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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. evidence of crime? real evidence not some conspiracy theory garbage found on the deep web....you know like the kind outlined in the 4 indictments re trump where real people who were actually there testify under oath what they saw and heard all backed up by text, emails, documents....evidence that is strong enough to be presented to a grand jury who then decides if it warrants indictment on a specific crime.....muppets are waiting.
  2. I did say if have proof then by all means charge biden....but all i hear from republicans every time the big orang man is mentioned is hunter biden hunter biden hunter biden....my head is just fine but there are a lot of heads that are so far up trumps behind that they want to use hunter as some kind of excuse as to why trump should not be held accountable.. .how many trumpers have said by all means if trump is guilty then prosecute him? A handful....it is all a big witch hunt against trump and after all what about hunter biden? I am glad at least u have not lost site of trump corruption and as soon as i see the long long long awaited proof of biden guilt i will say indict him...but so far for most repubs biden is guilty even though not charged..i will "gain sight" of the biden corruption when somebody shows me some solid evidence and tells me what crime was committed....not a bunch of he said she said conspiracy theories........meantime trump is charged and his charges are backed by a massive amount of evidence....and again u are right it is two separate issues so how about the repubs quit saying hunter biden hunter biden like a buch of head bobbing brain dead dolls everytime there is a story about Trumps problems?
  3. How sad....the agents who distribute bribes to immigration want more $$ as the immigration office mr big wants a new rolex and his BMW is two years old.
  4. .....let's just keep on beating that hunter biden drum and ignore the fact that trump is facing 91 felonies that certainly appear to be backed up by a mountain of evidence provided almost exclusively by trumper republicans hired or appointed by trump who voted for trump and who are willing to testify under oath as to what the personally saw and heard trump do....a man who is already threatening retribution against witnesses, judges, prosecutors and anyone who dares to want to get to the truth. and of course that awful hunter biden who it does appear made some $$ by playing off daddy's name.....about 7 million or so ....hunter biden who never worked in the white house or hired by daddy....every time someone says trump respond in unison HUNTER BIDEN....if repubs had 1/100 of the solid evidence of crimes committed by hunter compared to trump he would be in jail...so where oh where is all that evidence? Maybe it is in the promised report from trump that will also provide all the long awaited evidence irrefutable evidence that once and for all will prove that the Ga election was rigged...oh...uh...duh...never mind not gonna be showing anyone that "evidence" but don't dare mention trumps son in law kushner who like hunter ( had no experience in ukraine) had zero experience in saudi and the middle east...but daddy in law brings him into white house, pumps him up as some kind of middle east expert and suddenly he is buddy buddy with a murdering saudi prince who conveniently give kusher about 2 billion to invest for the saudis even though the saudi comittee of financial advisers refsused to approve the deal as kusher had little to no experience in runnin big investment companies...but no worries the prince overrruled them and kushner gets 2 BILLION plus additional $$ from other middle east dictators...coincidence? oh hell it was only about 3 BILLION total compared to 7 million or so and kushner worked IN the white house...but of course kushner was not doing what hunter was doing and that is playing off his family connections to people who HOPED to gain some special consideration from their daddy daddy in law...and lets forget how many millions daddys little girl sucked out of china when daddy calls the chinese leader a brilliant man... by all means if hunter did illegal stuff then lay out the evidence for all to see of the crime he committed and prosecute him....but while you are at it lets also put the microscope on kushner and ivaka...actually it would appear that all three of them tried to play off daddy's name to make a pile of $$ for themselves....one side took BILLIONS one side took MILLIONS...for the numerically challenged a BILLION is a LOT more than a MIllion and if you actually worked in the white house you likely could convince rich dicatators that you had more access to daddy than a guy who could only get daddy on the phone to sometimes say "hi" to your friends....
