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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. said sometimes depend on numbers...couldn't get straight answer and some don't answer phones at all....which is why i asked on here if anyone had any recent first hand experience...
  2. so back to the question...anyone done the pattaya to cambodia visa run lately and have any recommendations as to company/costs/etc... i am not interested in going to cambodia for a holiday or a beer etc.
  3. Excuse my ignorance but how does a vpn work if i want to watch on my smart TV...do i somehow have the vpn on my laptop or does the vpn reside on the TV or??....i want to be able to watch sling TV as if i am in usa. How do i "install" the vpn, is it simple?
  4. been there done that before just want to get 45 days quickest way with least hassle...phnom penh not my favorite place....
  5. yes already did 30 day extension at immigration...now have to leave country thus my question.
  6. just need to extend another 45 days....have not done once since pre covid....not a big van of the van ride or wasted day.
  7. surprise surprise surprise do they mention jan 6 or was that also somehow overlooked ? Maybe too busy running nonstop clips of that model of intelligence and competence Herschel Walker talking about zombies/werewolves and hoping for an erection..... Very important information from someone running to be a US senator.
  8. Does anyone have any recent experience with the cambodia visa run trips from pattaya for usa citizen. I see several companies with prices varying from around 2.5 k to 5.5 k baht but don't know why such price variance. Do any of them use a big bus or all in minivans? Any recent experiences or recommendations/details of companies welcome. thank you
  9. Maybe you can find a version you like on fox news...that great source of unbiased news that in court admits they are not news but entertainment?
  10. google it...most every major news source has same story for those who care to spend five minutes on research rather than years supporting the con man....attack the messenger but not the message.
  11. advice for many farang motorbike riders... MANY NOT ALL
  12. Some advice for many farang motorbike riders: It is not a matter of if you will have an accident of some sort, only a matter of when. Maybe yours will be minor; maybe not.
  13. went few weeks back on weekday mid morning....not at all crowded....samae beach was pleasantly uncrowded...chair was 50 baht..best to avoid holidays as it is popular with the Thais....
  14. In a country where coups are common and the will of the voters and the rule of law apparently means nothing does it really surprise anyone that the powerful rich that are still going after the entire taksin clan would be sure that one of "their own" pals, the red bull clan can literally get away with killing a cop, hopped up on coke and driving over 100 mph.......does anyone really believe that little red bull could not be in custody within a month if the powerful of Thailand so ordered. And of course the police force seem to not care that one of their own was the victim and no consequences for the perpetrators. Curious if any media person has ever even asked the PM or the head of the police force why he continues to allow this?
  15. There are millions of people around the world that believe all sorts of nonsense and wallow in conspiracy theories from the dark corners of the web.....it all starts with the brainwashing of kids and while most finally realize that santa and the easter bunny are not real there are untold numbers who continue to believe all sorts of fairy tales as adults. Sad but true.
  16. 3;46 am....right beside a story on 4am closings....what could go wrong? No decisions yet on proposal to extend closing times to 4AM for Thai nightlife, opposition claim drunk driving accidents will increase by up to ten times if allowed
  17. The tide comes in, the tide goes out. The dollar v baht goes up, it goes down. Such is life. Complain, wring hands, rejoice. The sure thing is it will sometimes go up and sometimes go down.
  18. seems that some think it is no more than 5 mins in a taxi from central to soi buahkowon a day when 2nd road and side streets around 2nd road were total gridlock....it was tough that day to even walk from central to soi buahkaow due to gridlock...i do it every day and have never seen it so busy or congested....but certainly you could walk faster than a taxi could drive assuming you could even get through which in many places was not easy with cars and motorbikes and peds blocking the roads and sidewalks....and of course the taxi driver likely knows that if you get in and he sits and sits you may well get out and leave him sitting empty in gridlock traffic....so maybe realize you are not talking of "basically five mins in a taxi" ...overall on normal days in pattaya the baht buses and bolt and even most taxis provide fantastic value and will haul you around for dirt cheap prices......
  19. There were literally tens if not a hundred or more thousand extra people in pattaya for the fireworks most of them Thais from bkk or other cities who drove down....traffic and parking was a complete zoo for the weekend and especially bad on second road as well as soi buahkow and beach road was completely closed along with several side streets for much of the time.....it was tough to even walk from hilton to soi buahkow as side streets were often gridlocked and chaotic to say the least....no big surprise that fares for taxis and bolt were through the roof as it was a super busy weekend so taxis reluctant to take any fare except maybe one wanting to go OUT of the city asap as the taxi would have sat in gridlocked traffic .....not sure that you wouldn't run into same gouge pricing at most any city in the world over a major weekend event.
  20. Put all your $$ into pattaya beer bars...make sure title is in Noy's name. What could go wrong?
  21. It never ceases to amaze me how many people will cross a road without even looking to see if cars/bikes are coming, stopping etc....not just in Thailand but cities all over the world. A lot of them seem fixated on looking at a phone, perhaps something very important like looking at a pic of someone's lunch choice. There are lots and lots of drivers who run red lights, ignore crosswalks, turn on no turn signs, drive wrong way on one way streets, etc. Why anyone would just assume that the drivers are paying attention, following common sense laws, not looking at their phone or tuning the radio. doing their makeup, eating lunch etc is truly a death wish mystery. My only surprise is that more people don't get hit, maimed, killed. Moms advice to look twice before crossing a street was and is still very good advice....in Thailand I would suggest look twice or more every direction possible then look again before you step off the curb.
  22. good advice...bolt jomtiem to north bus station..bus to ekamai...bts to destination
  23. They had those for loy kratong but i sure didn't see them or any other portable toilets for fireworks which was a crowd much bigger than loy kratong....depending on the few bars or even malls along beach road to provide necessary toilets for such a large crowd is really pretty pathetic...i felt extra sorry for so many families that had kids who no doubt needed a toilet over a four hour fireworks show....strange that a supposed world class fireworks event would not provide facilities.
  24. Tips on growing outdoors? Have some fun experimenting and reading google but try not to become totally obsessed by so many details and theories that you forget to just be happy that most of what you grow will get you pleasantly high.
  25. so if you live in a big condo does grab bring food to your unit or do you meet them in the lobby or how does it work? what is considered appropriate tip, fixed amount or % of order or?
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