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Posts posted by onni4me

  1. tattoos (except religious ones) is a clear sign that the individual does not have a mental ability to get an education. so why teacher should waste time on him?

    I see.

    I have quite large tattoo on my shoulder. I also have Masters degree from a university. I assume you speak about yourself stating above as a fact?

    There are plenty of people who like to make claims about other people without having a clue what they are talking about. You seem to be one of them.

  2. 300,000 hush money. That's cool. Are the parents happy now ? Thainess.

    Expect an enslaught from the posters who have gone native.

    Did you mean onslaught?

    I don't have a clue what us gone 'native' would normally say but the truth is that since the girl was underage the parents had a say on what was going on. A year more and it would have been a different matter. It seems clear that they had been in sexual intercourse and that is defined as 'abuse of a minor' or even a 'rape' not depending mutual consent. A Thai guy that age should've known better IMHO.

    Unfortunately, this is quite regular pattern here in the sticks and I've witnessed myself a 16 yo. having a boyfriend making all kinds of promises and she got pregnant and when he got tired of her they actually appeared on our doorstep the guy saying that we (<deleted>!?) should take the girl back since he was the daughter of my partners brother. I refused. The girl was bad news anyway, She used to steal my mobile phone and only got it back after demanding it back from the parents.

    My personal approach to Thai problems is to turn a blind eye if it doesn't concern me or my family directly. Som Nam Nah.

    I am sorry for the couple but instead of killing myself I would have looked the cards before. No forward planning, responsibility or patience causes this kind of results.

    So, did you enjoy an onslaught from a person gone 'native'?

  3. If the priority is to develop a serious working career, then take the job offer in China over a continuation of the experience you have been getting in Thailand. What you might want to do is use your job in China as a springboard to learning to read/write/speak the Chinese language. This can be an important addition to your CV which could lead to opportunities further down the road in say 2/3 years time.

    Actually, what you say is exactly what I think.

    The pay is not that great. I had a short visit to my native country and just can't do it there anymore. Pissing down rain most of the year when it's not freezing below zero...after been here over a decade just can't cope up with the environment anymore.

    I am thinking of taking the position. They are rather slow with the paperwork but hope they get it sorted out.

    Thanks for your post. Nice to see that someone has better input than correct other people's grammatical errors. whistling.gif

  4. Your first sentence says you have been working, (illegally), part time with no work permit - yet at the end of your post, you say you are not willing to work like that. Make your mind up.

    It is not the Thai educational industry that has a problem with visas/extensions/work permits, it is probably more down to the passport that you hold.

    Whatever one tends to write here always gets a reply from a person like you.

    I have been working also to an institute directly under the control of Thai government without a work permit/visa. Only paper I got was an APO letter where they had set the dates when I was supposed to be wherever I was supposed to be.

    When asked (emailed) the institute about WP and so on got no answer...sent another email where I said I suppose everything's alright since no answer...later heard through a Thai friend working there they don't like to process the paperwork since it would give me certain rights and make them do something for their salary...they f.e. took my report made for an other company that I worked with, translated it into Thai and published as their own achievement...no wonder I didn't feel like working for them no more...

    And this was one of the most respectable places here in LOS where I worked a short period. So, when I refer to difficulties getting all necessary done, I am not talking about MY unwillingness to go by the rules. I am talking about the Thai side that normally likes to go the easiest way meaning what costs them less money and sweat.

    I worked illegally with a Thai teacher and was paid under the table. SO what? It was not the way I like but I was given no other options and she was happy, students were happy and I had something to do.

    And what do you mean referring to my passport? I hold a degree from a recognized university. My background is clean and have years of experience, speak three languages fluently, three other passably. I see no problem holding a Scandinavian passport.

