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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Maybe the TAT junket gang that is flying off for a tourism convention in Moscow tomorrow can give up their seats rather than go to Moscow for a convention that few if any other countries will attend to promote tourism to people who can't get to Thailabd , have no working currency, or credit cards?
  2. Watch the new netflix series WW2....a good reminder that there are more losers than winners in brutal wars started by dictators and that many of the soldiers are simply fodder to be sacrificed. Sadly about half of the USA still seems to support our own recent version of a coup making bone spur wannabe Hitler.
  3. Get frequent annual checkups in Thailand to monitor your health and potential serious problems as well as possible. It the checkup reveals serious problems get on a plane asap and get the treatment in usa most of which will be covered by medicare a and b. IMO it is foolish to give up your medicare B. You can't wait til you are in a usa hospital and then say oh i want to start it up again today.
  4. They are waiting to see how big and how many brown envelopes are passed out before releasing the test results. It takes time to count all that money.
  5. Here we go again. The Sequel: Red Bull 2: Kill and Flee, If you're rich you'll go free.
  6. https://eturbonews.com/3035156/russias-aeroflot-halts-all-of-its-international-flights/ great job TAT...spend $$ on a market that can't get here
  7. Anyone know if u have a 60 day tourist visa can u still go to immigration and extend it 30 days for 1900 THB?
  8. This was last years moscow tourism trade show...28 countries...I would be shocked if they get 5 countries to attend this year. Shame on Thailand for participating.....it is no doubt a group of connected tourism officials that want a nice free all expense paid vacation where they will be wined and dined by a bunch of Putin supporters. It's NOT to late to cancel the trip and behave like you have some basic decency. https://www.tradefairdates.com/Mitt-M5732/Moscow.html
  9. Wow. Not a good look for TAT folks to fly off on a junket to Moscow in the guise of a trade show while the rest of the world rightfully is pulling out all the stops to distance themselves from the new Hitler wannabe. Has to be one of the dumbest decisions by a tourism department EVER.
  10. So Thailand wants to help Russians get around sanctions with China and bitcoin schemes? Those dictators all like to stick together. Thailand is playing with fire by going against almost every country on earth in trying to play games to allow circumvention of sanctions. Russia no doubt has piles of gold bars stacked all over the country under Putin's control. Thai airlines I would guess would be happy to fly several charters of Russians out IF they get paid in gold. Other than a week or two of humanitarian support with BASIC accommodations and food (which should also be repaid via Russian gold) it is not Thailand's job to feed and house Russians indefinitely. Maybe it is past time for all the dictators to make a deal. If Putin doesn't care about bringing his citizens home then don't dump this mess on Thailand.
  11. IF IF the Russian powers that be give a <deleted> about their stranded citizens perhaps they should negotiate for Thailand to provide some evacuation flights via UAE or ? and Russia can pay Thailand with GOLD of which I am sure Putin and his minions has a big stash. Thailand should try to help with some temporary lodging and food as a humanitarian action but Russia should also reimburse that. There are consequences to your citizens when your leaders invade sovereign countries, even if the citizens have no control over these leaders. How many stranded Russians are in Thailand now? Do they even want to return to Russia? It is not Thailand's responsibility to house and feed them indefinitely.
  12. i gave up on storing $$ in cd's and savings accounts as interest just not attractive...for two years i have parked $$ in bask bank where you get one american advantage mile for every $1 annually....so 100 k usd will get you 100 k points/miles per year ...american has great partners so easy to get to/from Thailand on JAL and others. I would rather get the miles than a few dollars of interest income. all FDIC insurance and no long term commitments. Very low value reported to IRS as well. https://www.baskbank.com/
  13. you sure read and assume a lot more into what i said than what i said.....take a deep breath, eat what you want and pay what you want. I don't really care.
  14. "I would say my personal food shop has gone up around 20% in the last six months, especially if I stick to the expat-type style supermarkets." These expat markets selling western foods have always been premium priced....if u want western food maybe live in the west or if you MUST have it in Thailand be prepared to pay major premiums. Never ceases to amaze me how many falangs move to Thailand and then try to eat/drink like they are back in their home country.
  15. Notice how all the dictators and dictator wannabes praise other dictators.....Trump and Thailand come to mind.
  16. Who did you hear that from? Noi's sisters boyfriends second cousin?
  17. Are there any two countries whose average citizens have less in common culturally than Thailand and Saudi other than maybe another middle east country or two?
  18. also please be sure to prohibit or try and scare away farangs who want to be a volunteer...FOR FREE...English teacher to help out a local school by letting students meet/hear/learn from a native English speaker... thousands of bored farangs who could be very helpful ...trade u one year hassle free visa for one year commitment to teach for free ..monitored by local school and if u don't show up and behave visa is cancelled....
  19. you might also want to charge people who form coups to seize the government illegally.
  20. Another conman sucking $$ out of rubes patterned after the Trump shyster cult.
  21. How about a good old fashioned chain letter....what could possibly go wrong?
  22. I miss Taksin....at least he was competent and got elected rather than seizing power via a coup.
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