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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. Analysis.

    Thaksin is loosing and knows it. PT&T are pulling out all the stops and moving in all directions. Going after the PDRC leaders, again, going after the guards, and now the courts. Exactly at the same time Abhisit wakes up from his nap and Suthep starts his exit dance. I think all the nice talk about everybody agreeing is just for public face saving.

    PT&T hwo are they, an American thelephone company ?

  2. 1."Mr. Direkrit added that it is important to have policemen who are close to court officials in high-ranking positions, for the sake of reliable security service."

    2."The request for policemen we trust, such as those who are our relatives or used to work with us ... to be in a position to provide security is perfectly reasonable," Mr. Direkrit said"

    3."We need people we can trust in charge. We can't use just anyone. They may stab us in the back later on," Mr. Direk told Isra News"

    4."He added, "As far as I know, many police officers do this on a regular basis. It's nothing illegal."

    "However, the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) has a different view.

    "It warrants the strongest terms of criticism and condemnation," said CAPO spokesperson Pol.Lt.Col Anchulee Theerawongpaisan. “It’s an act that violates the ethics decreed under the Constitution at the hands of one of the highest leaders in the judicial branch."

    The CAPO spokesperson also raised concern that the incident may lead the public to question the impartiality of the courts, especially when the Constitutional Court will soon rule on the status of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra following complaints that she unfairly removed a former head of the National Security Council.

    "CAPO does not have the power to take any action in this case," Pol.Lt.Col Anchulee said. "But it is the task of CAPO to solve conflicts in society. Therefore, we demand the two officials in the Administrative Court reconsider their action,” Pol.Lt.Col Anchulee said in reference to Mr. Direkti and his superior, chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court Mr. Hassawut."

    Smoke out the fox as soon as possible. It`s cockroaches like this that is destroying the Thai society.

    • Like 1
  3. I know it`s legal to import this chewing tobacco, because earlier I used to get packs wit 20 cans in, and one time I got a letter from the customs in Nong Khai. I went over there and paid some money and got the pack. I was told to tell the sender to not put so many cans in each pack. Less than 10 and I should not need to pay anything. 10 cans should be 420 grams. smile.png

  4. Chalerm once again showing how he is a complete child.

    How dare he accuse the last grenades attack on the PDRC without evidence..... This guy has a lot of shortcomings in the pipeline and the time will come when he finds himself on the run from his pursuers.

    Does he think Thalsin is having a ball in exile or what?

    He is going the same way and so is Surapong and YL.

    How many beers did you need to make this statement ?

  5. Perhaps Mathahir should go back to persecuting Anwar, I think Boeing is a little bit bigger target and it will be harder to pin it on them until they find the plane.

    Mr Anwar is not so difficult to convict for the muslims in Malaysia, but I think this guy is pointing in the right direction. Nowadays it should be pretty easy to make a air-plane secured against hi-jacking and also easy to track wherever it goes, or whatever happens to it, for a small amount of money.wai.gif

  6. Mr Kerry is too gentle towards Putin and his KGB (GESTAPO) comrades. They are using their Spetznas (SS) in Ukraine to destabilise the nation. The reason is that after they kicked the corrupt president Janukovic out, Russia is in fear of loosing their rights to operate from their Black-sea base in Sevastopol. They really deserve to loose that right. They show it now. If they don`t back out the west should cut all relations with Russia. Let them rot in their own misery. Putins days will not be so many after all relations are cut off. He is the supporter of the Iranian tyrants, the Syrian tyrants and Hamaz. coffee1.gif

  7. Difficult decision for the next govt. It should be 10% ( or higher).

    Forget economic considerations, this is going to be a political decision. If there is a real chance of the caretaker government being removed fom power without and election, they will make sure the incoming government, be it dictatorship or appointed, will be saddled with making some very unpopular economic decisions. That is politics and it is the same the World over.

    I`m sure if the caretaker government is removed without an election the war is going on. The killings will be like Rwanda.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Obviously, no shortage of generals in the RTP. They've got plenty to go around.

    Generally speaking, that's true. But then again, Thailand has almost as many generals as G.M. has motors. It seems to be a major problem.

    Thailand has about equal amounts of generals and cashiers, but very often they overlap.

  9. most probably stuck at customs.

    I do not understand why the customs should stop it ? It`s within the legal amount of free import.

    Another thing is, do the customs just steal it ?

    Should they not notify me and give me a chance to pay any customs on it, if that`s the case ?clap2.gif

  10. What do you think ? Is Thailand Post reliable or not ?

    I use to order "snus" (chewing tobacco) from the manufacturer in Sweden. Normally I got it delivered 2 - 3 weeks after purchace.

    Mid December I purchased 30 cans, which means 6 packs off 5 cans each. They send 5 cans in each pack to not exceed the legal limits.

    Late March I received 2 of these 6 packs. In January I purchased 40 cans more, 8 packs off 5 each. Late March I also received 2 of these packs too.

    I`m still waiting for the 8 missing packs and are beginning to believe Thailand Post has some employees that uses my "snus".

    I will not purchase any more before the last 8 packs are received.

    What do you think ?

    Are Thailand Posts employees thieves ?


  11. Amazing safety demonstration, only in Amazing Thailand where no-one dare say anything bad for fear of defamation. Amazing.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    I think the Royal Thai Airforce, as the Royal Thai, army, the Roayal Thai police an the Thai people in generally doo not think safety in their behavior at all. Just look nat their bhehavior non the roads. Maniacs. Give the same maniacs aeroplanes, guns, and more sofisticated weapons. BANG !!!!!

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