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Posts posted by mango66

  1. Corruption may be happened like any other welfare schemes in the world. Even British and American wasting lot of money for Agricultural,Education and Health care subsidies.

    But this is one of the best schemes for Thailand to distribute the wealth the rural agricultural community never enjoyed same status as Bangkokians. It may be mismanaged, but helped Thailand to produce plenty of rice for the world. That made the less hungry world.

    If this scheme is property implemented every Thai will economically benefit. I have seen many rural could able to buy pickup trucks of their own, and build their houses after this scheme is implemented.

    Sad that it has been given political color and one of the good schemes is removed.

    how much were ever subsidie to bangkokians ??

    never any satang !

    Most of that which bought their new pickup, never ever delivered rice ti this sheme,

    just falsificated documents !!

    This is a real great welfare done by the Shinas !!

    buying votes, nothing else !!

    tahe off your pink glasses !!

  2. This is problem only for expats.

    Thais are strong moral people who do not need water as much as expats

    I dont think for expats,

    expats can survive with beer,

    But Thais will need obligatory 2 -3 showers per day !!

    and wash clothes every day obligatory,

    and when washing dishes or cloths - the water must run out of the tub permanently !

    This is the min. obligatory use of tub water for a tahai !!

  3. now that is a biggie.....................seems they are working their way through the money trail and the huge brown stain they have left to follow, I wonder where it will lead to when these guys start to talk, oh and I believe they are HiSo....right

    they never will talk or tell where the BIG brown envelopes went,

    your live would be very short if you would start to talk !

    Dubai is very close in such cases !

  4. Thailand had a tremendous head start by not getting involved in WW2, including the Vietnam War while the rest of S/E Asia was laid to waist.

    Thailand in World War II

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Thailand officially adopted a position of neutrality until it was invaded by Japan in December 1941. At the start of the Pacific War, the Japanese Empire pressured the Thai government to allow passage for the Japanese troops to invade British-held Malaya and Burma. Though this was not popular with much of the Thai population, the Thai government under Plaek Phibunsongkhram (known simply as Phibun) considered it preferable to co-operate with the Japanese than to fight them. After Thailand agreed to let Japanese troops pass their country, Thailand declared war on the Allies.

    Thailand was still in control of its armed forces and internal affairs. The Japanese policy on Thailand differed from their relationship with the puppet state of Manchukuo. Japan intended bilateral relationships similar to those between Nazi Germany and Finland, Bulgaria, and Romania.Ultimately, the primary aim was to ensure Thailand's neutrality and establish a Neutral nation that would be regarded as an equal by the Allies.

    A well-organised, pro-Allied resistance movement that eventually numbered around 90,000 Thai guerrillas, supported by government officials allied to the regent Pridi Phanomyong, was active from 1942 onwards to resist the Phibun regime and the Japanese. The partisans provided espionage services to the Allies, performed some sabotage activities, and helped engineer Phibun's downfall in 1944. After the war, Thailand received little punishment for its wartime role under Phibun.


    Thailand provided Air and Ground bases to the United States, and soon became the largest station of the United States Air Force in Southeast Asia. From 1961 to 1975, the United States installed 7 air bases at Korat, Udon Thani, Nakon Phanom, Ubbon Ratchathani, Khon Kaen, Utapao and Bangkok. Among them, Utapao was a B-52 air base that had great strategic importance (Hunchangsith, 1974). Thai officers commanded each base although the activities were largely carried out by American’s. These bases had more than 400 aircrafts and 25,000 service personnel (Kislenko, 2004). Thai Air Force not only maintained his own planes at each base but also had the task of providing group and air security for the huge installations. More than 80% of the airstrikes on North Vietnamese Army and guerrilla camps were carried out from these Thai bases (Randolph, 1986).

    Thailand: Launching Open Front

    In 1969, Thai government deployed more than 12,000 combat troops, which included Queen’s Cobras and Black Panther Division of Royal Army Volunteer Force, to counter the guerilla forces in the South Vietnam. Additionally, it had also dispatched around 26,000 volunteer recruits (Aspinall, 2010). The number gradually peaked to 15% of the total Thai regular Army by 1971 (Kislenko, 2004).

    Thailand went by the support of all this US warriers to the biggest whorehouse worldwide !!

  5. RENTER, China is though with $120 billion pledge over the next 5 years in key areas. see the Bangkok Posts 18/12/2015 ed. for further details. FDI from China in the first 10 months of 2015 was 12.5 billion baht and probably more as the high speed rail links develop. Thailand is seemingly looking for further econ/political ties with China and not the US etc.

    you mean they calling China to go down the drain further - at least on long term !!

    The short one we see already -

    the westerners running away from this new hordes coming there !!

  6. as a man who likes to wear a decent shirt and who has stayed in many hotels in thailand i've never stayed in one with an iron...

    Not criticising here, but in Thailand, surely you want to wear teeshirts or similar for comfort, unless you have a job that requires a certain dress code.

    Some of us are fit enough not to sweat much, and like to retain a sense of style.

    if I fit !! to seat all day in an AC controlled office,

    I neither sweating !!

