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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. These loonies need to pack up an go home. They have been trounced. The people have spoken: they want to be able to choose their government, not have it dictated to them by corrupt former politicians like Suthep, D-list celebrities no one ever heard of, and the likes of the beer heiress. Fortunately Thai people have better sense and are brave enough not to be intimidated by the hired goons.IT'S OVER...

    46% of the people have spoken. We don't know what percentage of those voted "None of the above".

    But I forget, 46% is a huge majority, isn't it?

    Where did you get this number from ? The numers will not be published before february 23.


  2. I think the only way corruption can change in Thailand is if the two most highly respected institutions in Thailand, the Royal family and the Buddhist institution, start a massive anti-corruption campaign and program. Until then it will only get worse and become even more socially acceptable which is why it will not get any better as long as people believe corruption is okay especially if I or my family benefit from it. And believing the politicians will really do anything about corruption is like the problem solving the problem it just will not happen.

    Sorry the Royals do not intervene in this matter. The Buddhists even show side in this conflict. This should change very soon.

  3. Thais love dictatorship.

    No, they do not love dictatorship. Most Thais do not know anything about politics.Some says there are vote buying going on, yes that is what politics is about. Everywhere in the world.

    The Thai people is currently being robbed by the socaled politicians. After this election it will be a lot of mess. I just hope they will send all the corrupt ones to jail, included the guys from the democrats (face party), which are cleaning their hands now.

  4. Can anyone believe the dynamics of this situation ? The EC is a constitutionally empowered institution that has given its recommendation, not once, but repeatedly, and now on a day-to-day basis - that the election cannot be practically held and should be delayed. The administration is constitutionally bound to respect that recommendation and to act on it. What has the Yingluck administration done under the orders of Thaksin ? To assume that the EC does not have this authority at all. To assume that the administration does not have it either ( but brazenly in recent days proposed just that to the PDRC - when they offered a three month delay that the PDRC rejected ). To assume that a reform committee that the administration has hastily convened somehow now has this authority. To assume that the administration can sue or sack any member of the Election Commission at will if they do not agree with them. In short, the Yingluck administration believes in anarchy. They also believe that the EC does not deserve its audience - even though the EC has requested it on a daily basis, to discuss this very election. Instead, the administration prefers to talk to the EC through the media, and finally agrees to meet with them - in four days ! But, incredibly - not to discuss the election, but to rehash yet again the Yingluck administration's insistence that billions and billions of baht be released to salvage what is left of the rice farmer vote before the election, to which the EC has said no, as it is such a clear electoral transgression, and is now also the subject of an ongoing investigation of corruption that extends to the prime minister herself.

    Richard Nixon himself could not possibly have aspired to reach these kinds of levels of pure gall as well as a wanton disrespect for the institution of governance.

    The constitution draws the rules, not the EC, nor anybody others whishies.

  5. As it is in the police's clear interest to frame the narrative of this story, as well as to reach their own conclusions, that alone should give pause. The police's hands are anything but clean. Consider the following :

    1. The men in black identified as policemen by none other than the chief of police.

    2. The nightly terror attacks on the protesters at night.

    3. The nightly grenade attacks on the homes of protest leaders.

    4. The grenade attacks on the former prime minister's house, and the current Governor of Bangkok's house.

    There is a clear, connecting thread pretty obvious to anyone not blind to it.

    This tells this players against the democracy to stop their fight for at dictatorship.

  6. Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

    attachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.g Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.gYingluck corruption.jpg

    Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

    It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

    I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

    I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

    Interesting point about suspension of passports, given the past / recent history of convicted people being allowed to leave the country then absconding.

    I wonder if NACC has the power to do this or whether it's within it's remit to ask a higher / appropriate court to issue such an order, after a charge has been officially lodged.

    Different point - the lady says that under the Thai constitution she cannot resign.

    Seems to me this cannot be true. This surely would be contrary to basic human rights:

    - the right to freedom to choose ones own path

    - employer cannot write contract of employment which forbids employee to resign, etc.

    Anybody get and deeper insight into whether Thai constitution really says she would be breaking the law if she resigned?

    She`s not employed, she`s elected, the same occurs for all the cabinet members. The constitution forbids them as an caretaker administration to abandon the sinking ship before a new election has been held. Not so difficult to understand ???

