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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. I am obviously a very handsome man. Ask the bar girls, they call me that all the time....and the more drinks i buy them the more handsome i become. Fastest way to get rid of girls in the west? Tell them you spend a lot of time in Thailand.
  2. and of course let's not even mention kusher and ivanka took in billions right in the open and the FACT that trump has been found likely culpable by 4 different grand juries in four different jurisdictions and charged with 91 felonies all backed by volumes of real hard core evidence with documents, video, audio as well as testimony provided by republicans who were actually there...not to mention the guilty pleas coming from his co conspirators.... but lets talk about hunters laptop and the biden "crime family" without enough evidence to convict a jaywalker......could not agree more...if you have evidence then lay it on the table...if not then go sit in your corner and have another cup of cult kool aide.
  3. The "logic" of someone trying to defend a con man has no relationship to reality or truth. Maybe they sent him some donations to pay his legal bills for which he said thanks and promptly put the $$ in his personal account. The least he could do is to send them another packet of kool aide. See no evil, Hear no evil...the mantra of a true cult.
  4. The actions were taken because they violated the LAW...something you seem incapable of accepting in the case of trump. Contrary to your idea that trump is being persecuted there were indeed many others charged and prosecuted and each one of them violated the LAW. You don't get to rewrite the laws no matter how much you claim to be a big bank executive you still don't seem to get it that no "damage" has nothing to do with anything in this case. Typical: Trump is being persecuted and should not be indicted for violating the law for decades because he is trump.
  5. sad story but yet another warning to those who ride without a helmet that when an accident happens it often comes quickly and riding with no helmet is one of the dumbest things you can do EVER.
  6. Is TM30 still required in Thailand 2023? Do I have to fill out a TM30? You are not needed to self-report using a TM30 form as a visitor to Thailand. This must be completed within 24 hours of your arrival and is the responsibility of the owners of the lodging where you are staying.Jul 20, 2566 BE so what happens if i go to jomtiem and my landlord has done nothing? i do have a lease i can show them but landlord makes me nervous that they do nothing...will i still get an extension or have to go chase landlord around to file the darn form?
  7. How many have know a few semi rich kids who had everything handed to them on a silver platter their entire lives where parents/grandparents bought them the finest schools, clothes, cars, country clubs, debutante balls, draft deferments, etc and further used their influence (bribes?) to get them special treatment and move to the front of the line. While i am sure parents may mean well what can often result is a person who thinks his/her "success" is all because they themselves are somehow superior to others who actually had to go out and dig and scrape for their success. Trump is the poster boy for a spoiled rich kid that likely would not have amounted to a hill of beans without daddy giving him the silver spoon. His greatest "talent" was to turn that into an ability to scam people his entire life by not paying them, lying to get what he wanted and exaggerate his "importance"....he then stumbled into POTUS which he saw running for potus as the greatest free infomercial of media coverage ever.....and in this endeavor he was indeed successful beyond his wildest imagination. Obviously the more outrageous things he said the more attention he got. Mock the crippled, dis pows and war heros and scoff at silver star families, grab women by the pxxsy , pay off porn stars, rape women, fraud after fraud, lie after lie, encourage violence over and over, and his supporters lapped it all up as it was "entertainment" on a level never before seen by a presidential candidate. Even trump never really thought there were enough gullible people to buy all his BS and actually vote him into office. The goal was to get a ton of free publicity to further the brand name worldwide. For once in his life he found he was really good at something that he created. He became the best and biggest conman in USA political history. Now he is hoping those same gullible people will continue to believe he is somehow being "persecuted" and that he has done nothing wrong, in fact just the opposite everything he has ever done or ever will do is perfect. So lets hope his orange jump suit fits him perfectly and maybe, just maybe, some of his cult members may wake up to the fact that they got conned and the con will continue until they finally open their eyes and look at the FACTS as to his fund raising, his fraud, his criminal acts and say enough. Admitting that you got conned by the biggest con man is not a disgrace. It has been going on for centuries. Some learn and avoid getting conned again. Others are too proud or ? to ever admit the emperor has no clothes.
