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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. becaus there is a sucker born every minute that believes in chain letters, ponzi schemes, fomo, and santa claus?
  2. you want to share your "observable data" with us as that is contradictory to every bit of valid data I have seen...do you really think that no mask is same as masked? Delusional or know more than scientists who study disease transmissions for decades. How about be part of the solution and not part of the problem?
  3. Keyboard warriors seem to support the coup crew while thinking that they have some right to tell Thai people who they should vote for.....yeah right.
  4. in usa pcr test are easily available for free and many places they will pay you to get vaccinated
  5. So hotels that sell online for $30 usd a night are 130 for one night with test,transfer....and if you arrive late at night as many do it appears that two nights would be required. Gee I wonder if some brown envelopes got passed around to make sure all the appropriate officials get their cut. Of course they could test everyone on arrival at airport with a rapid test and skip the whole no quarantine quarantine gig but that would not allow hotels to charge 4 or 5 times their normal rate.
  6. June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 Total New hospital admissions of adult patients with confirmed COVID-19 60,000 125,000 345,000 530,000 Estimated share of adults hospitalized with COVID-19 who were unvaccinated 86% 86% 86% 86%
  7. Just imagine if all the unvaccinated brigade would have just gotten the shots (if in a country where available) 5 or 6 months ago rather than spend endless time whining about freedom or trying to act like they know more than thousands of doctors who actually went to med school, passed tests, and treat real people with real viruses. The same brigade that if and when they do get seriously ill run to the hospitals begging these same type doctors to save them from themselves. Turn on your TV or read most any newspaper from any city in the usa and you will see story after story of sick no vaxx people saying they were dumb to not take the shot. Que the crying family who no longer have a dad/mom/sibling because it's too late now. How many fewer hospitalizations would we have IF IF IF this bunch had gotten the shots? Take a guess? A LOT.
  8. I tend to be friendly with people of all nationalities but the topic of this thread is about farang to farang interaction so your "clue" is irrelevant.
  9. Living in a rural area where there were not a lot of farangs around, I used to just do a nod when walking by a farang in a market etc and couldn't understand why so many would not even return a such a simple polite acknowledgement of a fellow farang in a foreign country. I had no ulterior motive or desire to get into a conversation. After a while and being just ignored by more than half I found myself just ignoring them. But i ultimately decided that there was nothing wrong with me. If they don't want to acknowledge me in passing so be it, live in your sad little bubble. To me it is sad that ANY fellow human, farang or Thai, is so afraid of a fellow human that they don't take a millisecond to just return a nod. If someone tries to hit me up I am perfectly capable of ignoring them. Frankly it seems to me that a lot of these people are very insecure or shy or afraid or arrogant or ??. I gave up trying to figure them out.
  10. 2 moderna only side effect was a big smile on my face that I was vaccinated.
  11. I agree no way for 35 million....I looked at wrong stats for which i apologize as don't want to spread misinformation...not sure of real number but i would guess less than 10 million but again not sure if they somehow estimate day trippers from bangkok etc...
  12. yes..but pre covid pattaya was getting about 35 million tourists per year and bali was about 6.5 million....not sure how they define tourists as maybe a lot of pattaya could be day trippers from bangkok?
  13. Repair of common items is a lost art in the west. Just throw it away and buy a new one...then repeat over and over. I always had good experiences dealing with the Thai second hand repair brigade. It provides someone with a way to earn a modest living while saving a few of the planets resources. Who could possibly object to that? A simple example are the sewing ladies who can put a proper button on, repair a tear etc and add years to the life of a favorite pair of shorts etc. In lumpini park in bangkok the govt has classes on how to sew and i am sure that that skill has helped thousands of poor Thai ladies to make some $$. They also run free classes on how to cut hair also aimed at giving very poor people a skill. Unfortunately far too many people have developed the if its broke don't even consider fixing, throw it away and buy a new one. A lot of poor Thais don't have that option so many have become very good at squeezing a few more years out of a variety of products.
  14. Good Luck not allowing high rises. How many hotel rooms could you have and what would a room cost?
  15. https://tidylifehappywife.com/hydrogen-peroxide-hacks/ maybe of interest
  16. Go ahead suggest people don't get shots, clog up hospitals where stressed staff then has to try and save the unvaxxed, cost taxpayers millions, screw up the economy for millions, help insurance companies jack rates for everyone...that is why some get irritated....it's your choice but your bad choice impacts many others. USA Nationwide -- between June and August 2021 -- 98.6% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 were unvaccinated, resulting in $5.7 billion in preventable hospital costs, according to one KFF study.
  17. there "appears to be" a lot of people that want to play pretend doctors or scientists rather than listen to the real docs and scientists who went to school for years, studied viruses and diseases, studied all the various data, treated and dealt with real patients and concluded that the vaccines are safe and effective at preventing the vast majority of ending up in hospitals or icu or dead.....there "appears to be" a lot of scammers pushing their absurd untested treatments on the gullible to fatten their wallets....there "appears to be" a lot of anti vaxxers who end up in hospitals begging for treatments from the very doctors they mock and finally on a deathbed realize that they "appear to have been scammed to death"
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