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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. or maybe drink some bleach...that cures covid you know so what could go wrong?
  2. sure and a few years back at this time in the 2020 campaign ben carson was leading by 10 points? how'd that work out? doesn't really matter though as regardless of how bigly trumpy loses he and his maga morons will scream rigged and piss and whine and moan like a kid who didn't get his ice cream....real class that bunch of losers.
  3. old joe shenanigans pale in comparison to drumps decades of fraud lies deceit and incompetence....BIGLY...not to mention criminal indictments with a mile of evidence documents, tapes, audios not to mention the the vast majority of witness testimony comes from life long republicans who voted for trump and wanted him to win...until they saw first hand his criminal activity and had the gonads to testify in spite of maga morons threats...
  4. according to repubs absolutely nothing to see re ivanka suddenly getting lots of patents from china and then jared getting 2 billion from saudis even though saudi fund review rejected the deal .....but oh boy we better go all in on trying to dig up more dirt on hunter biden who never worked in the white house or got appointed by daddy to high level positions....the hypocrisy is dazzling....really have to twist into pretzel not to see that...just imagine if biden had appointed a few of his kids to high level positions and then they had gotten the perks/$$ that ivanka and kushner got....non stop investigations on steroids...but since it was trump....crickets...
  5. Sale on kool aide? what a load of garbage..try spending 10 minutes on google and then get back to us here's one to get u started https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/10/us/jared-kushner-saudi-investment-fund.html apparently the saudi review panel correctly said kusher had no relevant experience for such an investment and somehow i suspect they might know more than you as for trump forbes says that if trump had simply invested his inheritance in the s & p he would be worth more than what he made from his fantastic biz acumen...google it.....then turn off fox and newsmax
  6. sure let's dig and dig and dig and find no substantial evidence to impeach joe but meantime cheer a 4 time indicted ex potus who left a trail of evidence ten miles long of his criminal acts....evidence in his own words on video and audio tape backed up by document after document as well as substantial first hand testimony by multiple life long republicans and trump employees who were in the room and willing to testify to what they saw....evidence that anyone with an iq in double digits can see for themselves with a five minute search.....but but but what about biden loaning his derelict son enough money to buy a truck and then being repaid....pitiful beyond pitiful...
  7. yeah boy that is what we need another RFK another conspiracy theory nut job
  8. Not saying you but anyone who plays around with lots of Thai bar girls and thinks he will never catch anything is living in a fantasy world...hope you step up and pay at least half of the cost of raising kids and at least pretend to be a dad from unwanted pregnancy and not do a runner with "not my problem" BS.
  9. seems like u see it as a one way street though....keep it up and enjoy a good ole case of clap that will feel like peeing glass....
  10. A cigarette as reported is not what anyone would call pot...pot would be a joint unless you know less than nothing about weed.
  11. Well if he ends up in prison which is exactly where anyone else who has committed crimes and left enough evidence to convict any other person maybe he will get some dicks in his tators from some of his fellow jailhouse criminals.
  12. oh you could use one and be part of the solution and not part of the problem of spreading diseases and unwanted pregnancy.
  13. and it won't stop the girl from getting whatever diseases a selfish old man might give to a pretty 25 year old gal...contrary to what a lot of guys seem to think it is not all always about what you might get but also what you might give....STD to HIV to pregnant....wear a damn condom and have a tiny bit of respect for the gals lives as well as your own....never ceases to amaze me how some guys love to brag about not using condoms or even pay a poor girl extra to skip the condom....not something to brag about IMO
  14. oh if only someone would promise us a massive wall and have mexico pay for it....oh never mind we already been down that BS road...and oh if only the USA inflation rate was higher than many other countries now...oh never mind under biden the USA inflation rate is lower than most....and oh if only some people would agree that if you commit a crime and leave a massive pile of evidence behind you should be indicted and tried even if you are an ex POTUS...oh wait that doesn't fit into the right wing law and order BS.