  8. i guess the AG was biased against all these people as well....trump of course is free to appeal all he wants and no doubt he will do so....but he has a very very high bar to clear as the evidence of systematic fraud for decades is right there in black and white. The only way the AG would be biased is if he/she did not file charges. A 5 second google blows your entire "whys everybody picking on trump" argument. https://www.justsecurity.org/85605/survey-of-past-new-york-felony-prosecutions-for-falsifying-business-records/
  9. Maybe no criminal liability in one tiny instance but certainly a ton of liability on 91 other charges spread over four jurisdictions as well as the judge already found him guilty of fraud in this case regardless of assessor games ....all it takes is ONE felony conviction out of 91 and it will be off to the big house for the conman. What are the vegas odds that he will skate on all 91? And that of course is why he is trying to intimidate witnesses and delay and disrupt the entire system because in the end he is a scared little spoiled rich brat that has always gotten his way but not this time and even in his delusional mind he knows that his only way out of the mess that he himself created is to appeal to his ignorant followers to somehow save him.
  10. OJ was found not guilty by a jury. He was found not guilty by a supporter who got on the jury and refused to accept the facts that proved beyond a reasonable doubt (some would say a shadow of a doubt) that OJ did it (which he most certainly did). Trump was found guilty by a judge and not by a jury. The brilliant man trump who is so very very smart and knows more about everything than anyone did not notice or have a clue about the law and his equally moronic attorneys picked by him did not check a simple law school 101 box that requested a jury trial. Therefore he got..as requested... a bench trial with no jury and was found guilty of fraud. Now he is as usual whining about how if he had a jury instead of the "biased" judge everything would be "perfect" playing to his supporters ignorance that trump chose not to have jury. As the various cases continue with jury trials trump is of course trying to poison the jury pool with lies and threats hoping to get an OJ hail mary juror that will ignore the vast amount of evidence presented and like in the OJ trial vote not guilty. How many times does trump have to demonstrate how full of crap he is until his supporters finally figure it out?
  11. I can't remember the last witch hunt that found so many witches and more and more of them are pleading guilty every day... All the trumpers and all the hot air they blow about donnie being persecuted does not eliminate the FACTS that little perfect donnie was and is up to his eyeballs in breaking all kinds of laws and very simply is the president that is the biggest conman, liar, and yes criminal ever to sit in the white house. Simply put even if poor little perfect donnie was being persecuted it would go NOWHERE without the documents, testimony, and FACTS that are and will be presented in court. Even in spite of all of his crimes all he had to do was after losing 60 court cases and repeated recounts and investigations is admit that yes he lost, leave the white house without taking a pile of classified documents, not attempt a coup and go back to mar a largo and shut the F up. If he had done that I highly doubt he would be contemplating an orange jumpsuit. His problems are HIS doing no matter how much delusional followers whine about how unfair it all is.
  12. Does OP speak even a few words of Thai? It never ceases to amaze me how many guys can live in thailand for years and never learn more than 10 words of Thai. I have always said that the real reason i return to thailand year after year is the Thai people. The bars, the girls, the cheap prices all come and go but the Thai people continue to amaze me year after year with how very nice the vast majority of Thai people are if you at least make an attempt to joke around with them a bit....and if you take time to learn at least a few very basic phrases you will be rewarded with many smiles.
  13. You best stick to banking as you clearly do not understand the law. The definition is clearly laid out in the law and the judge in spite of your idea that a different judge "may" have ruled differently seems based on your failure to understand the actual laws that were clearly violated. The fact that a debt was repaid has nothing whatsoever to do with the laws that were broken. Thus the correct ruling and interpretation of the law. If I rob a bank but then repay the bank i am still guilty of robbing the bank. The evidence already submitted is overwhelming if you would take the time to review the actual law and the various testimony and documents submitted over years.
  14. better yet do it all over thailand and turn into another singapore...get rid of any and all and make it bland boring and ridiculously expensive.... as i have said to friends...if u want everything to be just like home you should stay at home....