  5. Only difference dealing with Thais would be that I would make perfectly clear what my cut would be before buying, renting or planting anything. That way they would not have one word to say. I am too careful not to get in any business dealings with Thais that require planning and long-term maintenance. I have sometimes bought something cheap when they were out of business selling furniture or similar. I have nightmares if I need to think I'm in business with most of the people around. Nothing against helping or starting business with family as such but when I have discussed the alternatives and ROI they have no clue so I rather leave it at that. Helps to maintain my sanity.

    But to be honest, you are probably the only person I know who has ever made any money from agricultural endeavors here in LOS. Maybe there are more but only heard rumors, not verified.

    Longan seems to make nice money, though. I might plant few trees myself for personal use.

  6. I have occationally been teaching in Thailand to keep myself occupied. I hold MA degree from a Scandinavian university and would like to get a full-time job here but there seems to be the same problems that riddle Thai educational industry like no work permits provided, iffy agreements and so on. I used to teach in my home country art related subjects like printing methods on professional level and sometimes as a class teacher. Our educational system in Scandinavia is different from English language ones but not much different regarding the level of professionalism, I suppose.

    My encounters with Thai schools or other private schools here have been mostly always negative ones. The unwritten rule seems to be that they like to put all responsibility on you and provide little or no support regarding jumping the legal hoops. Not to mention students that in government schools seem to try to avoid learning at any price...with very little exceptions...those exceptions are very few and far apart. I like to feel that my efforts as a teacher are appreciated and that students attending classes have the intention to learn.

    Now I have been offered a job in China with housing, sort of reasonable pay, tickets and visas included and the salary is in net so I know what I am looking for. The only thing is that I have never been to China and know very little of the everyday life. The decision has to be made in one month since the job would start 1st of September. I would really like a job in Thailand but if the only offers are iffy jobs with no legal paperwork done, my answer is no. Have tried to ask around but so far only part-time and no work visa offered which I refused. If anyone has something to offer can privately message me.

    So, anyone been to China? Would like to hear practical advice.

  7. Hmm...closing 40...not been married yet...hmm...

    I have nowadays my own idea how to deal with these kind of situations.

    1. I say that this is not my culture and we don't do this where I come from. Actually, in the old times the bride was supposed to pay dowry to the man's household...

    2. I say I'll have to think about it. And add that I am willing to 'take care' and so on paying all expenses and so on...and if she feels it's not enough then I have to really think about it.

    Other than that, it's all about money grab...

  8. The number is expected to soar next week due to the long holiday

    Umm...perhaps ban on alcohol and service industry closed = more tourists coming..?

    I must admit my ignorance and admit that I have never planned my holidays or visits in this country according to local holidays...except avoiding one...Songkhran that is since I hate been soaked in water with my mobile and wallet...but that's just how boring I am.

  9. I would like to add that speaking of real estate somewhere in Europe and here there are different specifications like insulation and so on but as a good guesstimate I say 1/5 or 1/4 of the square meter of the prices in Western Europe.

    Now, many will say 5K per m2 is way too low but on what? 1 Floor simple build on easy foundation?

    Or some say 28K m2 is cheap for condo or even 200K

    There are reasons why something costs. I was thinking earlier to have something like 3+ Floors but decided against it due to foundation costs. It can take up to several million Baht to have solid footings for multiple floor building. Engineer much needed and so on or who is qualified to say anything about a site without further knowledge? It could be on earthquake area or marshland.

    And when it comes to what level we consider "finished" there are all kind of considerations. Fittings and furnishings can easily double the prize of build or are we talking here just basic concrete box without much anything? I've never heard anyone call air-con or water heater house furnishing but maybe I'm old-fashioned.

    I was talking with a lady that runs local hardware store how much she reckons building cost here in the Isaan sticks if talking about hiring a local company and so on. Her rather insightful answer was 15000 Baht per sq. meter. That normally qualifying for a mortgage and so on containing roughly 30% profit for the constructing company and some for other middle hands.

