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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. "Army top brass satisfied with peaceful shutdown....". Really? The army is 'satisfied' that a small number of troublemakers are trying to shut down the capital city of Thailand, and they have no intention of doing anything about it?

    Yes, the Thai way. To be number one. In any other country in the world the armed forces would kicked the home already, but not here. The armed forces here is not a goverment instrument, it lives it`s own life.

  2. The Army is waiting for the reds to get involved and kick off with the violence, then we will see the Army spanking the militant reds (again)

    talking to some red shirts ......it is not going to happen......no need to...they are just waiting it out!

    People will soon get tired of Suthep!

    You better hope that's the case...

    ... personally, i think the reds will 'tire' of him first and kick off a campaign of violence, masked drive-by shootings, throwing grenades at protest leaders houses etc...

    ... or perhaps they have already?

    You have a wrong attitude mate. Who told you any reds did it ???? I think the Benito Suthep organised it.

  3. Good luck asking the stubborn boneheads Abhisit and Suthep to the negotiating table.

    Instead the UN should just go ahead and send peace keeping troops.

    Can they do that? I mean without asking permission from the Thai military or the caretaker P.M.

    Yes they can do. But normally they will do this in a cooperation with the legally elected government. The army is a subdivision of the government, so there are no reason to ask them.

  4. Well the death penalty for corruption by politicians was how China first dealt with the problem. The public execution of a senior Minister for corruption soon eradicated the problem, or at least pushed it much much further underground. In fact most of Sutheps rants are pretty 'Chinese' in a way. I commend him for taking what appears to be a harsh and serious stance against the cancer that holds this country back, but as the old saying goes 'It ain't what you do it's the way that you do it' !

    I am not sure having ex Military men as Minister of Defence is a good idea either. As ex Military my experience would show that favouritsm/nepotism would be just as bad and you need someone to make impartial decisions whilst being advised by Military Experts.

    My comments on here have gone down 75% since this started, It's too much hassle keeping up. Let them get on with it, life is not affected one iota where I live and the baht continues to weaken against the major currencies. happy days!

    I suggest they first of all shoot the dictator spawn as an example. Maybe that is the only one necessary to kill.wai2.gif

  5. Now is it in reality a political rift or a rogue political family led by a fugitive from justice causing the majority of the discontent we have just seen publicly manifested ?

    Truth be known it is a renegade political family and its renegade leader that by their manipulating the political scene that have brought the country to the brink of what could and yet may be a disastrous outbreak of civil disorder which of course may demand the entry of the military to restore civil order.

    Methinks that the good general is making a public announcement in a genteel fashion to all involved to toe the line so to speak, politically and family wise.

    The people have made their feelings plain, hence the Thaksin clan along with all of their ilk should listen and step back from the brink and do Thailand and its peoples a favour, depart from the political scene now and remain out of that scene for many years.

    Who is this general working for ? The nation Thailand or his army ?

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