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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Ok big boy....bring to justice all of the corrupt govt officials, judges, police and others who have enabled mr red bull to kill a cop while speeding and jacked up on coke for a decade....if you are willing to stand up to those powerful corrupt people just maybe somebody might take your claims of cleaning up corruption semi seriously. I won't hold my breath as there are likely lots of nice London flats, southern France villas and off shore accounts that have been well stocked to prevent the little spoiled rich brat from every being held accountable.
  2. and Jared kushner with billions ...a nice Jewish boy that the Saudis out of the blue just decided to lay a few billion on but of course lets all whine about hunter and maybe a few million... meantime 91 felonies is not exactly what any normal person would call trivial offences.
  3. it says that in spite of having done a good job biden's age is a major factor and that a lot of voters are more caught up in a cult than in picking the person who continues to deliver results to people with health care, prescript drugs, job and wage growth, massive infrastructure, one of lowest inflation rates in the world and doing it all without calling everybody names like a 12 y.o. kid. and threatening to "suspend the constitution".
  4. patience...a sitting president can not be indicted criminally.....trump will get his days in court soon enough for his 91 charged felonies and he will most likely be a convicted criminal felon...
  5. the doj does not investigate allegations...that is the special counsel...same guy that has been investigation for 3 + years and had full authority to bring charges but did not... PS : hunter biden is not president and has never worked in the white house unlike jared kushner who took billions from saudis for ???...i guess the saudis just sort of took a liking to a nice jewish boy and fact that father in law played no part?...so why no jared investigation?
  6. you do know the hunter biden special counsel has full supenoa power....same as jack smith...maybe the reason they don't have any evidence is because there is no evidence?...exactly what does "in charge of the evidence mean"? if the snitches have the evidence then supenoa all the snitches and see what they have under oath...not a bunch of fox news babble.
  7. Amazing how they are all ready to jump on an impeachment bandwagon after admitting they have no evidence of a Joe crime....but will still support a person who has 91 felony counts backed by a mountain of evidence mostly provided by die hard trumper republicans who saw and heard firsthand what trump was up to and decided to testify and tell the truth.. And 6 of 8 repub potus candidates say they would still vote for orange man even if convicted of a felon....not exactly a profile in courage.
  8. My guess....and only a guess...is that trump will NOT be the repub nominee as the full weight of his alleged crimes comes crashing down and repubs finally figure out he is a LOSER....I would also guess that a lot of dems hope trump IS the nominee as he will once again be a LOSER and Biden will win in a landslide. IF it is not trump and ended up somebody like nikki haley she could be a formidable opponent as she is already attacking the age issue and she could likely draw a substantial number of women....of course haley may be a bit too sane for the cult but sooner or later even the cult may finally admit that the emperor has no clothes.
  9. OR....maybe there will be a conversation with Kamala to suggest she announces for personal reasons she has decided to go back to CA and take Feinstein place in Senate which would open the door for Biden to name a different more popular young VP....if he does not look for every repub ad to say a vote for biden is a vote for kamala as biden may not finish term 2....biden would not openly throw kamala under the bus but there has to be some concern about her being a target to use against biden second term... Seems that most polls would indicate that there is some concern if Kamala would be ready/acceptable as potus if needed.
  10. What is the current rule as to how many cambodia border runs followed by a 30 day extension at thai immigration are u allowed per calendar year? Is Two times ok?
  11. There are several lifelong repubs who have had the gonads to stand up and tell the truth....almost all of the witnesses in the 91 felony counts are ex trumpers as well as a few others who have belatedly grown a spine...it is not an easy thing to do as they are certainly aware that the deranged maga cult will put them in crosshairs with all kinds of death threats for them and their families.....and most repubs will say nothing as they are complete and total cowards. How sad as i suspect most of them know full well how evil trump is but of course to stand up to him requires a real LEADER and not some chickensxxt like little lymp "I'm done with trump" lyndsey graham. I actually remember a time when many republicans prided themselves as strong men with morals...now they are sniveling cult members.
  12. Ok good for the rich people. Now get on with the 90 day visa exempt program....and even if you have to charge a bit more so we don't have to leave the country or go stand in line at immigration or fool with all that evisa online aggravation that would be fine with me. Charge $1 usd a day for 90 days no BS no hassle and allow it to be extended one more time for another $1 usd a day....$180 for six months for the snowbirds.
