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Posts posted by Razzler1973


    Presume you had some.

    Do tell what rental bikes come with insurance which covers property damage in an accident?

    Not really the point here but I do love these rental companies and their 'taking insurance' like it's extra.

    Their entire business is based on 'other people' driving their vechicles and I presume they are ALL Insured .... yet you rent and you 'take out' insurance.

    I can't believe vehicles are only covered for the duration of someone renting them, or are they? Just seems odd

    For the OP ... the truck driver expected you to pay ... oh really? What a surprise!

    Hardly any bike rental shop has accident insurance because it costs a fortune to have. Not to mention most renters do not have Thai drivers license , so would not be covered anyway

    I am sure there must be a different way around such things for rental businesses otherwise the whole tourism/rental business is finished!

  2. I imagine people know the obvious shows but coming in January .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_Detective_%28TV_series%29

    This should be a decent show

    I echo The League, awesome sit-com

    Anyone into sci-fi type stuff (not star trek-ish, more time travel, etc stuff) then Fringe is over and 5 series and The 4400 isn't on anymore but is 4 series and both are well worth watching, especially Fringe

    It may seem girly but Vampire Diairies is pretty good to be honest as well and so is White Collar, both currently running a few series in so plenty to watch back

    Anyone check out Orphan Black as well, BBC America, good show

    I was a huge Fringe fan. Thought it lost its way a little in the middle seasons, partly because I think JJ was making up the plotlines as he went along. We started out with 'The Pattern' and ended up with 'The Observers'. But certainly in my top ten. One of my other all time favorite Sci Fi shows, killed off by the evil Fox Network is Firefly. At least Joss Wheden was able to conclude it nicely with the movie Serenity

    I think Firefly was a bit over rated to be honest, never saw the massive appeal

    I really liked The 4400 which was stopped without an ending, writers strike/expense of making it, so left hanging but excellent show

    I think with most shows they don't ever have an end point in mind so just keep running and running and changing the goal posts. The best ones can do it effortlessly, it's different for cable shows. Fringe was definitely my kind of sci-fi though.

    I say to I like sci-fi and people automatically assume star trek and things but I am really not into that at all or Battlestar Galatica and so on, I like a bit of time travel, alternate dimension and all that though

    Have you watched Defiance? Canadian (I think) show on SyFy channel, couple of chicks from Dexter in it, post-apocalyspe alien invastion type thing. Not bad, worth a watch. New series in the summer, 1st already aired

  3. You guys (above comments) actually think the OP is bogus? You think a person is that dysfunctional; to take the time to conceive that detailed of a post? Is there, really, around these parts, that sort of ultimate loser?

    Are you new? biggrin.png

    In the abscence of the OP I assume we can all agree this is a troll then? Entertaining nonetheless. My 'real' advice would be to never, ever admit to anything!


    Presume you had some.

    Do tell what rental bikes come with insurance which covers property damage in an accident?

    Not really the point here but I do love these rental companies and their 'taking insurance' like it's extra.

    Their entire business is based on 'other people' driving their vechicles and I presume they are ALL Insured .... yet you rent and you 'take out' insurance.

    I can't believe vehicles are only covered for the duration of someone renting them, or are they? Just seems odd

    For the OP ... the truck driver expected you to pay ... oh really? What a surprise!

  5. I imagine people know the obvious shows but coming in January .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_Detective_%28TV_series%29

    This should be a decent show

    I echo The League, awesome sit-com

    Anyone into sci-fi type stuff (not star trek-ish, more time travel, etc stuff) then Fringe is over and 5 series and The 4400 isn't on anymore but is 4 series and both are well worth watching, especially Fringe

    It may seem girly but Vampire Diairies is pretty good to be honest as well and so is White Collar, both currently running a few series in so plenty to watch back

