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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Trump will no doubt be sending out emails to all the kool aide crew once again begging for them to send him $$ as everyone is always picking on him.. yes the same Trump that when running for potus bragged over and over and over about how rich he was and how he did not need anyone's money and therefore a vote for him would remove all the dark money blah blah blah...and then he turns around and over and over and over BEGS the maga bunch to send him $$ or buy t shirts or trading cards or anything else like a cheap huckster.. ...gee does it maybe remind a few people of a grifter con man? Keep running that big fat mouth donnie and the numbers will keep getting bigger and just maybe one of these days some of the maga bunch might realize they have been played for a fool by a conman and the "gig" is up. Go ahead and defame again and lets see if we can get that 83 million to 200 or 500 million or so....its called PUNITIVE damages which are designed to punish people for scoffing at the law and legal jury verdicts and send a message to other idiots who think they are above the law. My bet is more defamation and yet another trial will be coming soon as trump is incapable of accepting the fact that he is GUILTY as charged.
  2. a plan? like gerrymandering that republicans have become very adapt at shoving through for decades...as for dem election officials how did those red states legislatures manage to let dems change the rules as the republicans are in charge in most of the so called swing states... .if anyone has a beef re what happened in legislatures we have a judicial branch where they could have filed claims to have it adjudicated....that is the way election voting challenges work...u don't get to just say "people say" and nebulous crap and then try and come up with a fraudulent fake elector scheme and when that and 60 court cases failed send a violent mob to try and stop the vote counting.
  3. the suspect reportedly confessed his wrongdoings before being escorted to Thanyaburi Court for further legal processing for committing an indecent act to minors under the age of 13.
  4. https://campaignlegal.org/results-lawsuits-regarding-2020-elections
  5. So you actually believe that trump won 2020? You believe there were illegal irregularities that impacted the outcome of the election? Oh sorry I see it "may" have affected the outcome. I "may" have been as good as Michael Jordan if i had only been 6'6" and could fly like a bird. You believe that dottering biden somehow managed to cheat with fraudulent or "illegal irregularities" in several red states to rig the election and leave not a trace of evidence? Not bad for a dottering old fool. You believe that recount after recount and review after review done mostly by republicans officials in red states that found over and over that the elections were handled correctly and there was no evidence of any significant fraud are wrong? Obviously all a bunch of deep state Biden plants. You believe that if trump had actually won he would have said it was rigged like he was already saying before the first vote was cast? Sure. You believe that some cases winding their way through the system 3 years later are suddenly going to name trump the winner? Amazing that these super important cases are not front and center on every newscast. If you really believe all of that you should bring forth all your evidence as fox news and lots of maga morons would welcome you with open arms and you would be hailed as a hero. Your name would go down in history books as the person who found what nobody else was able to find. You could write books and appear on fox and other right wing propaganda channels and probably have your own show and a massive salary , a corner office, and the hottest babes that money can buy. How many right wing sleuths have spent years trying to find the evidence to support the rigged claims and come up empty. Gee wonder how that can be other than the obvious answer is that they can't find the evidence as there is no evidence of a rigged election. And yet trump keeps beating that same old dead rigged election drum with no evidence and his kool aide maga crowd gulps it all down. to paraphrase a famous line: "show me the money".
  6. so i guess u sorta forgot that trump was potus for 4 years....what infrastructure got upgraded then other than a feeble attempt to build a wall which of course the kook aide crowd as told that mexico would pay for??...yes and santa will come down your chimney tonight with a bag of toys for you. did u notice that biden was actually able to pass a massive infrastructure package that is already in the works and creating a ton of jobs not to mention fixing a lot of the infrastructure...and once again what did trump do or will he roll out that big plan in a week or two like his plan to replace obama care....still waiting....still waiting....do trumpers enjoy being lied to over and over and over? if u don't want to be compared with hitler maybe good idea not to use hitlers language in your speeches to the cult
  7. lets see the links to support this...60 court cases said no fraud...lets see the cases that found otherwise as i seem to have somehow missed those rulings.
