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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. If you are a snowbird you likely don't consider it a vacation but a second home during cold months... and i think there are a lot more of them around than a tiny percent. An attraction of thailand is the warm weather and the fact that you don't have to be on a "rich person's list' to spend winters there. Does not mean you are dirt poor but there are a lot of older folks who can easily afford Thailand that cannot afford the south of France or Hawaii or more expensive places. There are a lot fewer rich people than there are not rich people. Take a look at Hua Hin as to numbers of older couples who are living there in the winter months.
  2. You got it. Snowbirds. It is a growing market as more and more boomers really do not want to live in too cold climates in the winters but do not want to give up their home base and move to thailand full time....very understandable and a market that Thailand with warm year round weather might do well to consider courting a bit more with an easy six month type visa without having to do border runs or go stand in line at immigration etc. Maybe allowed once a year would work fine for many people. Mexico and many other countries have a lot of snowbirds that have been doing 6 months or less there and six months or so back in usa or canada or ? for long long time. Overall lot of older retired types , lots of couples, who rent a place for six months, spend a good chunk of change, generally are not criminals, etc. Thailand offers a lot to these type people with perhaps the biggest overall negative is that it is a LONG flight from most places. And since most do not have health insurance in Thailand they may well want to return to their home country every year for six months or so to get their health care attended to as much as possilbe or go see the grandkids or whatever. Call it the snowbird visa or whatever, promote it a bit more, keep it relatively simple, put whatever restrictions you must to prevent abuse...try it for a couple of years and if no big problem extend it indefinitely.
  3. i sometimes wonder if they even know what the current visa policies in force are....hopefully they will indeed sort it out soon as i suspect that there are many people trying to figure out how this would impact their trip. And as u said most people prefer to have it all sorted well in advance and not on a whim a couple of weeks out as there are flights to be booked and decisions to be made. Just do it.
  4. So the tourist visa that i just got online for 60 days would be replaced by a stay of 90 days on arrival without going through online toursits visa mess? So if this actually gets approved after my arrival on the 60 day tourist visa does that mean that i get less of a stay than sombody who arrives a month or so after me with no tourist visa? Is that what they are saying? As usual clear as mud. Why is it always so difficult to make it clear what they are saying even if they have to hire a native english translator to make sure it makes sense?
  5. too bad re id check...before was no bid deal at all
  6. PKK is a delightful small Thai town with some nice scenery. It is not a farang tourist mecca, it is not bkk or phuket or pattaya. If you are looking for girlie bars, wild nightlife, western food and the like you are probably not going to like it. If u are looking for a pleasant place to spend a few days or week or more and are capable of enertaining yourself mostly and enjoy mom and pop stores and thai food and overall nice thai people etc you may well like it a lot. As for the military beach some on here make it sound like it is a big deal to get in...it is not...assuming there is even anyone there you fill out a very simple little form and nobody has ever hassled me in any way. There is a very local night market on friday and sat nights along the main seafront in town near the pier that is very thai and lots of cheap food etc, Several pleasant and not expensive at all hotels to choose from. Would I live there permanently ? Probably not. But I try to go there at least once a year for a few days and have always enjoyed it....not far from hua hin but i prefer PKK to hua hin which is way more tourists and lots of old farang couples wandering around. Try it for a few days and make your own decision.
  7. well by all means turn all of that evidence over to your "indictment enquiry" whatever that is... so we can take a look at it and then lets see if a grand jury agrees....otherwise just more noise....oh and is all that incontrovertible evidence in the same basket as all the irrefutable evidence that trump promised to release proving the big lie last week...oh that's right he is saving that secret evidence up to spring on the world at trial...a trial where all he has to do is lay all of that evidence out and since it is irrefutable no doubt all charges will be immediately dropped....yes BS statements really.
  8. and why would a man who is very very very rich need a local bailsbond man to post a measly 200 k bond ....that is pocket change to a billionaire....lets see 200 k is .02% that is 2 /100th of 1 percent of ONE billion and according to donnie boy he is worth four or five billion....i would think he would have a couple hundred K in his pocket in case he met a porn star who demands cash....and as trump promised all his clever supporters he is very very very rich and would never ask for or need anyone elses money....i guess he just loves to send out emails begging the maga bunch to send him $$ every other day or sell a bunch of flags or bumper stickers and now he will have a new t shirt with his mug shot for them to gobble up....don't trumpers ever tire of being conned by the grifter ? Obviously not.
  9. Making a bunch of BS statements with no evidence to back a statement is pretty egregious....not to mention a few other adjectives.
  10. so it would appear to me that if trump were to be convicted of different felonies in different cases and wanted to appeal it all forever that each conviction would be treated differently and all it would take to keep him in jail on a fed conviction is a judge who rules the appeal is BS with little chance of winning...i assume below by judge that means the original trial court judge? Convincing the judge that you’re likely to win your case and avoid jail time is often the most difficult part of getting out of prison while your federal criminal appeal is pending. You have to prove to the judge that the court got it wrong the first time. You have to provide a good reason for him or her to believe that when you appeal, you’ll win.
  11. I certainly am no lawyer but of course have seen some very experienced lawyers with a different take.. I am curious to know if u are convicted of a felony and sentenced and want to appeal are u allowed to stay out of jail til all appeals are exhausted or do u have to sit in jail until if/when a repeal might reverse the conviction? Maybe different if state or fed? Anybody know for sure?