  15. I spent about 3 hours last night sitting at a very busy soi buakhow intersection watching the chaos....Far and away the biggest cause of the near gridlock was private cars which i assume were lots of thai bangkok folks down for the holiday weekend. The private cars out numbered songtaeows by 10 or 20 or even more to 1. And of course lots and lots of motorbikes . bikes, pedestrians, drunks in the roads etc added to the chaos. The baht buses were certainly not the cause of the jam ups and in fact i hate to think what it would have been with no baht buses and all those people taking taxis into the area. The real problem no matter how u try to slice it is there are just too many cars, too many bikes, too many people, too many food carts, too many motorbikes parked all over making the already narrow streets even more narrow and forcing most pedestrians to walk out in the roadway further slowing the entire mess. Baht buses are more of a solution than a problem. Pie in the sky thinking that banning the baht buses would do anything but make it even worse. Go have a look one night and see for yourself.
  16. is it possible that he can go one day without starting one or more new topics on this forum? Geez get a life.
  17. Lots of this and that re Russians but bottom line if you want more snow bird long stay type tourists to come to thailand and spend $$ perhaps the TAT should consider what a similar offer to many other countries might do to help them meet some of their magic tourists numbers. Any way u cut it being forced to leave the country after 30 days or so or go spend a day at an immigration office begging for an extension is a pain in the butt and i suspect lots of people don't want to jump through hoops to spend several months in Thailand. What harm would it do to at least try it for six months or so? (and yes i know that the bribes to immigration and payoffs from visa companies might not like their gravy trains stopped)
  18. No idea who controls how many and what routes they take....yes sometimes there do seem to be too many on some routes and not enough or none on other. But just try and imagine the traffic jams if there were no baht buses and a few hundred taxis took their place. People asking questions, trying to say where they want to go without driver or passengers speaking same language, arguing over fares, meter use, making change, etc. I suspect that the "boarding time" and blocking traffic to sort all that would be substantially greater than hop on a baht bus with no discussion and away you go...and not to mention taxi likely two or so people while baht bus could move 12 or so. I rarely see a samlor (as in bkk style tuk tuks) in pattaya but yes handcarts do block it all up but good luck with regulating them to any realistic extent. Rain and a holiday weekend are always going to create traffic problems but i would say most of that traffic is cars coming in from bangkok for the holiday. Baht buses bottom line get it done on the existing roads pretty darn efficiently.
  19. and exactly what would u replace the baht buses with that would not impede traffic?
  20. Great idea. Remove the baht buses that carry average of 8 passengers and replace it with dozens of taxis that carry average of 2 passengers. That will fix the congestion problem big time.
  21. Let's also ban all scooters, bamboo, and spicy food. I am sure the Thai people anxiously await the next brilliant farang plan.
  22. Is there a book i can buy to find new things to complain about Thai people's behavior that has zero impact on me? Perhaps a catchy title like..."101 things to whine about" with a subtitle of " How to mind your own business"...or maybe " If i were only back in farangland where everything was logical and perfect"
  23. As many have said that has been tried and does not work, never has, probably never will. For all the baht bus critics what would they propose take their place? How about dozens of big 50+ passenger buses roaring around? How about a few hundred more taxis refusing to use the meter and clogging up all the streets carrying one or two passengers stopping anywhere and everywhere and having passengers try to explain where they want to go and negotiating a price? How about a nice giant concrete skytrain right down beach road blocking all the views? Baht buses are the perfect transport system for the main loops in pattaya. 10 baht is one of the most incredible bargains to be had for such an efficient and easy to use service anywhere. Yes there is a lot of traffic and the fact that baht buses actually slow some drivers down and make it easier to get across a road can be a good thing.
  24. yes i understand that...but my question is do i need the same docs like bank statement, hotel confirmation, air , pics of passport etc etc...or do i just fill out the forms with a few pics?
  25. thank you......do you know if i fill out the same stuff with pics etc that i had to do to get a 60 day tourist visa online ...is this done before i go in person or i bring it all with me to show to them?
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