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Everything posted by david555

  1. So noise is haunting you still from the time you were building your wife house in the village with that opposite neighbor ? ???? Time to call a group of monks to free you from that curse...555 ????
  2. But your departure country would not be happy if more than 9999 K US or Pound or Euro .....leaves undeclared
  3. might many do not know , foreign cash must be changed to Thai baht if longer than 360 days in Thailand BOT rule.... , ( i know guy's..... i did not folllowed that ruling neither in my 14 years stay Thailand but it exist , same as any Gold bullion in to Thailand needs a import license ,or deposit to customs by arrival and receive back by departing Thailand https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/TH-Thailand-customs-currency-airport-tax-regulations-details.htm Some long time nasty forgotton & hidden Thai financial rules .... Thai Bank regulation BOT.pdf
  4. the easiest way to have all of us if we have a TIN number ......just giving in the number on them proves you have ...,or have not ..., no calculations to be done by them , Simply 1 doc. more to bring for your case of whatever with them.........
  5. That is already the risk case as now using monthly , just only 1 fault coding by the transferring institute and you'r I.O. can reject the whole year Even not forgetting a to narrow exchange calculation .... a very risky system against the very easy safe 800K on Thai bank system
  6. And so your home country find out you have a Thai bank account .....in case you did not reported that .....same for your maybe not reported Thai property in case not reported to your home country tax office .... all this fun comes out of Thailand now full active member of OESO with CRS reporting from 2024 PS : once more Cash stays King & Gold Emperor .....
  7. You think they go let that big money coming in to Thailand not taxed ....?? ???? Maybe not ...., but you shall only know after the obligation declaring it......
  8. Never mind about the nice reassuring from Thai Law Online (orig. poster ) You have now to declare .....and after to pay or not to pay ...., meaning you have to surrender (with or whiteout white flag ????)...., and ???? open your money situation with outcome later ????... I am no longer a Tax resident from 1 Sept 2021 , ......just becoming a SilverSnowbird now PS: Remember Al Capone .... FBI could not make him & his crimes nothing .... but tax office IRS. locked him up
  9. It is becoming a habit as well in Europe, it is the movement to close bank accounts for those not living anymore in their own country , not all banks do it but many .... so other banks could also follow .... Some at their own fault to not comply with the documents asked .... or not let their bank having profit on them , example using cheap transfers by wise as an example ..., and also those CRS ruling from OESO & that FATCA from USA All they wish is total control over your finances ????
  10. "It will never happen so stop trying to create panic. " That works only on those who are vulnerable to panic .... mostly those who could be serious targeted because .....their many fiscal avoiding circumstances would / could be stopped ☺️
  11. i would think people would not put it tooo sharp when trying to avoid a rule from ANY gov. i always take a safe gap for whatever .....
  12. So why then all the fuzz on it , if not possible by Thailand to enforcing it ...... also WHY 56 pages about it here .....? I.O. officers are most possible key players for control .....let's hope they don't like to assist Tax office on just asking a TIN numbers ????
  13. would be easy if they wish it to so ..... just an extra document demanded by I.O. when doing whatever connection to your Stay Thailand status .... TIN number by example ...
  14. Or become SilverSnowbird to home country .... ( Was my plan already why i left Thailand Sept. 2022 to arrange again a Belgian Home-base )
  15. Strange enough it was only 1 of my banks who gave a message warning about this starting that time
  16. True, but in my country Belgium the Banks need from June 30 2022 to deliver the balances of each 6 months to the national Bank of Belgium , only the total balances from each citizen not all details , so 30 June, 31 December 2022 and on ...., but strange enough reciprocal also for the year 2021 .....30 June & Dec. 2021 This as a decision from Gov.
  17. Well i got my latest adapted Pfizer jab in my home country 2 weeks ago ...... and i am still alive .....☺️
  18. And could the partner in that case have access ? Can she have the money you left at U.K. bank in that monthly system ....? Unless you keep your money cash In Thailand for her....when that bus hit you ...????
  19. Your choice ....eating the "fruit" , but not singning the contract ....????
  20. Short said ....i find the extra % not worth the hassle , but that is only my opinion , i understand this can be different for other people
  21. Probably for peace of mind , more easy if you have 800K , avoiding changing exchange rates who can make your local I.O. rejecting ext. because a few baht short , same count for the transferring organism by not coding it as coming from abroad ..... . 800K once in 1 year , keep it safe and no problems anymore ......as long you stay Ret. ext. in LOS or else every month tension in the monthly system , for a little % more Each at their own !
  22. MFP made election promise about 112 who made them winning some more than PT ..... but impossible to for fill 112, so they blocked themself this way Nothing wrong with MFP ....only young hubris
  23. before you put laughing emoji you should now the booking airline use the currency from the country website to make the price for ticket ....depending the country you are in (they can see that )in THB or Euro ....in your or their favorable exchange rate
  24. yes ...! on top of that even amusing..... , others you would not be in Thailand i guess ????
  25. Are you sure ? this is" Amazing Thailand "....you forgot ? ☺️
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