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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. bring on the tin foil
  2. I sure hope you are joking as we have enough conspiracy theory nutcases already on this forum without encouraging them.... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/false-stanley-kubrick-faked-moon-landings/
  3. This is a good example of why coups are not a great idea as a dictator wannabe ends up refusing to leave....gee what other country has a guy who refuses to leave office?
  4. I lying limp Lyndsey along with my pal coup connie donnie are above the laws...don't you know that? And by the way I lying Lyndsey am "done with trump" at least for a day or two til i licked his feet.
  5. pomchop

    Fire Stick

    Can you just plug a firestick into back of any hotel smart TV with decent wifi in Thailand and watch you tube , netflix, etc?
  6. Bring back red bull untouchable and he'll teach them how to really do it right....
  7. Trump is very good at soliciting and getting $$ from the kool aide cult, declaring bankruptcies, doing tax and bank fraud, fomenting coup attempts, sucking up to dictators, picking the "best people" then throwing them all under the bus....he is not very good at much else.
  8. Good one...but I still think that the real fools are the ones who continue to fall for the con man's never ending BS and grifting in spite of overwhelming evidence that it is all a giant $$ ego con.
  9. Just have an election and if your chosen one doesn't win deny the election, scream fraud, and foment a coup....gee that sounds very familiar in a really big country across the seas.
  10. so 75 days then have to leave country correct? txs
  11. probably best place in bangkok for nice walk.....it is a huge park and the newer portion has lots and lots of shade trees, flowers etc...at the end of soi 8 it looks like you can't get through but look closely to your left at the church and you will see the small gate and you're a couple of minutes away from the park...take a look at he park from google satellite view also notice from your hotel towards nana bts there is a small alley that goes off to your left past famous lollipops...walk by there and you will see a shortcut that opens onto soi 6 and goes over to soi 4 near nana plaza if you want.. go escalator up to nana bts and you can cut across the station and end up very close to soi 11 soi 7 and soi 5....all full of bars restaurants shops.... foodland grocery store and food counter (soi 5) is good place to stock up and food counter is 24/7 , cheap and good food...soi 8 is a great location
  12. fyi if you come out of hotel and turn right and walk all the way to far end of soi 8 away from nana bts there is a church there which has a small gate that is usually open and you can walk through there and right onto soi 10 which in few feet opens up into queen sirikit and tobacco monopoly parks with great walking and biking trails....wonderful spot to get exercise if u want
  13. but still no clarity as to how long you may be able to extend at immigration? if u get 45 days on arrival can you extend by additional 45 or 30 or??? rather important bit of info to leave out.
  14. I used to drive by a big booze wholesaler in Chiang Rai where it was not unusual to see cases of wine sitting out in the very hot sun for hours....not saying they all do that but my guess is a lot of wine in Thailand is not properly stored and may well be bad......except for very upscale sellers i suspect you'd be out of luck trying to convince Thais to take back or refund a bottle of wine gone bad.......i stick to beer in Thailand as for me the wine is absurdly expensive and i would rather drink beer and spend the savings on something else.
  15. Maybe also consider adelpi suites on soi 8...only bit more but way better location in my opinion. Soi 49 can be a bit of a pain re BTS etc while soi 8 is right next to nana bts as well as walking distance to all sorts of bars/restaurants etc etc but soi 8 is pretty quite civilized soi
  16. Surprise Surprise Surprise Just make it up as you go and keep the kool aide flowing.
  17. can you give a link on where it was approved...i saw one story but was very wishy washy as to details...thank you
  18. That is true but even if sober he still apparently hit them....and i would take any bet that the allegation of intoxication is more likely than not to be more than an allegation. Generally innocent people at scene of horrific crash would not refuse to give their name not to mention eyewitnesses comments. Quick alcohol test at the station will soon enough answer that question. He also seemed intoxicated and refused to provide his name, the eyewitnesses said. He refused to speak to the media.
  19. Wow some disgusting responses here...lets blame the victims especially the kids who should have not been riding 4 on a bike and how dare u not wear a helmet. A DRUNK GUY hit them.
  20. No doubt the grifter king will soon be out with a new email blast begging URGENTLY for $$ from the kool aide cult and as usual they will give $$ to the guy who brags over and over and over about how very very rich he is and has always been. Not exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer and the king of cons knows how to play the rubes.
  21. Give it all to some poor Thai, who will figure out how to haul it away and sell it and be done with it all....enjoy the feeling that you helped someone out.
  22. Never ever been asked to show cash after dozens ++ trips.
  23. The redaction will have more black covering it up than an Iraqi woman.
  24. TAT governor Yuthasak Supasorn said that TAT would propose tourist visas be valid for 45 days instead of 30 days and visas on arrival for 30 days instead of 15 days and the measure should continue until Dec 31, 2022. One might think they would know that a tourist visa which is a pain in the butt to get online is valid for 60 days and not 30...why would anyone go through all the hassles of downloading doc after doc and paying a non refundable $40 and then waiting 10 days or more to get a response if all they get is the same 30 days (not 15 days) that a visa exempt person get for doing/paying nothing? It always amazes me that that these govt and big corps can't spend a few baht to hire a native or at least fluent English speaker to PROOF READ their announcements. It would take all of about 5 minutes for someone to point out the obvious errors. How much could that cost? I suspect the problem is that it would cause some bigwig to lose face when shown he has no clue about proper english.
  25. Give it up. You and your cronies have ZERO evidence of any significant voter fraud. If you do then post it for the world to see and you will be a forever hero in your tin hat kool aide cult. Otherwise please don't waste anyone's time with all your absurd posts, theories, and BS.
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