  5. stayed vt6 long time...had high floor mall side...only noise ever heard was a/c units on top of mall which never bothered me as sort of white noise but maybe bother some then did lower floor walking st side...there is a big empty lot next door there that had become dumping ground for soi dogs that barked a lot...but they did round them all up and moved them way out of pattaya...when they were gone it was very pleasant...few birds chirping...and of course when there is a big festival on the beach u can get some fireworks etc but i found close door and turn on a/c and no problem vt6 is a solid building with perhaps most central location in pattaya...wonderful to have mall and food court and shops next door...private walkway leading to beach without dodging motorbikes..plenty of convenience stores massage restaurants realtors cleaning service etc in lobby and big beautiful pool...baht bus avail soi 2 or beach road side....and of course 7 min walk to tree town and buahkaho if/when u want it but far enough away to not even notice if don't go there... great choice for most anyone....look around as most every unit is furnished differently some very old funiture and no upgrades...others very nicely upgraded...low floors on mall side have little to no view as look into wall of mall..walking st side looks over the big lot full of trees and also nice sunsets and beach ocean on higher floors...
  6. Be sure and post your rage at the right wing threats that outnumber left wing by a huge margin....lets see when was the last time i heard biden encourage dems to threaten judges/prosecutors etc in the hunter biden case? I must have missed that. Did biden tell his followers to knock the crap out of people and offer to pay their legal defense? I must have missed that? Did hillary encouage her supporters to get wild and storm the capitol when she lost to trump...must have missed that too as i do recall her conceding the election very quickly. Bottom line is the right wing loonies are way more violent and prone to act on it than any left wing loonies ...that is a fact whether you care to belive it or not.
  7. I like the ganja idea but that would be a lot of work and have to replant about two or three times per year and no doubt would attract maybe more people than OP wants. to include maybe local cops with their hands out as no permit. ..bougainvilla grows like crazy and loves lot of hot sunshine...u can let it grow or if you whack it back with weed wacker once or so a year it will grow and bloom even more...cheap to buy and easy to plant and away u go....lots of colors and after few years the lot would likely be an inpenetrable maze of flowers and thorns
  8. agree...horrible death for old man is not the best subject to make bad jokes about...he was somebodys dad/grand dad looking to go to the bathroom not out on a mission to steal an old rundown motorbike...
  9. It's all right here...have fun https://www.justice.gov/jm/jm-9-5000-issues-related-trials-and-other-court-proceedings
  10. Fulton County Ga jail cell. That toilet must be silver as does not appear to be gold?
  11. DO a tiny bit of research and you will see that addressed already...docs are now provided electronically and computers scan them to do searchs for pertinent info....nobody sits and sorts through the paper anymore....and nobody is going to print it out and nobody is going to read it all. On top of that the prosecution by jack smith also provided a summary of the pertinent docs that will be introduced to assist the defense in looking around and any judge would be quick to reject any docs not highlighted to the defense...yet another BS fox news talking point with no basis in fact as to how it really works in the days of computers.
  12. hibiscus/chaba very pretty grows pretty fast...does need some watering and bougainvilla....grows fast low maintenance....bougainvilla seems to do better when you just plant it and ignore it...full of thorns as well but can be quite pretty and blooms a lot...
  13. Been there done that and my overall opinion is it is basically a hell hole. For those that like it, by all means go for it. Other than cheap and a few nice beaches no thanks...and can find cheap and beaches in Thailand with a bit of looking.
