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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. The Thai government do not think in the same way as the most governments in the western world. They do not have any clue about led contamination, and if none of their relatives are struck of led contamination they do not care. It' s about the knowlegde and the human care of the government. The present government lack both.

    Name and shame please, the public has the right to know....

  2. Did the driver have any driving license ? If he had, how did he get it ? The Thai way probably. The Thai government don* t give a shit. I think the only one can do anything about road safety in Thailand is the King himself, because his servants do not do anything. They do not care at all.

    No one was seriously injured in bus crash with Russian tourists onboard in Thailand - tour operator head

    KANCHANABURI: -- No one was seriously injured after a bus with 42 Russian tourists overturned in the Kanchanaburi province in northwestern Thailand, Anna Podgornaya, General Director of the Pegas Touristic tour operator told reporters on Friday.

    The accident involving a Pegas Touristic bus occurred at around noon local time (9:00 am Moscow Time).

    "According to the preliminary information, there are no fatalities. No one was seriously hurt. Several people sustained minor injuries," she said without specifying how many people had been injured.

    Russia’s Federal Travel Agency Rosturism is clarifying the circumstances of the accident, the RIA Novosti news agency quotes Rosturism spokesman Irina Shchegolkova as saying.

    Source: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_10_11/No-one-was-seriously-injured-in-bus-crash-with-Russian-tourists-onboard-in-Thailand-tour-operator-head-7394/

    -- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-10-11

  3. “There was just one case in Phuket this year when this happened. It was a charter flight that could not land on schedule because of a storm.

    “The aircraft had to stop at Haad Yai Airport, Krabi Airport and Don Muang Airport before the weather conditions improved so that it could land in Phuket.” Why in gods and buddhas name did this plane go first to Had Yai, than so to Krabi, ond so further to Don Muang ? If it could not land in Phuket it should land on some near airport. It sounds like the plane landed several places before it landed in Phuket. I do not understand why they are doing this. If they could land in Had Yai, why not stop there, becauce of safety reasons ? Probabably a Thai airliner.

  4. " It has also banned the 2 employees from working aboard the company’s buses and will relay the records of the 2 employees to the Department of Land Transport to be stored in its data files." Yest this will really stop them doing things like this. Beeing stored in the departments data files is very scaring. Why do they want to store this in the departments data files ? It it for any use ? Or just another flow of unuseful words ?

  5. It*s already there !!! Even the legal system.

    I'd like to know what the German Embassy think about this situation.

    I also wonder if making the derisory offer for the computer could be construed as an offence which warranted a retaliation in kind.

    Offering 6000 for something listed at 8000 is hardly derisory or insulting.

    If it was the whole bargaining culture in Thailand would collapse into anarchy.

    The guy is dodgy. He is not broke.
  6. Where is the expat areas ?`I'm living in the north-east and we are about twenty foreigers in this area, 50 km around. Is this an expat area ?

    I hope this man gets help soon. I don't care whose "fault" it was.

    One wider "lesson" for people reading this. The insult the Canadian used is MASSIVELY more serious an insult in Thailand than it is in the U.S. or Canada. You can get killed for that here if done in person.

    I don't know about how that insult is viewed in Germany though. Perhaps some expats have internalized Thai values about such insults.

    BTW, does someone know WHERE in Thailand this Canadian lives?

    If he is an expat area, surely there are people who would be happy to directly provide at the very least some foodstuffs.

  7. What do you mean with an over-sized trucks ? Is it bigger than allowed ? Thailand do not have any regulations regarding noise, pollution from trucks, noise pollution in general, and no thai do care about his next. If they have regulations they do not enforce them as most of the other regulations and laws. Thailand is a 3rd world country and will be forever, as I can imagine. Maybe 4th world country.

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  8. You all have to understand "Thailand’s Foreign Ministry has confirmed that no Thai officials were involved in the disappearance of 300 visa labels from the Thai embassy in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur.". That means it has to be some Malay working for the office. But what did the Thais responsible do when it happened ???????????????????????? I think some Thai officials have been involved, despite the Foreign Ministrys knowlegde in this case before it is investigated.

    I think the top figures in the foreign ministry should go home to their rice fields instead of encroaching on the Thai people.

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