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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. like my dogs understand my english and thai as long as there is food involved
  2. tell that to the termites that ate my door very similar to that in chiang rai....
  3. won't worry the termites will eat the door soon and then you can buy a proper door
  4. so when/if someday china sends troops to annex thailand be sure and ask the UN for help and see how that goes
  5. amazing the contortions some will go through to see no evil hear no evil.... ... what the heck has happened to basic common sense...if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is most likely a duck....one of oldest lines ever used in courtrooms...
  6. dictators of a feather stick together....
  7. never been asked and flown in on dozen or more different airlines, big and small, on no visa, tourist visa, etc, from close by and far away.... up to you
  8. psychotic junkie cannabis crowd? as opposed to the violent obnoxious drunks? I'll take the cannabis crowd listening to pink floyd and eating ice cream and minding their own business....buses leaving every few minutes so off you go.
  9. Motorbike accident: Not a matter of if but when. No helmet= Generally bad outcome.
  10. so if your choice doesn't win at the ballot box just foment a coup and insert a general who of course would have no interest to "enrich" himself and his cronies....got it.
  11. i have stayed in dozens if not a hundred or more hotels of all types in thailand over the years and have never had anything stolen by a maid....so maybe not paint all maids with "thief" brush.
  12. If you don't like pot then don't smoke it......fortunately most people seem to realize that it is a whole lot less harmful than the two biggie drugs....alcohol and tobacco. I have done all 3 and in my experience pot would be a distant # 3 from booze and cigs. The violence that booze seems to trigger in a multitude of users has been going on "legally" for centuries while the much much more laid back peaceful pot smokers have been prosecuted, imprisoned and worse for decades. Enough.
  13. oh no..you mean soon it won't just be drunks all over the place being loud and obnoxious while pot heads go quietly and peacefully about their business?
  14. agree..we do have or had a system that you have to provide evidence of a crime...you know like documents , statements on audio and video tape, witness testimony etc....so lets lay all the trump evidence on the table as is happening every day to the chagrin of the cult and lay all the biden evidence on the table and allow the grand jury to determine who should or should not be charged and if charged a jury decides what the evidence does or does not prove and actually follow our system.....unfortunately it seems that many think that the way around is to threaten riots etc if we follow the law....if u have the evidence show it.....if you have no evidence than stop with all the threats and bs....
  15. Because some of us don't like a dictator wannabe to keep beating the same old big lie that the election was stolen without a shred of proof after almost two years...... Just imagine someone accused you of fraud and you went to court and the prosecutor said oh no your honor we have no proof or evidence of fraud but we have a lot of theories...the judge would correctly throw the idiot out of courtroom and dismiss all charges....but yet trumpers continue to try and bring charges of fraud with NO EVIDENCE....got it?
  16. some of the best fantasy stories ever written full of demons and worst along with stories that only a "true believer" could take seriously....my guess is 90%+ of so called "christians" have never read their precious bible , only selected portions that support some preachers agendas....i read the entire thing long long ago and still shake my head at how anyone can base their "beliefs" on such a book....
  17. i think it is a lot of the same crowd that also wants to ban books that somehow offend them? Can't let the kids read about slavery or homosexuals or anything that doesn't fit the banners agenda.
  18. tell my two otherwise healthy friends who bought the antivax bs caught covid and are now dead that it is all just surveys and some kind of conspiracy theory.....tell their wives and kids who also refused vax and watched fox news nonstop til they caught covid but kids ok and wives barely survived and still not back to normal....
  19. and repub antivaxxers also spread more covid because they bought into the all a hoax BS .... I had two good friends who refused the vax as they believed the BS....both otherwise healthy both dead of covid. Rumours and outright lies kill people. Yet they persist.
  20. way overpriced but i guess not for the two week millionaires....two tiny half joints (half the joint is a filter thing) 700 baht ....no thanks..
  21. and i am 100% sure very very few economic predictions are 100% accurate.
  22. and Hillary's email and Clintons bj's and obama was born in kenya and ufo's and all those stupid dem somehow rigged the 2020 election and left not one iota of evidence behind.,,,,,and orange jesus will return if he isn't in jail.....and if he is in jail please send OJ $$ as he is very very very rich but is running out of kool aide so your urgent donation is required today.....
  23. As for all the people who want to show you pic after pic on their phone.....I am not interested thank you.
  24. well for one the bar girls sure seemed to spend a lot more time talking with you, some trying to learn English and more because they were bored and sometimes a farang could be funny.. ..i used to just pull out a piece of paper with a few dozen thai words i was trying to learn and very quickly the gals would get curious to see what i was looking at and once they saw it often they would want to practice their English on me while i practiced my thai on them...good fun that i miss as now everyone is too busy putting up pics of what they ate for lunch.
  25. the "king" (emperor) has no clothes which is apparent to all but the kool aide coup crew
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