  8. Name a few of the "conspiracy theories" that have come true.
  9. venues are basically chosen depending on where the crimes were committed.....the judge in florida case seems very trump friendly not to mention florida is a red state ...maybe next time donnie needs to be more careful where he commits his crimes. Some who were part of the crime were offered deals for guilty plea as is almost always the case when so many involved in crimes. But many that testified were not charged with anything but went under oath and told what they saw and heard. (Cassisdy Hutchins for example)The grand jury looked and listened to evidence and testimony and indicted. Presidents have zero authority to investigate much less threaten state officials over a potus election. STATES control the elections. Google it.
  10. yeah all that winning is getting old for trumpers...like losing in 2020, loss of senate, loss of house seats, loss of governor races, lost in 60+ cases trying to claim rigged election,lost in defamation sex assualt case and will be writing some big checks...and soon to lose in several felony cases if/when the judges shut down all the BS delays and frivolous motions and get on with the jury trials....maybe trump will "win" a nice orange jumpsuit to wear for the rest of his life.
  11. Politically inspired....and yet almost all the witnesses are life long republicans who voted for trump, worked for trump and wanted trump to win....So yes it is politically inspired by REPUBLICANS as i suspect without their testimony there likely would have been no indictment... And of course since trump is totally innocent he should be pushing for quick trials, rather than delay delay delay so he can vindicate himself but instead he harps on the dumbest idea ever that he should have absolute immunity and is desperately trying to intimidate the republican and other witnesses with maga death threats against them and their families....doesn't much sound like an innocent man to anyone with an IQ above a bucket of mud.
  12. which claim would be false? that georgia and florida are red states....have u ever been to florida or georgia? have you ever googled it? of course not as those facts are pesky things. being accused by a trumper of making a false statement is indeed rich...
  13. how inconvenient that trump got charged in places that vote blue in states that vote red....he needs to be more careful where he commits his crimes i guess...
  14. so desantis spend 58 million bucks in iowa to get 23000 votes...and he wants to be in charge of usa economy? i don't think so. and of course immediately he endorses trump hoping that sucking up to him will somehow keep him relevant but too dumb wimpy to know trump will throw him under the bus in a heartbeat for one misstep.. ..how sad it must be to be a republican politician and have to cower in the corner for fear that trump will unleash his maga minions and their threats of violence to you and your family if u dare to cross him...even sadder is how many voters seem to think that encouraging violence against political opponents, judges, prosecutors, witnesses ,etc is just normal behavior...and here we go again with all the racist birther crap directed now at haley because she has a funny name...just like the BS birther lies re obama as well as cruz...spread the lies with no proof and then say "well people say"....and big cheers from the morons at rallies....pitiful.
  15. Florida for one. Georgia also historically votes repub. Indictments require a grand jury and grand juries are not picked by their political party. And the grand juries reviewed a ton of evidence to include documents emails texts video and audios and a massive amount of first hand testimony offered by lifelong trumpers who saw and heard first hand the crimes he committed but unlike repub congress had the gonads to testify under oath against trump even though they knew they would likely get death threats for themselves and their families for years.
  16. The "republican" congress has proven beyond any doubt that they have no morals, no integrity, no patriotism, no courage. All they do is try and hide the fact that they hate trump but are scared to death of his maga minions. What a bunch of hypocritical wimps. Go back to around jan 8 or so and listen to all their speeches after trump tried his coup and they were hiding under their desks. They had a chance to be done with him once and for all and refused to convict him in impeachment two though they knew full well he was guilty as charged. So what would US politics look like now if they had indeed convicted trump? My guess is Biden would not be running. That there would be a robust dem primary to pick out younger candidates. As for repubs I suspect that Haley or another young woman would be their candidate hoping a woman might soften their idiotic repeal of roe v wade. Sadly they did not vote to convict so here we are.
  17. Yeah right....poor little donnie always the victim and spends every waking minute whining about it. Hint: You don't get indicted four times by four different grand juries and charged with 91 felonies unless there is a massive pile of evidence to include first hand testimony from dozens of life long trumper republicans who voted for him. So let's all shed a tear for poor little donnie and the "partisan attempts" led mostly by republican witness testimony. Free kool aide.
