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Head Snake

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Posts posted by Head Snake

  1. Rented wife means "the girl who actually makes you happy while you are legally and financially bound to a nagging haggus"

    Haha just kidding.

    Its a term of endearment for any wonderful creature who makes you feel good so long as you pay.

  2. I've woke up against a brick wall with a sore side. How do I know what organs I'm missing? Do they replace them with something?

    Isn't Faceless Grawn a Filipino in Thailand? Have any of you fallen for her schtick and woken up sore in places?

    Is there any group that wil do liposuction for extra??

  3. I was talking with a western woman in a Singapore bar last night. SHe said there is a real shortage of stores geared to western woman sized clothing.

    Do you agree with that for Thailand?

    I know a Thai girl who makes clothes and she was present for the conversation.

    Do you think there is much of a market for decent playful/sexy clothes in western sizes off the rack. In the "Marks and SPencer" price range?

  4. I usually like going to forums with Thai stories. Its always interesting to see what the latest twists are in the LOS.

    For some reason, I did not really like reading Stickman.com.

    I went to Galt's site and enjoyed the readings. Maybe because he broke it more into paragraphs, had decent photos with a story behind it, or whatever.

    It seems like a decent source to read up on things we can't discuss on TV here.

  5. Thanks Croc. Now this thread is completely useless. The mods can delete it or let is stand as another very short Head Snake thread.

    Ok, here is a teaser to see if anybody will actually respond to this thread.

    Last night, I found the spot where some thai ladies who travel to Singapore go to dance with poles (fully or at least mostly clothed tho).

    It used to be the Top 10 on the fourth floor of Orchard Towers.

    I went in with a Thai cutey I know. But, it didn't take long before I fell in love with one of the Thai dancers in the bar. Wow!! I wonder: Is it more sexy to see dancing with clothes on or in the buff?

    The place has great music and gets you pumped to do some dancing. It wasn't long before the girl I came with was up on the tables dancing.

    Thanks for the little slice of Thailand in Singapore.

  6. I enjoyed it taxexile, particularly this tidbit:

    well you would if only that bad tempered nagging crone that you married 25 years ago would fukc off and leave you alone for a couple of hours.

    That is classic. I am picturing my exwife right now upset that she cannot give me cross looks for walking the Suk.

    I like the warts and all of Sukhumvit; but, I get this nagging suspicion that I am less anonymous each time I walk it.

  7. About 2 weeks ago, I got my haircut in a Pattaya mall. It cost me 700 baht - that is actually cheap in comparison to other salon places I go to try and get the best haircut for myself.

    Anyways, I basically hid that haircut under a hat for those 2 weeks. It just didn't look good and I could do nothing with it.

    I went to visit a friend and her little baby girl who makes me laugh. She lives near Ratchada but tucked away in one of the tight sois.

    I asked her to take me to get my haircut prior to a meeting I had to attend.

    She took me to this shop with only one girl about 25 years old with lots of barber equipment. I thought: This will not work. What does a 25 year old girl know about barber shop cuts.

    Well, I got the best cut and shave for only 50 baht. 50 baht.

    Needless to say. I will return to this shop whenever I come to Bangkok. SUrprising that a cheap shop gave me the best haircut I'd had since I lived in the states.

    For some reason, it has taken way to long to find a salon or barber shop who can cut my hair properly or to my satisfaction.

  8. ...and watching the world go by evenings from Marriotts corner bar...sigh!

    Yes. That is one nice spot on the earth.

    Hint #1: THe seat closest the escalator has the prime views.

    Hint #2: The beer prices are higher than the friozen margarita prices. THe beer gets hot but the margaritas stay cold (because they are frozen, remember)

    Hint #3: The girls that stop by. They want a drink. They might cost more than the drinks. wink wink

  9. I am going to check on some prototype shirts made by a girl I know who owns a factory.

    I've given her some samples and I've asked her to make copies of various sizes with some company embroidery samples as well.

    I am supposed to meet her today or tomorrow as I will be showing these samples to other companies who are looking for good quality, fairly decent pricing, reliable from Thailand.

    PM me if you have certain questions or want me to send pics of the sammples.

  10. hahaha. I am sooooo glad to hear I am not in the boat alone!!!

    I just filed for 3 years about 1-2 months ago. Luckily, I didn't owe that much. I went back and had an american tax service do the calcs for me. We had to have some conferences to make sure all my taxation was correct. (IRS estimated I owed $40k for 1 year - The tax service came up with $4k. - Huge difference and great peace of mind).

    I don't know if foreign american tax experts are better than in america. Quite honestly, I trust American tax specialist who have done MANY overseas taxes.

    Lastly, DO NOT ever NOT pay your taxes!!! That is plain stupidity!!!

    The reason I did not file on time. Because my job requires immediate travel and 20/30.2 days travel per month on average.

    I've been late before because of a divorce.

    The worries and pain in the ass are really nothing with just dealing with the reality and being able to talk/negotiate with the IRS.

  11. 44 with a pension? I'd love that; but, now, all that is upside down.

    "The prosecutors main evidence today was to bring forward shoes found in James Christensens house claiming they would fit footprints found at the scene of the crime and that they would fit James' feet. This was not the case.

    The court will now deliberate whether James Christensen is guilty or not and announce its verdict on the 15. August. "

    Well - there it is. Both evidence are circumstantial. The actual fire was small and not much damage. 15 years???? 10 years!!!!???

    I don't think he should have spent a day in jail for that.

    However, Are their leash laws? Why keep strays? Why keep animals you are responsible for and allow them to run free? Couple that with an escalating disagreement and perhaps a vindictive justice system and he shoulda left while out on bail.

    I bet he stayed so he could keep his pension; fearing he could lose it in abstentia.

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