  10. I've been building/constructing here 3 houses, one of them being a commercial one.

    There is no straight answer since it all depends whether its a company building for you or you just pay daily wages or lump sum for some finished job.

    The last one I built was nice quality rental rooms, sort of resort style with hot water, air-cons, nice tiling, heat insulated metal sheet roof. I consider the result to be very nice with slightly higher ceilings and nice - but not expensive - fittings.

    I asked for few offers and ended up buying the stuff myself and hiring local help. Some things like ceilings I ordered from guys specialized in them. They charged per square meter and worked quick and professional.

    There are things like the quality of concrete. The chippings in it are different size depending strength and price likewise can double. There are also different cement used depending the use. You can buy a cubic meter starting around 1200 Baht to 2000 or even upwards.

    I mention concrete since it takes a lot from footings and from other structure hidden under the house. If talking about one floor building it's almost 50% when the build starts to go upwards from the ground. 3 or more floors you can double the prize easily. The basic footings in my opinion can take 2 floors but when going higher one needs more support.

    I ended up paying appr. 4600 Baht per square meter and few extras for this and that. The cheapest offer from a company was 2 million, I paid 1,2.

  11. Hmm...was on the opposite side Saturday and not many people around. Same type of activity but in small bamboo hut type of things built on water. Mostly Thais (say 'mostly' which actually means that I did not detect one foreigner besides myself) and not many of them either.

    I wonder why they would try to escape to that beach. Not much ways to hide from sun. I would like to hear it from someone who was there that the place was packed. It certainly is DURING Songkhran but after..?

  12. I have tried to suggest a Thai family member to get his own shophouse - if possible - since he has had the hassle from landlord or one might say nothing needed is ever done or repaired and I try to tell him to get a mortgage and then he could do the necessary alterations himself.

    I am not much use since I have no clue how the system of getting a mortgage works.How much money is needed and so on.

    Anyone got a mortgage for commercial property and knows the drill? I would be happy to have some idea. The guy in question is very hard worker but not very good negotiating with banks. Seems that he is a bot shy asking them the direct questions. Maybe scared of "losing face" when not really very knowledgeable about that sort of things.

  13. That annex protects certain businesses in which Thais are deemed not ready to compete directly with foreigners.

    So being Thai makes you unable to compete? Okay...got that...but these individuals are needed to own more than half of your company to make it a success? Something's wrong here...

    I wonder how many more years it takes from them to be able to raise to the real world?10? 30? 100?

    • Like 1
  14. martial law would stay in place until there was “total stability”. Meanwhile the troubled Thai economy is stagnating further and the country’s image abroad is looking shakier by the day.

    Total stability? Sounds like a good idea in the nowadays rather hectic international environment...maybe bring back the old traditional ways of life in good ol' Siam...er...Thailand...

    I can not figure what should happen that would make the image of today's Thailand to be more shaky? Military junta and all...maybe torturing and killing their own citizens? Show trials before firing squad? I am actually amazed that the Thai economy and Baht is not taking more hit than it is...anyone has any idea why so?

  15. One man's hut is another man's castle. Equitable?

    The hut is tax at Bt1,000. The castle at Bt100,000. Both are homes.

    And how you see the difference in meaning of 1000Baht to a poor farmer making 250 a day compared to a millionaire making 100K a day?

    As far as I am aware, when building house for my Thai family, we paid 7% VAT on everything and added to local economy by paying the daily wages.

    I think that 7% is fair enough for nothing. Don't you?

  16. He is becoming too cautious and more like a politician.

    I don't agree with his decision of delaying land and building taxes.

    Those taxes are overdue in Thailand.

    In 2 years the politicians in charge will do nothing, fearing the loss of votes.

    You have the power in your hands Prime Minister, don't let it go wasted.

    Now is the time to impliment laws that will help Thailand in the future.

    With few alterations...and a question why would foreigners have any say what Thais do or don't? Personally living on this planet more than four decades I've witnessed so many taxes collected mostly benefiting those in power with their bureaucrats...I feel that at least once home should not be taxed. Everyone needs a place to live in.

