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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on me...fool me over and over and over...MAGA
  2. No doubt all the good people in CR will be heart broken and crushed that you won't be living there. Have you been there or did you just decide that it is a dump? Please do share your vast CR experience with all of us as to when and how long you examined CR to determine that it is a "dump". Or did you see some you tuber who convinced you?
  3. I lived out near the river and there are wonderful simple little roads with almost zero traffic and I walked 5 miles+ a day for years....it was wonderful especially in nov dec jan when it is clear and cool. I live in Pattaya now and still walk along beach road and up into naklua which is ok but way way more cars/bikes to dodge ...it's ok but overall i liked my Cr walks better than Pattaya walks.
  4. Tons of mom and pop stores which for many is a good thing. Nice friendly people, very low cost of living and a remnant of a slower more genuine pace and place that has not been totally taken over by big corporate chains..... but if you must have it there is also a central mall along with big C, Makro, and even ONE mcdonalds so you can pretend you are still living in the west. If you want girlie bars that cater to farangs you will be disappointed. Believe it or not how many girlie bars a city has is not the top factor to be considered for many farangs. As for Cannabis if you want cannabis you don't need to go to an overpriced shop to find it. After all you are very near the golden triangle which knows a thing or two about illicit drugs.
  5. Have you ever BEEN to Chiang Rai even for a day? It is overall a very pleasant very Thai very beautiful place to live ..if it were not for the several months of bad smoke I would not have left. I don't think there is one person in CR that cares if you ever visit for five minutes. I used to often say if not another single farang came to CR the vast majority of Thais there there would not care a bit as they get on with living their lives. Farangs in CR are still somewhat of an amusing bunch to the local CR people but have very very little impact on their day to day lives. So please don't worry you will not be missed and nobody will try to "convince" you to visit. The fact is most people from CR do not leave but quite happily live there for their entire lives.
  6. I would say it is because of the "young and dumb excuse" but there are also thousands of older people who do the same thing riding around with no helmet, no insurance, no health care and often drunk on top of that. So maybe they use the "old enough to know better but dumb as a rock excuse".
  7. Long way to go til election day. Could well be that trump will be in prison and that repubs decide to pick someone younger like Nikki. If that were to happen and polls show Biden losing to her it could well be that Biden would step aside and suggest that the dem convention decide who would run and pick a younger candidate other than Kamala. And I suspect overall most Americans would approve of that type of race between two younger candidates.... other than hard core MAGA who worship "their" elderly man who certainly has a ton of issues with memory and the truth. Who knows as there will no doubt be more twists and turns ahead. Oh happy day if whatever happens results in some semblance of normal whatever that may mean.
  8. Learning the difference in was and were.
  9. The implication is that Biden is an elderly person with a poor memory who is running for POTUS....no deflection at all to point out his opponent is also an elderly person with a poor memory who is running for POTUS.
  10. If we want to compare Biden's mental abilities then by all means lets do a side by side comparison and also show a few of Trumps greatest hits... He ran against Obama. He thinks nikki haley is nancy pelosi He pleads the 5th over 400 times....can't remember or can't or won't answer any of over 400 questions? He can't recognize his ex wife in a photo. His condo is over 30,000 sf and not 11000 sf He won the 2020 election He has returned 100% of the classified docs. He is worth billions upon billions of $$ Jan 6 convicted in court are "hostages" and on and on and on.
  11. So do those 68% also agree that under their "logic" that Biden can if he wants tomorrow have Trump arrested or even killed and not face prosecution. How dumb do you have to be to think that any person should have absolute immunity to commit any and all crimes. The "cult" has spoken and as usual are proving once again that they are completely and totally under the spell cast by the orange jesus....go ahead trump you are our savior and god so do anything anytime anywhere to anybody as you are above all the pesky laws that every other president and citizen has lived under for the past couple of centuries. Truly disgusting lack of intelligence and lack of ability to see the absurdity of their position.
  12. poor little donnie...everybody is always picking on him...how dare them assemble massive amounts of evidence of his crimes to include thousands of documents, audio and video tape much in his own words, as well as first hand testimony provided almost exclusively by life long republicans who voted for trump and he witnessed in person many of his crimes and in spite of death threats from the cult testified under oath as to what they saw and heard. How dare all those LIB judges many appointed by trump rule against the cult leader. Poor little donnie. Everything he did in his entire life was absolutely perfect and it is all a giant witch hunt where old senile joe managed to convince all these trumpers to testify against orange jesus...good job joe i bet that was not easy to do.
  13. The only problem with the justice so far is that they are allowing donnie and his dumbo lawyers to file frivolous motion after motion rather than grow a pair and just say NO MORE BS. Let the trials begin and let a jury look at all the evidence and decide innocent or guilty. And it is actually stacked in defendant's favor as has to be unanimous verdict. Why are trumpers so afraid of the trials? Reckon it just might be that donnie and the dumbos know he is guilty and his ONLY hope of not becoming a convict is to delay delay delay and then figure a way to get the kool aide crew to send him more $$ and vote for him...of course when he loses as he will he will once again kick and scream and whine like a 5 y.o. that it is all so unfair and rigged. Supremes are highly unlikely to even hear the immunity case as it is so absurd as to be a waste of time. The appeals court ruling is exceptionally well done and destroys each and very BS argument made by trumps lawyers. Read it. The big one is the ballot case which they basically have no choice but to hear and i suspect they will try to find some loophole to allow them to avoid having to actually rule on the article as it is written. But meantime donnie will get tried by Jack Smith probably in May and he is very highly likely to be convicted of multiple felonies and sentenced to jail. And he damn well knows it. He will try his best to sow chaos violence and create bedlam as it as usual is all about him and he could not care less about his kool aide cult joining their fellow kool aid coup plotters into the slammer for several years.
