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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. The union wants to go on strike for more money when the company is losing millions of baht. Smart move union. Improve your service get people to fly with you again and then demand more money.

    The employees are not the ones that makes the company loosing money. The flag carrier of Thailand should keep international standards in their way to pay all their employees, not only the pilots. Thai Airways are in deep shit now. The customers all around the world will very soon know about Thai Airways treatment of their emploees. Maybe they has to collect "tips" onboard the airplanes. Thai Airways are going in the wrong dorection.

  2. Chalerm looks to the future

    How can he look at the future when he can't even see past his nose, being drunk all the time.

    I'm convinced he is thinking he will be the next PMw00t.gif

    Just do not vote for him, difficult ? Lousy keyboard heros.

    Couldn't have put it better meself, if i do say so!!


    There'll be no place for the likes of him, his hangers-on and the other pig ignorant PTP gobshites in a new government.

    Scum of the earth.

  3. Wrong No.1

    ".......she reasserted that the government has cooperated fully with the poll agency to hold the election, without any criticism on the process."

    The Election Commission has repeatedly pointed out that a fair and peacefull election is not possible, because of the protests.

    Furthermore, her ministers have sued and threatened the election commission. The loss of 4 billion baht goes to her account!

    Wrong No.2

    "..... state of emergency, Ms Yingluck said the Center for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO) and the security agencies will consider it."

    She was Caretaker Primeminister and still ist Partylist candidate No.1. If the SOE is necessary she must decide. She is the leader and have the "Last" word. Should it be that she is not the responsible Party leader, then she should resign immediately!

    The damage caused by the SOE in the tourism sector is huge. The losses are billions and goes to her account too!

    And we all can blame the little faci dwarf for all the trouble Thailand is in now. Jail the bastard Mussolini-like asap. Shut him up forever.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

    Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

    You are more right than you probably know. All this farlang heroes should been whipped away to their beloved home countries. One way ticket.

  5. They shoul not blae it on the Indonesians. The reason we are caught in smoke here in isaan is the Thais have to much money. They prefer to burn their fertilizer they got for free, and instead buy new fertiliser. They have enough money every year to do this. Some of the Thais worry because of their living age. They do not see that in connection to all the smoke they breath every day. Thainess is about not looking further in the future than your nose sticks.

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