or Forbes?

    I am right! He is the richest man in Thailand because of the Astronomically sky high rents his company charges for the lease per sq. meter of retail space. Not by the amount of shoppers who are actually purchasing merchandise in his malls. I also don't believe the Chirathivat family places an added surcharge on every item the shoppes sell in their malls to accumulate their wealth. However, I could be wrong with that one. Forbes and You are looking at the bull's eye. I'm looking at the entire target. It is weird when you go into a Mall and six months later a shoppe is going under renovation because another business has failed and a different one is moving into that space. I'll stand my ground on this one based on personal observation and experience and not what a bedazzled writer in Forbes gushes about. wai2.gif

  14. Bribe a Cop to not take a Bribe? Up is down and down is up? Timepieces run counter clockwise. Dogs sleeping with cats! WOW! the fact of the matter is that The Tourism Authority of Thailand does it promotion of the Kingdom under the banner of "Amazing Thailand". And boy,oh boy, they aren't joking. How true it is! But, in reality, the banner should be "Welcome to the Twilight Zone"! You're traveling through another dimension - a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. There's a signpost up ahead: Your next stop: the Twilight Zone of Thailand! biggrin.png

  15. Most of the International Police Community have a Motto such as "To Serve and Protect". Unfortunately, it's a well known fact that not all but a majority of the RTP are under their own Motto of "To Serve Oneself and Protect Each Other" While the Kingdom is under Martial Law, a clean sweep of the RTP needs to be done from top to bottom. Have units of the Combined Armed Forces do traffic, safety, patrol and other Police tasks. Rebuilding a revitalized National Police Force is like opening up a Lego set and it will take time. Piece by piece has to be joined together to make something sound, and in the end to be happy and proud of what's been accomplished. thumbsup.gif

  16. Thailand and the word Corruption go hand in hand. It has been part of each generation in the Kingdom. It would have to be eliminated through educating the masses. Corruption and Extortion is detrimental to everyone's life and the Future of the entire Kingdom. If it takes terminating the entire Royal Thai Police Department, so be it. Martial Law is in effect and street patrol and public safety can be handled by utilizing the Combined Royal Armed Forces to do that. Politicians must be given a strict warning regarding graft and extortion. Business leaders must also tow the line. Every Public Official that violates the Law will be handled accordingly and penalties for violators will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Take the P.R.C. for example. Recently a high ranking Chinese Official in the Financial Sector was tried and convicted of extorting $25 Million while in Office. Shortly after the trial, he was tied to a stake, had his mouth stuffed with lemon wedges (Not sure why?) and was shot by firing squad. Ok, that might not be appropriate for the Kingdom, but perhaps it's a good idea for the Criminals of Wall Street and London's "The City" Financial District, but that's a whole another story. But, now is the time for a thorough house cleaning of the Kingdom and eliminating "Tea Money" once and for all. IMHO. thumbsup.gif

  17. Actually everything the ASEAN Community needs is in Singapore right now. Why would any Bangkok Political talking head come up with these far fetched pipe dreams to transform Bangkok into something that would never be attainable is beyond me. Where is all the money going to come from to finance all these projects. Especially for green areas? The cost of taking down multiple Skyscrapers in the city center would be prohibitive and Yes, that's where they are needed. Unless they plan on green areas on the outskirts of the City where fewpeople would venture out to. Plan on that 100 to 200 Years from now. Begin immediately, with improving the elders lives. Increase their Monthly Pension from 600 Baht to 6,000+ Baht per person. Increase the Budget for Education, so students can have enhanced knowledge of World Affairs and English skills that will enable them to pursue quality employment after graduation. 7-11 really doesn't need anymore cashiers with University Degrees in useless studies. 50% of University graduates cannot find employment in their area of education. Today's youth are Thailand's future movers and shakers. Now is the time for Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha to shine. Analyze all these plans, schemes and dreams. General Sir, use your broad knowledge and Military discipline to enrich all the peoples lives through out the Kingdom. Having a Show Piece City while people still live in squalor and are dependent on family members to survive their daily lives just don't make sense. Bangkok is Bangkok. I Love it. I call it Home. However, Bangkok is not the entire kingdom. Politicians need to see the entire target and not just focus on the bull's eye. IMHO. wai2.gif

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