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Everything posted by david555

  1. Just to clear up ???? By the information from one of my Belgian banks given to me in past date , they stated that starting 30 June 2022 they have to report standard way only the totall account(s) balance of all Belgian accounts every 6 months to our National Bank (NBB), no more than that , BUT they had also to report the balance from 30 June 2031 , SO in a retroactive way !! from announcement date ???? So 30 June 2022 , 31 December 2022 and so further every 6 months .....BUT they had also the balance from 30 June 2031 to report , SO in a retroactive way !! This not as CRS , just a BELGIAN national thing ,...... but of course information can be shared if asked , but only the balances of this accounts , included insurrance contracts and other "money things "
  2. Things changed apparently and all need each other ..... No hate to MF from me ..., but their popular 112 vote winning plan from the young , plan blocked them for Governing , if not so , together with PT they would became a massive group..... but an impossible to realize promise blocked them by themself
  3. Maybe they change their mind in future if they see how in future Thaksin go play his cards ..... remember he is a master in strategy .......
  4. Mr lessismore was getting so much flak for his negative review of Thaksin. You could ask yourself why he got so much flak ......? Easy .....! Thaksin is loved by so many more than the Thaksin haters
  5. The answer about them Anti Thaksin behaving so is : pure frustration ????.... never mind those too much , homecoming it's done and dusted & nothing they can change on that While the whole N- East and Chang mai are celebrating and they welcome his homecoming
  6. You never know that exist ?..... ignorance at highest level ????
  7. The funny thing about all those Ant Thaksin haters is ....... they can not do anything about it, how much vitriol speech ever they flame ..... pure frustration .... makes me smiling ....
  8. ???? increasing 1000 000 to max 1200 000 would cover that long period of keeping 25 years long same amount of 800 000 thb.....a logicall increase Besides it is still our own savings still..... And for the "no haves " or "not willing to keep on Th. Banks " ....only a slight more thb to pay on agents ????
  9. that is a private financials opinion .....so taking our own fincial capacity as mark point ? ☺️ i wonder wy the girls higher Their prices then ? same for all other commecial things ☺️
  10. So in 1998 they higher it to 800 K......an we are now 2023 ...so 25 years same 800K ....and we all keep thinking it does not come one day increased .....???? So compare we all have our earnings on the 1998 level still and same for prices of needings now ? ......Amazing logic .... Do not forget to take your head out the sand some times .....????
  11. nasal polyps Like Sheryl said could be the case ......i had it when 13 year old ,i could even not eat whitout stopping for breathing ...after simpel operation ( in and out hospital same day ) a free nose ,no blocking anymore Never had problem after the operation anymore
  12. In my country the Belgian gov. started June 30 2023 the money totals ( not details ) needed the banks reporting this from all persons bank accounts , so needed to report to our National bank ,so 30 June and Dec 31 totals each bank account .... BUT the tricky thing was ....the year 2021 also from June30 .....a reverse thing .... While the notice started only in 2023 So every 6 months totals from each bank on our person
  13. So they go report my loading AIS sim card & fee for bank card ....☺️.as nothing else happened as i left Thailand 1 Sept 2022 keeping only 1 small money account alive Doing a "reset " for when i return TH. ????
  14. an OLD calculation tool link (2014) might not be accurate anymore ...? But it shows the principle https://www.acuterealty.com/calculator.asp
  15. And for the "ostrich foreigners ", sand enough on the beach ☺️
  16. So why would the Thai Government increase the 800,00 Bank deposit for retirees? Calm down! Well , i would not like it become hogher than 800K , but if we all are honest , those 800K from that first time demanded is not worth the same value 800K any more now.....or did we not get our pensions higher ? (indexations ) , those of us who receive rent of property's from home country renters , or you kept them 13 years same ? , workers got all those years compensations for higher costs of living / food / rent . From 2008 it was i guess that 800K was demanded .....so almost 15 years the same up to now ..... so it is not unreasonable Thai gov. could /would increase If not now ....keep in mind it shall come future time , so best prepare and preserve your finances for that moment instead getting a "panic attack" that moment arrives ..... But we might be "grandfathered " ???? ????
  17. probably a thief would take that camera also with him /her ....
  18. Nice gesture "the suitcases "☺️, so the thief can use them to his secure place to break & steal the inside ....???? just clipping your cables ....
  19. In case of electronic lock i could give access on demand by email or phone call ,as such i have proof when entry by landlord happens !....Btw this would be a demanded as exclusion on the contract by me or no renting .... I am not surprised some values or money could go missing if renters accept this sharing key ... Up to you anyway to risk loosing cash .....or might be you do not keep serious cash as i do ,..being on the other side of the globe
  20. Changing lock is first thing i do wherever i lodge or rent ....,and when leaving the stay i put the originnal again in place .... Electronic locks of course is a different handling for your security
  21. Same from E.U. (KLM)
  22. "Thaksin's downfall was his big mouth ..." Seems familiar to your attitude , Watch out for the defamation-trap ???? As all his pardon has a reason ..., and coming from very high ????
  23. seems the coup happened already ...... this one whiteout tanks ???? ......????
  24. Sorry to hear your problem , but as now my " plumbing " works fine ☺️ You really seems to have problem with flying ....???? As really my health should be a bad 70+ i should just stop living Thailand complete , for now only i left from Sept last to check my Home Country living , but already make plan to "SilverSnowBirding " Yeah at &0+ or more we all need to consider what to do , lucky i am a single free Bird no Anchors as said before , advantages and disadvantaged in consideration taking In the certificate you can see the details concerning that Short 3 months max.hospitalization health care help
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