  13. Learn to tell the difference between what you want and what you need would be a good lesson for a LOT of people. Also teach your kids that "you can't always get what you want" so they don't grow up head over heels in debt from buying all sorts of "stuff" just because the ads convince them that they have to have this or that.. There are a zillion simple ways to cut your cost of living...example: drink water when you go out to eat rather than a $4 coke or iced tea. Make your own coffee at home rather than a starbucks $5 a day cup of coffee la de da...learn to live with you tube and over air TV rather than giving spectrum or a cable company $100 or so a month....the list goes on and on and while some are small amounts they do add up over time. There are a lot of things in life that are free ...like a nice walk, watching a sunset, going for a swim, books from a library, etc. Learn that entertainment does not always come with a price tag.
  14. I do wish he would dump kamala and pick a younger different vp....maybe kamala could go back to california and take feinsteins place back in senate...? of course biden would not throw kamala under bus but maybe some others could convince her to do it for the country....just announce she feels she could be more effective as senator or whatever... ...i know not likely but i fear she will be a drag on the ticket...especially if run against somebody like haley if trump implodes or in jail ....
  15. I agree but in a choice between the two would you rather have old and sane or old and looney tunes.
  16. I think if i were donnie i would try and cool all the Lock em Up talk at least til i got through with the 91 felony charges that if found guilty on just a couple of them can basically lock him up for life.
  17. What are the actual benefits of being this old? look on the bright side...eventually you will likely give up thinking about sex every minite for hours a day as i did from age 13 or so for many decades....then you will have a lot of free time to think about some other things and may be surprised at how nice that can sometimes be....maybe with all your new free thinking time you will find the cure to cancer or something?
  18. Maybe just be a bit more aware that the alternative to getting older is to die. While you may think 50 is old you ain't seen nothing yet. Get on with whatever it is/was you planned to do with your life....all of those bucket list items...repeat after me...if not now, when?
  19. Term limits and age limits. But of course the very ones who would have to vote for this to happen are also ones who want to hang on and on and on rather then serve and then leave. It is disgusting. They are atticted to having people kiss their butts and tell them how wonderful they are. How about bow out gracefully and enjoy your likely beautiful home, your likely big pile of cash etc and if you absolutely must keep your name and face out there to stoke your ego then make a deal to do appearances on news shows from your home to express your opinions, write books, columns etc. It is a problem with both parties, both houses of congress, the supreme and other courts, all across the political spectrum. While many people do retain their mental abilities in elderly years their bodies and their energy levels no doubt begin to decline...Sure there are the rare exceptions but it is totally obvious that many are well past their sell by dates. I would say mandatory retirement of about 70 years old is enough....and maybe no more than 12 years max. Won't happen though as most are ego manics who are totally addicted to prestige and power.
  20. try reading a bit....he did in fact inflate worth to banks to get loans...fraud...he deflated net worth to IRS to not have to pay taxes....fraud...
  21. Evidence clarence...name the crime/s biden committed and show the evidence...not a bunch of bs right wing wish list conspiracy theories....3 years into investigation and the special counsel is free to call a grand jury at anytime and present the EVIDENCE to a grand jury and IF they believe said EVIDENCE they will vote to indict....it's really pretty simple even for clarence thomas to grasp... I guess you have yet to notice that there is a massive pile of evidence that has been presented to grand juries of trump crimes in 4 different locales by 4 different grand juries....some are dem some are repub but all have one thing in common...they looked at the evidence and said yes there is a probable cause that a crime or crimes was committed....and notice also clarence that most all of those who are providing the evidence and testimony are die hard life long republican trumpers... Tired of trying to explain the obvious to trumpers....got real evidence present to grand jury...got no real evidence no indictment.
  22. I think good idea to reconfirm with immigration office direct to protect yourself....would u be able to tell is he were a real immigration officer or just pretending...official looking uniforms are cheap and easily avail along with a deputy dog badge that will all be in Thai... What will u do if he demands a pile of baht for some BS reason that requires u to go to immigration with pile of new forms etc to make it go away? Sure sounds like it could be a great scam to run as most farangs would prob pay up and if they didn't then they just go to next farang if they can get tel and address which prob not all that hard to get ....
  23. Would not know her if she showed up at my home. Don't care about her or hardly any of the taylor swift types either. From what little i have seen just not my type of music or talent or whatever their claim to fame may be. Grumpy old man ? Maybe. But for all their fans, have at it.
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