  12. Interesting but there are plenty of other very experienced lawyers who say the obstruction is a slam dunk....my guess is out of 91 different felony charges that donnie will be convicted of several...and many of them have mandatory min sentences of 5 years so would only take a couple to lock him up for essentially life. ..of course we all know he will delay delay delay and then if found guilty will appeal appeal appeal in an attempt to drag it all out...it is my understanding though if u are convicted and sentenced of felony that u may well be incararated while your appeals are working their way up...otherwise i doubt any rich person with enough lawyers would ever actually go to jail as they would die first ....hopefully a few judges may actually get tired of the games and say enough with the motions lets go to trial. oh happy day if i ever live long enough to not see or hear the name trump for a whole month or two...
  13. Well by all means let the republican special prosecutor who has already been investigating hunter for several years with basically nothing much to look at find some REAL evidence of this massive crime family present the evidence to a grand jury IF IF the grand jury finds the evidence credible they would indict...but don't forget thanks to the republicans you cannot indict a sitting president which is what protected trump from being likely indicted a few years ago..... Easy to sit and type nonsense about "more egregious violations" ...not so easy to present REAL evidence to a grand jury when all you have is a bunch of conspiracy theories, fox "news" idiots (reemmber fox the ones that paid 750 mil for LYING) and people who love to yell lock her/him up re biden /hillary but don't much seem to like the lock him up directed at trump....big massive huge difference? Trump has been indicted for 91 felonies by four seperate grand jurys in four different states all of whom looked at the evidence on a wide variety of charges that is overwhelomingly provided by republican trumpers who testified under oath as to what they saw and heard along with a mountain of documents and lots of trump himself on audio and video.. Wow what a coincidence that four separate grand juries in four different states comprised of ordinary citizens all looked at evidence and they all voted that there was probable cause to INDICT.....why one might think it is all a great republican witch hunt since the vast majority of witness testimony under oath (and likely under death threats from trumpers) is republican witnessess.
  14. Wow so you seem to think that the national archives, the fbi, the doj and trump himself all just made up the idea that classified docs were in trumps possession............did u listen to dear leader on tape bragging about having classified docs in his hand and saying "i could have declassified but now i cannot"....getting kinda dark down in the rabbit hole?
  15. uh which war did biden declare?...i assume you mean ukraine but i must have missed the usa declaring war...maybe biden is busy trying to figure out how to build a big beautiful wall and have mexico pay for it all?
  16. There is a very old saying that has been used in courtrooms for decades: "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is most likely a duck".....no trump has not yet been found quilty beyond a reasonable doubt and should and will have his day in court if he ever stops trying to play tricks to string it out for ever (not exactly an innocent look) but it takes a very vivid imagination not to look at donald and see a duck.
  17. If that fat <deleted> weighs 215 then i am brad pitt..............my guess is well north of 250 lbs...take a look at any pic of him on a golf course and anyone who thinks that lard <deleted> is 215 please send me some of that $$ u have been sending to the very rich grifter... The man is incapable of telling the truth and continues to insult the intelligence of any who actually have enough intelligence not to join the cult... ...
  18. have u ever watched any trump rallies while he was POTUS...it was not unusaal at all for him to incite the crowds who loved to yell lock her up...and then it was lock hunter biden up which continues to this day...did you ever one time see trump say to crowd stop it? .before u lock people up u need to name the crime they supposedly committed and then present some real evidence, not deep state conspricary theory, then a grand jury will vote as to whether or not they believe there is probably cause a crime was indeed committed and then issue an indictment and then after all of that it will go to trial which is nearly always tilted favorably toward the defendent...that is why the jury must vote UNANIMOUS to convict...not 51% or a majority....every single juror has to vote guilty or the defendant walks away free...remember the OJ crime? republicans really need to brush up on the legal system and how it all works and stop screaming witch hunt and lock her up and all that garbage that they have been going on about for years....
  19. Wow i woke up today and found that i was back to my high school weight of 160 lbs and was now 6'4" tall ....then i woke up some more and found that it was all a dream. But i knew if i just told everyone those stats that there would be a few people that believe anything they are told...heck maybe i can get some of them to send me $$ even though i am really really really rich....oh and why would a billionaire need a bail bondsman to cover a measly little 200 k bond....that is pocket change for us really really rich guys...is it possible that the emperor tells a lot of porkies?
  20. Here we go again...the justice system presented facts to a grand jury and they indicted trump over an over...different grand jurys in different states all conclude that crimes were committed by trump and his gang......and please explain how it is that almost every single witness that has testified under oath saying what they saw and heard were trump appointed or hired life long republicans who voted for trump... And of course the republicans who have come forth are testifying under oath and under almost sure.death threats from trumpers against them and their families....so i guess all of these republican trumpers are some how part of the weaponized justice system or witch hunt....That republican talking point of somehow the dems are picking on poor little donnie is total BS as proved by the FACT that the people providing all kinds of evidence of probable crimes are republicans..what part of that do trumpers not understand?
  21. It is yet another form that you will be required to provide to immigration to get an extension...if you do not have it you will be sent away and told to come back when /if you get it. Thais and many other governments love forms and paperwork...gives them more things to stamp and stick in a folder til all taken out back and burned.
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