    Those taxes are overdue in Greece.

    In 2 years the politicians in charge will do nothing, fearing the loss of votes.

    You have the power in your hands Prime Minister, don't let it go wasted.

    Now is the time to implement laws that will help Greece in the future.

    • Like 1
  17. I'm in my native country at the moment. Thailand has been one of the most popular locations for holidays but now they reported 26% drop in numbers people heading that way.

    Somehow, I am not surprised at all. Something goes wrong - blame the Farang. Economy is going down the drain - blame the Farang. We have lousy service, expensive prices and they no like - blame the...etc. etc. etc.

  18. I personally have nothing against people living the way they choose but been always been wondering how such arrangements work in real life. Anyone having such experience? I would be interested to hear.

    On the other hand, French have always had their mistresses and 'marriage of convinience' like the Mr. Hollande with the latest actress using public money on her expenses...(sigh)...I suppose when someone is wealthy enough and the couple grows tired of being together some form of "arrangements" come into equation.

    In this case I just wonder what kind of questions they have to tackle with? Like jealousy and so on. Or was this just a publicity stunt since no place was announced?

  19. Well, I am not looking for anything. Still got my bf of decade or so. As I tried to say, had my profile online and started getting these messages. Out of momentary boredom wanted to know how long it takes to reach the money asking stage...in this case it took a bit longer than normal.

    I would never send any money to someone I know only from the web. Not that into giving anything to people I know either...

  20. I have been around for four decades and still not met with anyone I would call 'normal'. Seems we all are different in various kind of ways.

    The sad thing is that sexuality is used to make people behave as needed to support the ruling classes whether these are political, religious or whatever. Sexuality is the direct way to one's guilt and successfully used as a way to suppress people into submission. Just look at the way these religious beliefs worked their way in Europe less than 100 years ago.

    Sad but so predictable.

  21. I like to say at this point that with googling with words like 'gay internet scam Russia' there comes up hits with letters very much like these ones and seems that even the town of Saratov along some others come up with some regularity. New business method for gay hating Russia?

  22. 1st email: (included with images of a very nice looking young guy)

    Hi, XXXXX! It's me, S (XXXXXXX.com).
    This short letter for verification. I send you my pictures. Send me your answer if you have received this letter. Then I will write a long letter to you about me and my life.

    2nd email:

    Hello, XXXXX! Thank you for your good response! This is my first long letter to you, and I'm a little worried. I'm a shy guy, but I will try to write you a good and open letters. I rarely talk to men on the Internet, but I want to do it with you and get to know you better. You're a very cute man!
    Yes of course! I understand your situation with the work. Write as soon as you can.
    My name is S, I'm 19 years old (XX XXXXX 19XX). I live in Russia, Saratov, which is located about 850 km from Moscow. Population - about 830,000 people. This is a huge city, but not so big as Moscow. There are many theaters, museums and other cultural centers, but I rarely visit them. I send you some pictures of my city.
    I live in an apartment with my mom. She is a very good woman, and knows that I'm gay. My mom has a neutral attitude towards my sexual orientation, and I love her for it. Nobody knows I'm gay. I'm afraid to talk about it publicly. I think you know about the attitude towards gays in Russia. This is very dangerous, because the government in Russia (President Vladimir Putin in particular) makes new laws and anti-gay propaganda. Many people in Russia have a bad attitude towards gays. This is terrible! The mentality of the Russian people. Even the police are looking for gay! For example, my city has no bars or saunas for gays. I'm not looking guys in Russia. Is it dangerous. I'm scared and I get a lot of threats and insults from the guys from Russia. They are fakes. Young guys from Europe wrote to me: "Buy tickets and come to me. I'm going to XXXX you! "This is not normal! And I'm trying to find a good experienced man from another country. I do not look at age. This is only a number. I look at the heart and soul of man. I also think that the experienced men can give me a lot of useful things in my life. I want to find a real, intelligent, honest partner for life! You are very cute and I want to know you better. I do not want to rush into a relationship, time will show.
    Also, I am a student of the Saratov State University. Faculty of Economics. The second year of study (full course - 4 years). I can not say that university studies is difficult, but not easy. I also work as a consultant in a shop selling mobile phones.
    I'll wait for a letter from you on Sunday (or Monday). Tell me about you, about your life. Then I'll write you more about me, my interests, sexuality and so on. Write me questions if you want to know something specific about me. Also I will be glad to see your photos.
    I will try to write to you as often as possible. Best wishes, S from Russia.

