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Posts posted by onni4me

  1. If I ever would consider renting my property - which is sitting on 5 Rai of land with nice garden and 600 sq. meter of buildings - I would be looking at least one years deposit. I have 8 air-cons and substantial amount of furniture around including pool table etc.

    Why would I rent to anyone who could not guarantee my assets to be in place and in good condition when he would leave? If there would be someone smashing everything and selling some easily cashed items and disappear, where would I go for help?

    It's okay when you rent some typical Farang house with sub-standard furniture but anything upscale is probably not available on same terms. And what comes to rental agreements, they are valid only for two years without validating them at the land office. Normally less then two years is preferred since then there is not necessarily need to pay rental income tax... These signed agreements - if the signature is actually from the owner - are as binding as they would be in another country.


    Since He was at it for over 40 years at least the old lady could have been 30 at the time... he abused not only children but also inmates  psychiatric patients and disabled, of ALL ages.


    ... youll be in the tiny % along with the abusers that think that. 


    PS witchcraft is mumbo jumbo whereas rape paedophilia and sex abuse is very very real....... a little different wouldnt you say ? whistling.gif



    If you would have clicked the link I provided it would show you that witchcraft was taken VERY seriously and mass hysteria occurred. Hundreds of people die been hanged and/or jailed. 


    So you were there witnessing everything? If not, you believe everything that Sun and other beaming media papers print? You might believe in UFOs but there is still not enough evidence. 


    I have seen during my years that people believe anything and it has nothing to do with truth always. Some seek revenge, some seek their 15 minutes in the public eye and some just imagine things. 


    This is no defense to pedophilia but blaming someone who is dead, what good will come out of it? His reputation and achievements have been laid to the gutter and he can't defend himself. Being accused of pedophilia - even without any proof - is the witch hunt of today.

  3. However, and I don't mean this to sound like Thai bashing but, I do theorize that the vagueness of the Thai language is a contributor to the Thai habit of being, ahem, liberal with the truth, which is one reason why there's no great push to make it more precise.

    I have been wondering if the way they teach to be polite and submissive (to their superiors and people in power) has anything to do with it?

    Politeness goes ahead of being clear-spoken, perhaps? Not to mention 'Face'...er...let's not go there. I have noticed that even educated Thais feel uncomfortable when talking about problems and things not going right direction.

    There are few exceptions and they have normally been educated outside Thailand and hold top positions in private sector, not the government where the 'Thai exceptionality' flourishes...unfortunately these two every now and then collide and the politics dictates the marching order.

    • Like 1
  4. One point that seems to be lost every time is that life is it's entirety is not predictable. Things change and happen.

    If I would have to choose between obeying all the little regulations and laws and ignoring the needs of my family, the choice would be easy. No law goes before my family. If I have to choose between putting food in front of my people or pay for ridiculous trips and paperwork, am I wrong to suggest that the needs of close ones come first?

    What I am trying to say that not everyone is rich high-flyer capable buying his way through or investing zillions for some not-so-attractive government issued bond.

    Some of us would be just happy to live with our families. Clear and predictable visa rules - especially when they seem to change or implement them with varying degrees - are much needed. These laws and regulations effect families, real people with problems and difficulties. Government should do it's utmost to help people, not to make their lives more difficult.

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  5. And how about the missus? Where is she in all this? Not working in an apartment/house of 60K deposited? Wow! To me 60K would pay 10 months of rent if I never needed to rent...

    I might be not so big earner but no doubt if I ever was in trouble my partner and/or his family would find enough cash to get me going.

    I admit freely that there was an occasion that I was overstaying. It was a bit similar event of not noticing my visa to expire combined with a family problems like MIL falling sick and been taken to hospital.

    I have found that my family and partner are there for help when needed. We have our problems but when trouble shows it's ugly head, they come together.

    BTW, I just yesterday mentioned that it seems to be an every day thing now that a poster of a few messages appears with stories of misery and distress. I hope these "dailies" are not mass produced by someone with several nicks.

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  6. So, means no toilet trips anymore, no reaching for luggage?

    Now it becomes good deal for the driver to stop and point guilty bad Farangs to coppers that don't use their safety belts. Who expects a Thai to pay up to 5000 Baht for not using a safety belt?

    I suppose only way to enforce this would be putting it on the bus company's responsibility and not allowing customers to stay in bus in case they refuse. Otherwise, it is just another stupid way to collect money.

    And I have been saved once by a belt in a car accident.