    The situation would be totally different if the police arrested the prime minister and any other members of the caretaker administration because of fraud or other crimes. Then you can not say the caretaker left in oppose to the constitution. The problem will i such case be that the eventually not arressted members of the caretaker government has to carry on until election has been held and a transition to a new legally elected government has been done.

  7. Corruption on an industrial scale, while on Yinglucks watch, with Yingluck in charge and with Yingluck policing corruption. The buck stops with the darling of Issan.........

    attachicon.gif Yingluck and Obama (2).jpg attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

    Totally with you nothing to add really it was there before, people either didn't believe or were in denial. It is now apparent that these chosen ones cannot go on and bluff their way out of it. There is so come to come out of the woodwork, how can they be so stubborn thinking like some posters they have a right to stay on because they were democratically elected.

    It is now past a joke, mark my words within a short space of time when more is revealed there will be many doing a runner. Flee the scene.

    I wouldn't be surprised if some have not already gone before they can be charged.

    I would like to see an order come out that passports be suspended for the PTP members, and rice millers/businesses and connections until this is sorted out with it being on a gigantic scale.

    Interesting point about suspension of passports, given the past / recent history of convicted people being allowed to leave the country then absconding.

    I wonder if NACC has the power to do this or whether it's within it's remit to ask a higher / appropriate court to issue such an order, after a charge has been officially lodged.

    Different point - the lady says that under the Thai constitution she cannot resign.

    Seems to me this cannot be true. This surely would be contrary to basic human rights:

    - the right to freedom to choose ones own path

    - employer cannot write contract of employment which forbids employee to resign, etc.

    Anybody get and deeper insight into whether Thai constitution really says she would be breaking the law if she resigned?

    She`s not employed, she`s elected, the same occurs for all the cabinet members. The constitution forbids them as an caretaker administration to abandon the sinking ship before a new election has been held. Not so difficult to understand ???

  8. But the rice budget has run out of money and all further payments will need to come from extra-budgetary borrowing.

    The more the government resists the EC's calls for an election postponement, the more the EC will continue to say NO!

    Yingluck, you messed up so don't expect the EC to bail you out.... Live with it or step down.

    "But the rice budget has run out of money and all further payments will need to come from extra-budgetary borrowing."

    Where did you get the information???

    "The more the government resists the EC's calls for an election postponement, the more the EC will continue to say NO!"

    If this is the case, the commissioners are guilty of abused of power, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty.

    Agreed, if the EC would say 'no' because the government doesn't want to do anything about postponement apart from talking, that would be abuse of power, etc., etc.

    Luckily that's not the case. It's just a matter of bad budgetting by the government. They took the 350 billion Water Mgmt loan out of the National Budget, they took the 2.2 trillion load for infra structure out of the National Budget. For transparancy reasons of course. That should have created enough margin for rice price pledging policy. It would seem it didn't. Poor fiscal planning.

    How and when the government took the 350 billion Water Mgmt loan out of the National Budget, they took the 2.2 trillion load for infra structure out of the National Budget.

    I don't understand what you meant by "out of the National Budget". The 2,2 trillion load you mentioned is an off budget loan. A budget to fund the rice pledging scheme was endorsed by the government last September before the dissolution of the parliament. There is enough money for it.

    Yes there is enough money for this, they just forgot where the money was hidden.facepalm.gif

  9. What is the gist of this ? Thaksin never, ever changes. Now he's going after everyone. He's going after the Bangkok governor ( for providing sandbags ! ) Send the DSI in. He's going after Abhisit for attending a walk yesterday ( along with hundreds of thousands of other supposedly free Thai people ) in support of the movement against corruption and for reform. Horrors ! The Constitution Court ( as people will recall, Thaksin's favourite institution ) - well, they've got Prompong's marching orders as well, it seems. The PDRC ( and presumably all the people on the streets ) are expressing their freedom of expression - in public ! Of course, he forgets that the Constitution Court is considering the viability of the Pheu Thai party itself, in relation to the charter amendment, an amendment the Constitution Court has already found unconstitutional ! Oh well. Another detail for Prompong to mull over. And Prompong himself was convicted recently and is supposed to be now serving a year in jail. For some reason, though, he didn't mention that today. Doubtless it slipped his mind. A curious footnote - Prompong has been cropping up on TV for years. Does this man ever, ever smile ?

