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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. On 3/23/2023 at 5:46 AM, jacko45k said:

    Yes, they can barfine themselves off I suppose.


    In days gone by I've called them at work and told them to pay the bar fine and get their pretty little bum over to my condo...

  2. On 3/22/2023 at 10:15 AM, BananaStrong said:

    It's funny, I was just thinking NOBODY uses TF anymore.   lol.


    That site is definitely 2015.    E    V  O  L  U   T   I   O   N.  get with it

    TF is alive and well. I had a peek and its stuffed full of willing ladies. speaking for a friend

    • Like 1
  3. On 5/22/2021 at 5:44 PM, ubonjoe said:

    Before you could only apply in person and they mailed your passport to you. Originally the intent was to reduce the number of people going to the embassy or consulate. There was aloes the choice to it by mail.

    In my case going in person would be a much higher risk than doing it by mail. It would mean a trip to Bangkok to do it and that is long trip for me.

    You have to remember not everybody lives in Bangkok or Chiang Mai.


    Same with the Canadian Embassy in BKK. Last year I made an online appoinment to renew my PP and within a day they phoned me and said why not do it by mail? I never realized it was an option. Years before I always used a car hire from Pattaya to the Embassy at no small expense. Worked a treat, I had my new PP in about a week.Thai post EMS. It was always a hassle to get into the building with a ton of security. I suspect there must have been an  "incident" I must have 5 or 6 expired or full ones in my safe. Easy to do now..

    • Like 1
  4. I can't ignore this statement.Going back a couple years a mate and myself would embark on extensive road trips on our HD bikes.Any time a Ranger would appear at a red light there would be a huge cloud of black smoke indicating it was a 'pedal to the metal" episode.They could just not tolerate driving behind us.We actually rode the bikes fairly conservatively.I nicknamed them "Ford Ragers"

    Inevitably we would meet an the next (fai dang) 555 I agree with poster.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    OK, so the A/C is about the right size.


    At 20C it's no wonder it was working hard, do you have a pet penguin? ???? 


    I suspect you will see a significant improvement with the increased temperature. 


    Buy a stand fan, that can help make you feel cooler and so you can wind up the A/C temp even more. We don't bother with A/C in the living spaces, just fans, A/C in the bedroom at 27C (with a fan).


    Good advice YT. 20 C is way too low by most standards. I've seen it done a lot in hotel rooms but as you I only use ac in the bedrooms(27) and living areas are covered with fans.

    Years ago we met a couple Newfies 1st timers to Asia and they set their ac to the very coldest it would go. The both got pneumonia and one was hospitalized. <deleted>

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    • Haha 1
  6. 19 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    I use Kasikorn cardless withdrawal, also available on my Bangkok Bank and Krungsri, no need for atm cards anymore and safer

    Scuba...one never stops learning..my Kbank card got hacked and I was issued a new one...the kind lady walking me through activating it brought it to my attention about this "cardless" feature...who would have thunk! I've had ATM cards for decades...

    • Like 2
  7. Just now, jaideedave said:

    Many moons ago I was in Chonburi city in a busy shop. I noticed a male youngster with his mom..In plain English on his T shirt was the caption,

    'All my dad wanted was a <deleted>"

    I did a double take and bit my tongue. The mom wasn't bad looking either!


    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    Maybe a few Russians, especially if written in Cyrillic. But mostly you are correct, see many an emblazoned T-Shirt on a local that has me shaking my head!

    Many moons ago I was in Chonburi city in a busy shop. I noticed a male youngster with his mom..In plain English on his T shirt was the caption,

    'All my dad wanted was a <deleted>"

    I did a double take and bit my tongue. The mom wasn't bad looking either!

    • Haha 2
  9. 39 minutes ago, DrCosmix said:

    So get back  here. Settle down. Then you return  to EU work and send  1000 euros a month which is plenty. She can do part-time  work. The school 3500 a term.

    Take action  before  she visits  a feminist  lawer and takes everything off you THEN you will know real unhappiness.  Get her out  of Europe and into Thailand. Pretend  its a Thailand holiday but basically you are ********** if you stay in Europe even if you  didnt get married. She will be in contact with other Thai single divorced women who know how to work the divorce  system TBH most Thai girls are planning on divorce as part of the 'European marriage move.' They know the behaviour  patterns, sulking  cold shoulder, silent treatment etc all designed to demoralise  you and men like you.