  7. Never had an issue with fridge turning off after leaving room.. Int

    newest Hotels have an special edition of refrigerators,

    fridge is full packed, each location have an sensor ,

    you lift a bottle , it senses and you charged already !

    no place to put your own stuff !!

    But thgere is a warning, dont take it out if you not buy it,

    you will be charged anyway !

  8. the fridge going off when room electricity is cut is a common occurrence in virtually all countries I have visited in South East Asia. This is not a Thai specific thing

    good ones have this fridge separated and it is on all the time;

    Now we getting the so " Hi Q " tourist which pay special prices -

    so they sw off all what is possible,

    in future they will sw off AC even in lobbies where are this Hi Q Chi tourists located;

    Use better hotels !

  9. how can you miscalculate? . you email yourself the date In your passport, set alarm on Google, sent email to yourself 1 week before, repeat alarm 3 days before.

    place the date on your exit door so you see it everyday.


    How does sending an email to yourself one week before do anything? You'll just receive that email within a few minutes after sending it.

    Should you also send a reminder email a week before sending that email?

    stay there from where you are, you will not get this problems !!4

  10. In 50 years and hundreds of trips in and out of Thailand- I have never overstayed even 1 day. However, I believe the law is poorly written. If one makes an honest mistake and then is stopped and found to be a few days overstay- your life depends upon convincing the Immigration not to prosecute or then convincing a judge not to blacklist. While the current law is somewhat benign the new law is way to severe. It doesn't matter what Western countries do, Thailand used to be know for its readiness to bend. Let us see how this is actually handled in reality. My instincts tell me money is going to make the difference and that is not how the law should work.

    Grey areas are the perfect breading ground for more corruption.

    I was late by 1 day once in 15 years because of the massive floods a few years ago. You'd think the immigration officer would understand, but no, he was a real <deleted> about it. So what now? somebody caught in floods is banned if the officer is having a bad day?

    People will say no it won't happen but when things are open to interpretation like Thailand's 10 year in jail or/and 10k fine it means you are at he mercy of a uniform. Why not make it 100% clear?

    still better than US,

    if a cop kill a coloured youth, never mind whats the reason ,

    not guilty !

  11. When caught with overstay a judge will make the decision on the fine and the ban. That is where the prosecuted term comes into play.

    I don't think they would ban a person for just a few days of overstay unless they were a repeat offender.

    Technically speaking, if you go before a Judge, then that means that you have been 'Prosecuted'. Maybe there is some leniency for the Judge and/or Immigration as to whether they will apply the ban, but that isn't clear.

    It is indeed not mentionned, but I doubt that they would renounce to the 500 baht per day fine...at least for the first few days or weeks...and by the way, there was a "grace" period of 1 day, it was free of charge, what about now ? Sometimes a tourist could make a mistake of 1 day calculating by month, or maybe not take into account the day of arrival as nr 1, but calculating from the day following his arrival in the kingdom...

    go back to your mathe teacher

  12. When caught with overstay a judge will make the decision on the fine and the ban. That is where the prosecuted term comes into play.

    I don't think they would ban a person for just a few days of overstay unless they were a repeat offender.

    Technically speaking, if you go before a Judge, then that means that you have been 'Prosecuted'. Maybe there is some leniency for the Judge and/or Immigration as to whether they will apply the ban, but that isn't clear.

    the Judge will deside, and beleave its not a cleaning stuff !!

    He will know what to do !

    If you have been there for almost 2 - 5 years with only visa runs,

    he know exactly that it was a planned overstay and will court you to the new rules !

    If you a real tourist - hotel bookings - flight tickets -

    and you once in 3 years there, you will finish propably with a small fine and no ban !!

    the new rules are not against tourists -

    you guys know for whom they are,

    no winning now please !!

    Take the correct visas !!

  13. So, I have been here 10 years legally and I miscalculate my dates and I am stopped and arrested a few days over. Automatic 5 year ban. Wow a bit harsh but TIT. whistling.gif

    Arrested and prosecuted is what it says. Doesn't seem harsh to me that they'd want to ban criminals from the country.

    Yes, the key words are "arrested and prosecuted". But as others are pointing out, a one day miscalculation could lead to a 5 year ban? That is just wrong. Draconian policies tend to not bother the illegals, since they are going to try and get away with it anyway, but it can really harm the general Tourist population that makes a mistake or gets a bit lax now and then. I know I did a one day overstay in the past, and this was after 11 trips to the country. I thought paying a nominal fine at the border was OK and I was happy to do that as I extended my trip via a border run for another 30 (29) days. I spent a fair amount of money on that two month vacation and now after 14 trips to the country, getting threatened with these penalties is not appreciated.

    Wouldn't worry too much, after 14 trips I am sure you know that all is negotiable. This is just a mechanism to get rid of the real undesirables, and long time overdue.

    so you think to continou with cheating thai immigration laws will continou ?

    In first step you always will be arrested -

    have fun there until you see the prosecuter !

    maybee you go free with a small penalty,

    but your ticket also will be lost and you pay a new one !!

    Why is it so difficult to keep the immigration and visa rules ?

    Beleave - I have travelled 80 countries - thais are one of the easy ones !

    So overstayers - go back to regular stays in LOS !!

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