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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Define "God" before you ask if anyone believes. Otherwise forget about it.
  2. Thanks for replies but i am curious about just a regular tourist visa extension not related to covid. does the covid extension apply across the board to all tourist visas regardless of reason wanting to extend?..and is covid extension done at immigration for 1900 thb like the old tourist visa extensions? Has there been any word as to how long covid extensions may continue to be granted?
  3. Does anyone have current knowledge as to how long a 60 day tourist visa can be extended. It was once 30 days but they talked of making it 45 days but did that happen ? Thanks
  4. What a gang of defenders of cops beating up on kids who are handcuffed and lying on the ground defenseless. Regardless of what may or may not have happened prior, gun or no gun, was that necessary? Of course not. Lock them up and let the court decide their fate. I wish all of you good luck if you or a friend or family member happen to have a police encounter and get kicked in the head a few times while lying on the ground handcuffed not resisting. Somehow I suspect the comments might be a bit different.
  5. From my experience it seems that majority of locals don't drink tap water.....just maybe they know something that others don't. Brush teeth ok....drink it, no thanks.
  6. It would help if i had born rich...I wasn't Musk had said that his father owned emerald mines in South Africa and that his family owned a private plane.
  7. please put musk and his tax dodging billionaires on their rockets one way to mars...
  8. How about all the crypto cheerleaders just go buy all you want and forget about trying to convince everyone (or yourself) that you see things that others can's see or understand and they should all jump on the crypto bandwagon? Just think how much more crypto you can buy before the rest of us "see the light" and jack the prices up.
  9. at least have the courtesy to tell her you are finished and have moved on...otherwise she may report you as missing and next thing you know the cops are looking for you....send the one message and be clear she will not hear from you again...
  10. good simple advice........don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows ,,,,use it or lose it
  11. i would as i prefer not to smoke pot full of seeds or have to pick seeds out to roll a decent joint....and 20% is more than 10% active ingredient. I don't know of any serious pot smokers who want to buy pot full of seeds unless they want the seeds to grow their own later.
  12. not talking about hemp...talking about smoking weed...if you like weed full of seeds go for it...i prefer no seeds https://waveseer.com/why-is-medical-marijuana-seedless/
  13. PT Barnum pegged crytpto long ago. There's a sucker born every minute.
  14. No other natural resource offers the potential of hemp. Cannabis Hemp is capable of producing significant quantities of paper, textiles, building materials, food, medicine, paint, detergent, varnish, oil, ink, and fuel.
  15. Maybe they will include a basic grow guide to teach people how to get rid of the male plants whose job is to create massive amounts of seeds forming on the female buds...hint: the male plants have small balls that form quickly and if you don't get rid of them will "impregnate" your girls and make your crop much less potent or desirable. A lot of Thais grow "jungle weed" where they scatter a bunch of seeds in a moist jungle location and come back in 3 months or so to harvest a poor quality crop of buds full of seeds
  16. Those who support drunk drivers might feel a bit differently if their kids or loved ones get killed or badly hurt by someone who thinks it is taking away his liberty or right to be a moron.
  17. Just remember: Your girl is "different"....perhaps a few young hotties but most are same same and are very good at parting you from your $$. Don't blame the girl, blame yourself if you get taken to the cleaners. You theoretically are the worldly older man while she is an uneducated farm girl....guess who most often ends up with the house etc?
  18. except for the fact that those new bars have all been shut down lately?
  19. rode for years...never saw the need to see how much noise i could make
  20. the nerve of those grumpy old men who like to enjoy sleeping or enjoying a touch of peace and quiet rather than having to listen to loud bikes roaring by.....200 people in a condo suffering the noise of one or two loud bike morons.
  21. No nonsense spouted,,,just more BS from people who seem to think it is their right to make all the NOISE they want disturbing others who have no desire to hear a loud bike just so they can pretend to be some macho motorbike man child....i hope somebody opens a karaoke bar next to you some day and see how u feel about NOISE then....
  22. where can i buy some of what the OP is obviously smoking..it sure ain't .2% THC.
  23. just what we all need...more idiots roaring around seeing how much noise they can make thinking it makes them cool to disturb the hell out of everyone
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