  14. I am not sure if any decent condos close to Buahkaow are immune to airbnb invasions or other often illegal rentals. Other than the high season invasion of airbnb two week millionaires view talay 6 is a very pleasant place to live at perhaps the best location in all pattaya if you like to be close to the beach, the nightlife, central mall, etc.
  15. exactly first thing i saw on first read...1.46 million baht for 10 k units? Gee where do i buy such cheap condos...sign me up.
  16. A huge problem in the travel biz for decades is that customers do NOT read the terms and conditions regarding refunds, rebooking, etc before they buy the ticket. They blindly click on the purchase button and then when they need to cancel or change whine about it over and over on the web and to all their friends. DUH read before you buy.. Generally there are different fares available and surprise surprise the rock bottom cheapest fares are most often the ones that have a ton of restrictions along with being non refundable and no changes allowed. It also happens often with hotel bookings on agoda and the like where people click book and never bother to read if the rate they are booking is refundable or can be changed etc..it is all right there in black and white if u bother to slow down and spend a few minutes to make sure you know what you are buying before you buy it. If you want the cheapest of the cheap u better be sure you won't need to cancel or change it as not gonna happen. I always try to book directly with the airline as you might have some vague hope of them bending a rule but don't bet on it.
  17. Yes I think you have said enough trying to convince everyone that trump is not a lying, violence inciting, coup fomenting, pssy grabbing, fake christian, bone spur challenged, dictator wanna be, criminal.
  18. Got LESS votes in 2016 but still won. Got LESS votes in 2020 and claimed he won. Almost four years later still waiting for all that proof the 2020 election was rigged. Gee most people with iq's in triple digits might actually say" well put up your proof or shut up". At least ole stuttering Joe knows the difference between nancy pelosi and nikki haley ....and wasn't it donnie boy who could not identify his own ex wife in a photo...why yes it was.
  19. I grew up in the bible beater south where it was very common to have "blue laws" that prohibited alcohol sales on sunday. The bootleggers loved it as that was their busiest day as the bible beaters were good customers but just did not want others to see them buying or drinking the evil stuff...i found most bible beaters to be exceptionally hypocritical in what they preached and what they practiced. Not a lot has changed in that regard. Some counties in some states still have all sorts of blue laws and a few are totally dry with zero alcohol legally sold. Some states sales of liquor is still run by state controlled ABC..alcohol beverage control...stores owned and run by state government so no hard liquor sold in grocery stores etc.
  20. There is a booth in front of central festival that serves up grilled croc every afternoon...seem to do a big biz. Never tried it.
  21. Sure fooled me with many of your comments....maga?
  22. Not good but also just happened at one of the most iconic and expensive hotels in Waikiki, The Moana Hotel...fortunately nobody hurt but a family easily could have been on their oceanfront balcony in a room that probably cost north of $500 usd a night. Lawyers would have been lined up around the block if an injury ready to sue sheraton, the parent company marriott, the city and county of Honolulu, the state of Hawaii, the construction company and a few dozen more named defendants. https://fox59.com/news/national-world/railing-falls-from-waikiki-hotel-balcony-crashes-on-beach-below-we-were-all-screaming/
  23. since when are republicans interested in evidence....a stack of evidence a mile high on trumps crimes along with testimony from multiple former trumpers is all fake of course....not to mention 60 court cases and piles of evidence of recount and investigation after investigation that prove the election was not rigged. Yet republicans are convinced the evidence means absolutely nothing unless of course they were to find some innocent phone call between joe biden and hunter biden then stop the presses as it "MAY" mean that something happened even though they have no evidence. A republican demanding evidence when they don't believe it when it is plain as day is like demanding the sun rise in the west.
  24. Maybe he is going to see if Putin will put in a good word for him with [Trump] to name him his running mate or maybe he hopes Putin will show him the pee videos and another collection or two of photos that allow Putin to say jump and trumpie says "yes sir, how high"....be sure and stop off in North Korea and see donnie boys other love interest there and deliver a bouqet of roses and a love note?
  25. i did 60 day evisa tourist...extended 30 more days at immigration/no fun center...then went to laos, got appt at thai embassy stayed in vientiane two nights got another 60 day tourist visa (laos overall pretty easy but takes two days)...back to jomtien immigration to extend again another 30 days which took all day to get done ...the 180 day thing re taxes is all in one calendar year so no big deal as me and i think lot of snowbirds come about nov til march or so spread over two calendar years.. if you don't want to fool with jomtien immigration u can do the one day van border run to cambodia...3300 thb..leave 5 am return about 3 pm but very simple and easy and maybe less pain than jomtien immigration which is a total zoo of standing in line...but take a look as supposedly u can now do 30 day extension where u put docs and pay online and make and appointment with immigration to just show up and get the passport stamped...never knew that so went there at 8;15 am last week...got done at 4 pm but still had to come back next day to pick it up....so about 8 hours of standing around and still had to go back next day..in that case i wish i had just gone to cambodia where at least u just sit in a comfortable van rather than stand in lines all day i guess other way is to move to russia and get russian passport and they you apparently can show up and no problem for 90 days...not sure if they get to extend another 90 days with simple border run...if not do as many apparently are doing and just overstay as long as you like.
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