    Anyone check out Orphan Black as well, BBC America, good show

    • Like 1
  6. I do agree that sometimes a bit of common sense can be used. Ok, you may not have done everything the way it should have been but they're in the business of people people on flights and getting them where they want to go. A whole family and one name different ... common sense would be handy

    However, I wouldn't pursue this any further, technically they haven't done anything wrong aside from not apply a bit of sense

    When you book with airlines like Air Asia and Nok don't you submit passport details online before check in? Pretty sure I have done before so if the online details matched the 'correct' passport at time of check in you'd think that would be ok to

    Most bookings do say 'book as name written in passport' though to be fair so I don't think you'll get anywhere even if it is annoying. Deep down I think you may be a little annoyed at yourself for booking in that way too

  7. The rental car company here blocks X dirhams on my credit card if I want to rent a car

    All the people saying 'go to the next place' but on the islands there seems no one that will rent a bike without a passport

    What if you're staying at the hotel and rent from them, they have access to your room and possibly passport in the safe too without technically 'giving it to them' they could take it or lock you out of your room, etc

    I always get amused with these threads, always descend into an argument about 'OMG don't give your passport to anyone/it's not yours'

  8. A foreigner can own the freehold on a condominium but only if 51% of the units in the development are already owned by Thai nationals.

    May seem like a stupid question and I have read that basically condos are 100% Thai at the start and then each unit sold counts towards the 'non-Thai' bit (if they are, in fact, not Thai) but who actually monitors this? Is it an ultra strict ruling or quite loose?

    If there was 100 units and it was actually 50/50 is that a big issue?

    Also, what happens if you get in and everything is ok in terms of numbers and then suddenly Thais buy up places from farang, for instance to the numbers sway, you have to move? (I realise may not be realistic to happen but wondering)

  9. Not exactly what you asked, but I visited Pai for the first time a few months back and was not impressed. There are more westerners than local and it reminded me of a more sedate Khao San Road crowd. There are far more authentic Thai areas in the north (Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Son, Chiang Khong, Lampang)

    It's been well over a decade since I went to Pai but it was always like that anyway. I have been thinking about going back actually when I saw this thread so not surprised it turned even more into a Khao San type place

    • Like 1
  10. Yes, both Saul and Todd are great characters, but I see no sign that Todd is a Nazi or a psycho. He is a rather vicious criminal. His uncle was in prison gang that uses Nazi symbols, but there is no indication that Todd shares their views and he did not kill the child for fun. He did it for pragmatic reasons.

    Todd is truly a great character as is the actor who portrays him. He seems to have a respectful code of ethics at the same time as being a cold killer. I suspect the writers drew from the Italian mafia examples made famous by the Godfather type movies, & sopranos.

    Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I liked Todd speaking with Lydia about the product. He sort of pulled his chair closer and put his hand on her shoulder ... it was quite menacing even though he was nice about it. Like you wouldn't have been surprised if he jumped her or hugged and thanked her :D

  11. Could I personally do it, nope, I don't need or want to but desperations leads people to different things, maybe lack of options elsewhere and they think in for a penny, in for a pound!

    I am sure it can be done, met lots of over stayers and people without visas in lots of countries working, not just Thailand

  12. Well we know Saul Goodman will live, because AMC has announced a spin off series title 'Better Call Saul'

    At the beginning of this year (episode 9?) we see Walt returning to his home (now gutted, presumably by the DEA) and salvaging some Ricin he hid behind the power socket. Is that for Jessie? Perhaps his sister-in-law?

    Have the announced it will happen or just they are considering it?

    Last I heard they were considering it

    Good character in Breaking Bad though he is it doesn't mean his own show will work out well

  13. Walt will save Jesse (perhaps taking out Todd and Jack), bequeath his dosh to his family and die of lung cancer.

    I don't see the point in Walt saving Jesse, there needs to be a reason

    He was angry at Jesse working with Hank against him but out in the desert he would have happily let Jesse die until Todd stopped them.

    If not for Todd then Jesse would be dead on the nod of Walt's head tbh

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