    <deleted> do Thaksin have to do with this ??? Only paranoids think he have any power left here.

  10. This was the 'critical mass' protest. This was the real show of peaceful political force from Suthep. EVEN IF we suggest there were a few more people, it still was NOTHING like what he needed to show that his cause was anything other than marginal. It will blow out. The only things left are a stepping up or a stepping out if they want to reach that critical mass. Its not going to happen any other way. The reds WILL sit this out for the same reason they all went home after Ramkamhaeng. Why get involved when youre involvement allows Suthep to step closer to his goals. People arent stupid. They have the same view we all have. That view is this:

    -Suthep has not hit his critical mass to show that he can shut down bangkok for anything other than a few days or a special occasion. And even only then a section of bangkok (one city with a heavy democrat lean). Since a massive part of his fanbase come from moderate democrat supporters, this will be hugely demotivating to their movement. The bubble is deflating.

    -The government has shown absolute restraint in its policing and handling of protesters (something that maybe other governments could do with learning - hello kettling).

    -The democrats have pinned their colors to Suthep and will pay the price in any future election (wasnt Abhisit praised for his words against the coup in 2006???). Should PTP put them on the spot and agree to go forward with the recommendations of the EC and re-start the election process (as well as delay it), they will take a wholloping now that the momentum for the protests seems to be dying away.

    -The red constituencies are FURIOUS about the rice buying schemes. The democrats in those areas will be equally furious therefore at the central democratic party throwing away the opportunity to take some vital seats growing and stabilising their party in the North and east. This will come up, you mark my words.

    - You cannot keep promising jam tomorrow without people eventually getting sick of hearing it. A populist party like PTP (who are maybe prone to this) are due a comeuppance with their core to ANYONE AT ALL who can show a bit of political nous. Maybe not this time around, but in roads are being made. The north is not a no-go area for opposition candidates.

    - In refusing to contend the elections instead the democrats have reinforced the idea that no matter what, they only represent the interest of the elite and the south and have no other interest in the rural poor of the north and east of thailand. No matter if this is unfair and some of them may have had the best interests of thai democracy at heart, their track record in government and outside it will simply lock them out for a generation in certain areas of thailand NO MATTER who is promising them jam tomorrow. They will continue to insist that its all just vote buying (to amplify a message to their core constituency who ALREADY TURN OUT AND VOTE FOR THEM) and refuse any kind of responsibility in their failure to become a credible alternative government (by attracting swing voters), and this will wonderfully work to reinforce in the minds of anyone who votes against them in these regions that the Democrats believe that they shouldnt be allowed to have their voices heard: Lock out for a generation (at least).

    - Literally the only way Suthep will now win is if the current government goes insane, or the red shirts annoy bangkok commuters any more than the yellow shirts already do with their whistling and blocking of traffic. A turn to violence on the part of the reds would be so self destructive and stupid as to defy belief. It wont happen. Nor will the government suddenly get draconian and impose martial law allowing the army an opportunity to insinuate that the country is descending into civil war.

    The govt have done little more than insinuated (by their action) that these protesters are nothing more than a nuisance or an inconvenience. They have handled them as such. Theyve been allowed almost free reign of the city, and allowed to set up their protests free from a strong police presence. As such, instead of having something to smash against (the states authority through the police barricade), the only thing left to lash out at are businesses and lives of the people they purport to represent. This isnt an option of course without losing the moderates that make up the core of their support and accord them their legitimacy as a 'peoples revolution'. Theyve been frustrated at every turn.

    So why on earth would the red shirts come blundering in and start a riot when they just need to sit this out and watch them either self destruct through violence, or just quietly skulk off back to their houses and lose the oxygen of publicity?

    Either way, tomorrow is the next definite final deadline! Lets see what happens? Then its the weekend! And then after that its the run up to the election! hooray hooray! and the inevitable protests following the obvious return of PTP (should it happen). Jam packed schedules on 24 hour cable news!

    Very good description of the current situation :-)

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