  18. So sell the assets and quit begging for maga minions to keep sending more as he has done for past 8 or so years since announcing that he is very very rich and doesn't need anyones $$. He no doubt will appeal and appeal and delay and delay as that is his tactic to try and avoid being held accountable for crimes....if he is as he claims so innocent then why does he not want all the cases to go to trial asap so he can be found not guilty and ride into a second term on a white horse... gee reckon maybe he could actually be guilty or is all that massive pile of evidence in the felony cases just made up...and all those republicans who testified against him must just be making things up as to testify against him even though to do so will no doubt result in death threats and worse ...and all those documents, emails, text messages, video and audio tapes i guess were all provided by space lasers ? come on donnie...man up and quit the BS delays and stupid motions ...face the jury and lets see what they have to say after looking at ALL the evidence and making a decision....but of course we all know that any verdict other than innocent was the result of a rigged jury and will have trump once again whining and blaming everyone except himself...hell he is still claiming he won the election in 2020 in spite of having NO EVIDENCE going on 4 years later...so let's see in one case NO evidence, in other cases tons of evidence....but yet trumpers think a jury should ignore the evidence in one case but agree that NO evidence is a good reason to believe the big LIE...jurors are not as stupid as trump wants them to be.
  19. When a guy brags about grabbing women by the psssy does it surprise anyone that he actually did grab one by the pxxxxxy? Seems the jury wasn't surprised and even though poor little "whys everybody always picking on me? " donnie boy once again whines like a spoiled brat he was found guilty and is going to end up paying a big chunk of change as he continues to say stupid stuff defaming her and pissing off the judge and the check is going to keep getting bigger...but no worries he will send out a conman grifter email to his maga morons begging for $$ and they will send it to him....in spite of him bragging over and over and over about how massively rich he is.... Hint: if a guy that claims to be worth 5 billion is begging you for $$ he may be a conman.
  20. Have you actually listened to some of trumps rambling attempts at speaking? Yesterday he went on about nikki haley being at the capitol on jan 6 blah blah blah but obviously he was "confused" as he was trying to talk about nancy pelosi... and according to the trumpers old dottering senile joe somehow managed to convince dozens of trumper republicans to rig the election in several states for biden and then old dottering joe also managed to convince more dozens of trump employees to testify before grand juries under oath as to the crimes they personally saw/heard trump commit...and that clever old dottering joe managed to do it all without leaving a trace of evidence anywhere....not bad for a senile old man
  21. biden does know the difference between nikki haley and nancy pelosi which trump does not grasp....i doubt biden will want to go to a prison cell to debate trump before the election....
  22. Donald Trump Maybe trump will pick tucker carlson as running mate....too bad that little tucky made a mistake and actually told the truth a few times...of course now tucky is all in and back to spouting lies about rigged elections and sucking up to orange jesus because telling MAGA the truth is just not popular. Carlson was among the network’s hosts and executives who decried Trump’s baseless claims that the 2020 election was stolen in private text messages and emails revealed in hundreds of pages of court filings made public this month, despite the network’s promotion of the false claims on air. In private text messages Jan. 4, 2021, Carlson said he was done with Trump and his unfounded claims of a rigged election. “We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait,” he texted an unidentified person. “I hate him passionately. ... I can’t handle much more of this,” he added. Carlson’s private texts starkly contrasted what he had been telling viewers during his primetime show. “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest,” he wrote in another text message, referring to the “last four years.” “But come on. There isn’t really an upside to Trump.” Fox News at the time came under fire from its core audience after it reported the 2020 election results accurately.
  23. thank you.... as i come to thailand in fall of 2023 so about 3 months in that calendar year and then leave 3 months into the next calendar year...so i guess i need to be aware that the 3 months in jan feb mar 2024 are added to 3 months in oct nov dec of 2024...so now instead of coming back oct 1 i will wait til about oct 15....and spend a total of about 170 days in thailand. I am not much worried about it all but i guess better safe to just keep it under 180 days.
  24. So is it per calendar year or any 180 days even if spread over two calendar years? If i stay 90 days then leave for a week and return for a final 90 days does that make me a tax resident?
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