    You have  to get out and remember your daughter  is learning to be emotionally stunted from her mother.  Thai women learn terrible behaviour  traits from their  mothers notably emotional manipulation not any kind of communication  or negotiation...get out now..

    ???? You have just given this fellow a million $ worth of advice. If he takes heed of what you mentioned he has a 2nd chance.If he doesn't he's _____ed!

    I sincerely hope he reads your post. I wish I had someone like you on my side when I made stupid blunders of looking for love in all the wrong places..just like the song. My hearts racing right now. That BS cost me a few broken hearts and a small fortune. 555

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 3/4/2023 at 6:47 AM, spidermike007 said:

    It is likely that every minister here would be fired, if they investigated them. The stench is obscene. If not for corruption, than for malfeasance or inability to perform the job effectively, like in the case of Anutin, Prayuth, Prawit, Phiphat, or the Big Joke. 

    It's my belief that they wear the "C" as a badge of success.I think the regular working Thais look up to them.

  11. 4 hours ago, khunpa said:

    So the guy likes to bang a doll… Good for him, as long as he enjoys that! 


    I say let the man be free to buy and hump all the dolls he wants.

    I once met a marine engineer on oil tankers and he told me that 1 of the Phil crew members acquired one of these. After he was done with it he gave it to a buddy. Before long the doc said they ALL got vd from it. 555  

    • Haha 2
  12. 14 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Its amazing how many tourists are walking around with 50K in their pocket and a Rolex on their wrist - on the beach! Still, I'm sure he will have travel insurance ????.  They really should be more careful.

    How would that work? If in fact it was a genuine Rolex the insurance company would probably be asking many questions as well as providing a receipt confirmed with a bill of sale. A full police report translated and notorized in English/French.His story has more holes that a block of swiss cheese.  

  13. 19 hours ago, Thomas KH said:

    Stole his Lolex? Sorry, his Rorex? I mean Rolex? And his 50k? Disturbing.


    I hope his insurance compensates him for his losses. They must. After all, that's what insurance is for. To claim for a lost Lolex, I mean Rorex and 50k thb which he incidentally had with him at 2 AM. 

    About 10 years ago I got a lucrative contract with an O&G company in Iraq. I've always wanted a Rolex so I bought a Submariner from a dealer in Bkk and paid north of 300 k baht.They were out of 50k models.lol. Later on I wore it on a 2 week vaccy to China and got so many stares that I sold it to a friend after owning it less that a year. It was on my bucket list but a poor move on my part. The Canuck has his wires crossed and has probably not traveled much IMHO.

  14. 19 hours ago, delgarcon said:

    Yes, I have a 25 year lease written and signed at the land office in KP

    In my case I have a 30 year lease also signed at the land office  and my name is on the chanote.I bought the house and had it put in my Thai step daughters name.It's not possible for me to outlive this. She cannot borrow on this while I'm alive and she can have it when I'm gone.I'm lucky in the fact that we have a solid relationship and I can sleep well. In the case of a married individual that hopes to live on the matrimonial land in case of divorce..how will that work? Her family or b/f will have you removed while the paid off cops supervise...555    

    • Like 1
  15. This procedure should be recommended for everyone over say age 50. Of course thats not possible.

    My own experience was different. I was working in the O&G industry mostly in the ME and had medicals annually. All good you say? On one of my leave periods one evening I didn't feel quite right and couldn't sleep at all. I my my bike to BPH Pattaya in the am and they asked my 2-3 questions and immediately put me in a wheelchair and the tests began.The next morning I was prepped for surgery and they performed a quadruple bypass.A week later I was released.I had no idea there was an issue and the annual medicals showed zero. Had I known about this testing would I have had it done? Thats the big question. Hats off to you for doing this and should give you peace of mind. BTW please be careful crossing the road.555 

  16. On 2/3/2023 at 3:26 PM, Pouatchee said:

    And will that lower the PH of the soil? If so, does it take many waterings before reaching desired PH?

    I'm no expert but I think he needs to flush the whole thing because salts have built up and are probably in the root zone causing "nutrient lock".Flush with plain water 1st then with proper PH hen start feeding again. 

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