  15. There is a major difference between political opposition and people who blatantly and repeatedly break a variety of laws and leave a stack of evidence a mile high that anyone with an iq in double digits can see is massively credible as much of the evidence is in trumps own words on video/audio tape and easily accessible ...it addition most of the direct testimony against him comes from life long republicans many of whom worked for trump, wanted him to win, and were in the room where they saw and heard first hand his criminal behavior....holding anyone to account for so many crimes is not going after a political opponent...it is called calling a criminal a criminal and holding him accountable for his illegal actions....and most of the crimes charged are not simple little misunderstandings or mistakes but major crimes like taking highly classified docs and then lying about it and trying to obstruct their return..and those pesky little things like trying to overturn an election via violent coup....
  16. i did it last week 1. make appointment online ..no walk ins 2. If you apply say wed then you can pick it up between 1;30 and 4 pm on friday....if you applied on friday you would pick up on tues pm..apply mon get it wed afternoon 3. Make sure you have copies of all the crap described on website like bank statement etc...there are a few copy folks around but can be a pain if you don't have wifi signal to get stuff printed off your phone. they wanted it printed on paper rather than show them the same thing on your phone...so get it printed 4. The electronic "number calling screen" is broken so everyone sits down in a row as they are allowed in and the line moves accordingly regardless of what time your appointment was for...so sorta first come first serve but they do check that you have an appointment before you are allowed in.. 5. There are only two windows open to turn in your completed forms passport and 1000 baht fee (for usa residents)...it moved along faster than i expected and i did not see them send anyone away which was surprising as lot of forms seemed required. 6. opens at 9am but long line starts to form about 8 am....for 1;30 pm pickup again a long line but moved very quickly. 7. taxi and tuk tuk drivers who hang around embassy of course try to charge absurd amount to go downtown or back to border. 8. be sure to have a lot of thai baht with you in laos or if you do decide to exchange for kip don't get too much as very hard to exchange kip outside of laos...it u pay in baht they will of course give u a lousy rate but better than getting stuck with a lot of semi worthless kip 9. the drive from embassy to the border is a good 20++ minutes overall a pain in the butt and Vientiane certainly not my idea of a great place but the people at teh thai embassy were overall pretty nice to deal with
  17. I am no expert but have been to a lot of bars in scotland, ireland, england etc over the years.....i remember well going to some big pub once on a sunday afternoon in ireland ..the pub was packed with maybe 100 guys and about 3 or 4 not very attractive gals who got an inordinate amount of attention from the guys....seemed pathetic to me but of course could have happened in any number of countries and certainly not just scotland etc....also been to bunch of bars in usa and oz and not all that different in many where the guys outnumber the gals ten to one and the few gals that are there would be in the back of the back row in thailand with no attention from guys but in usa they had guys tripping over themselves to try and get "lucky" so i suspect many contrast that with bars in thailand where there are often way more gals than guys and the gals are available to "entertain you" for a price and at least make you feel like you are a young tom cruise for a while...
  18. How many millions of baht get sucked out of thai people's pockets from fortune tellers every year? I predict a lot more than last year and even more the next year. Why do people seem to enjoy giving money to con artists?
  19. How many more people are available to get conned? Apparently unlimited.
  20. and u have met all the people in pattaya to be able to make such a definitive statement??....never say never and never say always and you will be more credible.
  21. Read the bible all day long and give thanks that I no longer believe in fairy tales written by a bunch of ignorant illiterate people living in mud huts a few thousand years ago. Actually skip the reading as already read it decades ago and figured out it was mostly all a bunch of BS "supported" by some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
  22. Life is a gamble. Maybe you live to 100 and you can be sure the insurance company hopes you keep paying those premiums for a long long time. Their rates are based on expectations/odds and are set accordingly always giving the "house/insurance company" a bit of an edge as they are in it to make $$ and the longer you live the happier they are. Some beat the odds and some don't but like a casino the insurance company over time will always win.
  23. Life insurance. You are betting you will die early and the insurance company is betting you won't.
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