  7. I can't be bothered to read much further than few first replies to OP.

    Is it just me or is Thaivisa nowadays full of new posters like Khai59 (59 years old?) starting a thread a day and always coming up with most awkward and strange claims. I seem to remember quite a few threads...

    I wouls like moderators to act and check whether all these pleads of help and cries for understanding come from same IP address. It is not fair for those with real problems to troll here and make silly stories.

    To me chances that 19 yo. guy meets 19 yo. normal girl and makes her pregnant without much details and wants to throw away his future skipping studies just sounds too unbelievable without more information like where they met, what she /her family does...

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  8. Umm...300 million expected from 200000 people...that in my math makes 1500 Baht per person, not 100...but anyone who expects to get anything worthwhile with that price is deluded anyway.

    Keep going TAT. I believe will be looking something else elsewhere. The scams and double pricing has taken it's toll not to mention living here 10+ years. To relax I rather look some other country where they don't try to skim or scam you in every turn and twist.

  9. I have never had any problems with renting. Problem is getting the deposit back but in those two cases I just stayed as long as the deposit would have covered the rent. There is very little the owner can do if you have a legal contract.

    In many cases, though, person renting the property is not capable of checking whether the person signing the lease is actually the owner. I would strongly recommend to have a lawyer draft the paperwork if the money involved is a substantial one.

    It seems that here are quite a many people very distrusting the Thai rental agreements. I repeat, when done properly never had any problems with them. Quite the opposite if someone is trusting her two-week bar lady to do the arrangements. I have always dealt with rental issues myself accompanied with a solicitor, of course. Less hassle and problems.

  10. Does anyone know the maximum for commercial premises, i was told 3 years for commercial and anything after that has to be registered at the land registry.

    As far as I understand same 2 years applies to commercial properties.

    Main reason why owners normally don't want to do longer than 2 year contracts is that when registered they have to pay the rental tax on the spot. And that can be as high as 30% of the income.

    So they simply make up to 2 years leases instead.

    In some cases the land under the commercial buildings belongs to the government so it can not legally be rented to a third party longer than 1 or 2 year periods without consulting the government offices. It can be very big hurdle sometimes if the actual land is public property. In many cases it was meant for low income families for small businesses but times...they keep changing.

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  11. From the owners perspective...I have invested a substantial money in my properties and would not allow anyone to rent without a considerable deposit. The risk is just too big. There are things that one can be easily destroyed or sold to someone worth hundreds of thousands of baht.

    What comes to renting, I would not do it if it wouldn't be short-term or very affordable. Or making money out of it as a business.

    Depending what you two agree but lease is valid only maximum 2 years without validating it in the court/land office.

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  12. To start with, the price of land seems very high to me. Here, near Khon Kaen farming land is maybe 40000-70000 Baht a Rai. To dig a well - or rather drill it - is about 30000 Baht and if no water, no pay.

    I grow Jackfruit, it needs to keep it's roots dry, not in waterbed. And water can't stale on it's roots either. It will rot away. I have coconut trees, teak, some Marian plum and a lot of different varieties of mango grown from seed. Mango is easy to grow, just take the seed out from the pocket and plant it in a pot. This way you end up with tap root and roots. The mangoes they sell have roots of some other tree and don't stay alive too many years producing fruit.

    Depends what you like. I have been testing and some plants grow well and some just die. Dragon fruit is easy and doesn't need much work. Passion fruit can be vine can grow on trees that you grow anyway. Also pepper vine needs some tree to hold on to.

    I have found gardening very relaxing and rewarding despite some mishaps.

    Lots of information can be found from internet by browsing the name of the plants that you are interested in. Good time to plant is when the rainy season starts. Good luck with your endeavors.

  13. The problem is that Tramadol cocktails (Tramadol + Coca Cola) have become a popular recreational drug amongst the youth in Thailand. Since a schoolboy overdosed on Tramadol Cocktail at a school in Samut Prakarn in August last year, they have clamped down on it as Tramadol is an opiate.

    Why is it that when discussing some medicine, we have to take an example of people knowingly abusing it? Anything can be used in a wrong way. Take sniffing glues for instance. Should they be banned?

    People who want screw their heads, go ahead. Tramadol is an analgesic so it muffles whatever is going on in a body. It is not recommended for young people anyway.

    What comes to overdose, it is far from being very effective way to depart this world. Although, for people already suffering from liver problems or similar it is also not recommended.

    You say that it has become popular among the young people? One dead? Any links or it didn't happen.

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