    Yes, there is a strong sentiment towards gay in Russia. And who wouldn't like to rescue a young man from his terrible situation? He is after all a clever, nice guy and is studying at a university. Pity that his IP address is about 600 kilometers away from Saratov...studying at the faculty of Economics applies to the fact he is responsible, economically aware person...

  23. I have had a gay dating and chat website profile for years. Nowadays and for last 10 or so years it's been mostly to keep in contact with few old friends and see what's going on in a scene that I left behind long time ago.

    Since I have no revealing images of my natural beauty tongue.png and my profile says clearly that I am partnered and due to the fact that I am over 40 (horror...gasp!) I very rarely get any proposals and that suits me fine since I am happy in my family life. Some might consider me a bore since I have zero interest in so called gay scene. Well, that was something I knew very well in my twenties so it was interesting then.

    And then...suddenly I get this cute Russian guy sending me messages. Flattering, of course, he is seeking that true love and doesn't trust younger guys and it's difficult and dangerous to be gay in Russia and so on. Suddenly he asks me to give him me email so he can send me longer letters and more info about himself. I give him my email that has no info about me or way to track my personal details. Love letters start to roll in. They have one amazing thing about them, the accuracy of English language. I have known quite a few Russians and despite some of them being quite educated they struggle with the use of foreign languages.

    It seems this kind of "business" is widespread in Russia...fooling lonely, middle-aged foreigners. And they are pretty good at it. Dropping few names, talking about coming good job prospects, making claims that they are studying at a university and so on. I think they try to move on to email as quickly as possible since they are normally banned on these sites as quickly as they are found out sending the same messages to as many people as possible.

    I found out quickly that the stated place where this person claimed to be was not where the messages were coming from. Thanks IP address locators! When I asked more personal details like address and possibly a copy of passport (they do have forgeries to show sometimes!) or direct questions, they were mostly ignored or given some sort of BS answer. Many red flags. I was sure from beginning this was a money grabbing case and in very great probability not even a male. Seems that in Russia most of these persons are female (LOL!).

    I was sent a nice pic of the young guy with a placard where he had written my name and a text: From Russia With Love. They do go a length to convince me and others that they do really exist but when it comes to sending me a copy of their passport to process them an invitation to visit me in my country me acting as their host, it all goes pear shaped...or should I say looks like a matuska doll?

    I said I can send him an invitation since in that case I am responsible according to mu country's laws to take care of ALL the costs of his visit. Accommodation, food, transport and so on. He naturally asked money to buy tickets, get a passport (no have?!) and as I checked in advance how much Aeroflot would charge of a return ticket from his alleged town to mine and visa fees, he said he needed half of that money sent to him so he could visit me. I said I can give full refund when he reaches my country's capital airport. (BTW, the total price was about 500 euros). Couple of emails and excuses later he got upset and sent me few lines:

    Great! I see your "interest" to our real meeting!
    Come to me in this case ... it's easy to be home and just wait for someone to come to you.

    That was the last I heard of him. Sort of pity that the love he claimed in his several emails was so short lived. whistling.gif

    I might post some of his letters here if it suits the site regulations. I will remove all the personal data, of course. What do you guys think?

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