  14. Where to begin: As for the jury you conveniently forget that all it takes is ONE juror to vote to acquit and no matter if 11 others say guilty and if the evidence says guilty trump goes free. It is not a 50/50 vote...the system is purposely stacked in FAVOR of the defendant that it must be UNINAIMOUS and you can bet that there will be at least a few republicans on any jury..there is no such thing as a "partial verdict" or a "normal country with 50/50 jury" guaranteed...it is either guily or not guilty on each count.....and as to makeup it is likely that florida jury pool will be pro trump while DC pool will be anti trump....maybe donnie should have committed all his crimes in alabama or somewhere that confederate and trump flags are still flying...or just maybe the various juries will do what they swear to do and that is to weigh all the evidence and vote guilty IF they are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. As to the 19 denfendants the odds are very high that half or more of them will flip and testify against the others in return for a favorable plea deal...and even if not we don't just say oh that's oke donnie, we will cancel the GA trial as it may not be convenient for you. There are consequences to obstructing justice, taking top secret files and refusing to return them and lie about even having them...there are consequences for being part of conspiracies to refuse to accept the valid results of an election and attempt to overthrow the will of the voters. How does illegally taking classified docs then lying over and over to the government that you have complied when you know damn well you have not somehow deprive trump of his "free speech" Contrary to what trumpers seem to think a prosecutors job is to present evidence of a probable cause that a crime has been committed and then a grand jury decides whether to indict or not. Any prosecutor who had the evidence that they have in the docs/obstruction case especially which is about as cut and dried as is possible who did not present to a grand jury would be a disgrace. Prosecutors do not just decide oh lets try the case here because the jury pool is pro or anti trump...it's called venue and is determined by the place where most of the charged crimes were committed.... And finally as to the big pile and dem "witch hunt" notice that almost every single witness in the cases is a life long republican...many appointed or hired by trump that voted for trump...but i guess that the dems managed to somehow get all these republicans to just make up a bunch of lies as to what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears as part of the witch hunt...and of course the repubs who are testifying under oath are fully aware that they will likely get death threats on themselves as well as their family that may go on for decades....that is some powerful persusaion by the dems to get them to go along with that.
  15. ok good lluck...at first they wanted to hassle me to provide them with hotels for two months and of course i have no idea of all the hotels i may end up in...so i just did a 90 day res at vogue hotel pattaya and that made them happy then cxl...they do like to ask for absurd stuff in seems but in the end they have some box they have to check so best to make them happy
  16. Dear donnie...per your request to drag your trial date out for years...."people in hell want ice water but they don't get it".....have a nice day.
  17. i sent them a copy of a one year CD that i have a substantial $$ in....they approved with no questions...
  18. go to agoda and book a hotel for full stay...60 days or whatever...make sure u book one that you pay on arrival and pay $0 today....then send them a copy of the confirmation...then when u get visa approved cxl the res...that is what i did from LA embassy and no problems at all...i think your problem was submitting only first two nights...i actually booked one for 91 days as i plan to extend my 60 days tourist visa another 30 days so wanted to cover it all..
  19. if he could only use that brilliant mind to learn that indictment is not spelled indicate...as any 4th grade spelling bee participant would know...
  20. Damn i was so waiting to see all that proof that trump has been holding onto for almost 3 years re Ga election fraud....apparently trump decided NOT to reveal all his big proof as the gov of ga, a republican, said that they have not had a single person come forward under oath with any claims of fraud in 2.5 years.. But that sneaky donnie has had the proof all along (maybe in a box at mar lago) and in spite of the irrefutable proof that would likely have killed several indictments and partially cleared his name and prove it was all a big witch hunt donnie boy just kept it all a big secret.. I mean really how dumb would you have to be to believe such garbage...if trump had any real evidence he would have been blabbing it all over fox and the internet long long ago....add another big lie to try and cover the other big lies....but trumpers please send $$ to the man that told you he is very very rich and would never need anyone elses $$...and also buy a t shirt from the grifter.
  21. i foung this via google....fact is it is toooo precise to be believable...i would be happy it they can predict it to even baht much less 1/100 th of a baht...i guess it is all somehow computer or AI generated from various data points...
  22. So ousting taksin with an illegal political coup in the middle of the night created a political mess? I would tend to blame a bunch of generals more for taking over power then refusing to give up that power and then rigging the system with 250 unelected senators so they can remain in power forever ...both instances disregarded the basic idea of honoring the votes of the thai people...got a problem with taksin? Use the courts not tanks.
  23. "11. Be a man,"....YOUR words...my words would "be a spoiled brat" I get real tired of donnie boy belittling everyone everywhere everyday so i guess we are even....i do agree he is dangerous but i think he has overestimated his come back this time....we shall see. I for one will be very happy when we hopefully reach a day when i no longer see or hear his name.
  24. Nothing is impossible but it's not trial....it's trials with maybe more to come...and not so sure about the "be a man" part either.
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