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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. I am 39 and dislike tattoes but they definitely have become an acceptable fashion accessory. I don't think it looks cool or unique. You can age a woman from where her tattoo is. Ankle became shoulder became small of the back which seems the latest trend in most countries. You see a girl in a nice sun dress at age 40 and there's her tramp stamp on her shoulder from the time she wanted to be different ... by doing exactly the same thing as everyone else.

    If I see one more 'traveler' with a small gecko tattoo on their shoulder ... grrrr. People really really think they are breaking the mould, don't they.

    The tattoo on the breast is hideous. I think it would put me off someone actually as I can't understand a nice girl wanting that there .. oh forgot the rebelious streak they had or the bad break up which made them do it rolleyes.gif

  2. I tend to get a train one direction and a flight the other as I only have a few weeks on some visits and I usually spend a few days in Bangkok and then book the train ticket and sort the flight back up. However, in the next few weeks I may sort a flight out for the day I fly into Thailand online so means I won't be able to get to the Bangkok train station to sort the return out.

    How reliable are travel places on Koh Pha-Ngan to book a return train ticket back up to Bangkok? Are they going to totally skank me on price? Will I get a physical train ticket in my hand or some receipt until I actually arrive at the station (and are there any hassles with that recently?)

    I am not a fan of the buses, I like to sit in my chair and have a few drinks coffee1.gif on the train. Can't remember the last time I actually booked something on Koh Pha-Ngan itself. It won't be around full moon time and it's July so can't imagine it being too busy either

    Also, stupid question but if I can make it to Hualumphong before flying out the day I arrive I assume it's not problem to book a ticket from the South back up to Bkk? No increased price as my point of departure isn't Bkk itself where I'd be buying the ticket?

    Cheers muchly :)

  3. This has probably been done to death but whenever someone says that and you find another thread it's invariably over 2 years old :/

    Seeing as this is the pub section what is your favourite pub and I mean pub type pub not hooker place and beer bar.

    When I am in town I don't mind that pub on Soi 8, never see it get a mention. I am never really there super late so not sure if it's a place

    where working girls gravitate or not but doesn't appear to be. 99 baht Chang (or Tiger, can't remember) and others are 120 or 130 and

    seems a decent place.

    I await people telling me this is the worstest place in the world now! whistling.gif I may well be missing something.

    Where do you like to (if you do!) go for a drink that's a regular decent place for a drink that doesn't involve playing pool or

    connect 4 or have 'hostesses' knocking about and why do you like it?

    Bulls Head still relevant? Robin Hood? Any gems out there that are just a solid boozer for a few pints?

  4. I don't like Facebook, I don't like friends can see other friends and this may include family, of course. I don't have any dodgy types on Facebook anyway but I dislike that aspect of it. I never play the games, can't stand them. I have an iPod Touch to play games on if I want and I certainly don't want something which requires me logging in every x hours to feed a pig :D

  5. Press today seems to think we'll go with the same side as the France game but with 'concerns' over Gerrard/Parker from Woy.

    This basically means we can expect to see Henderson again, I assume, perhaps earlier in the match. I wonder if we are leading going into the last 25 or so whether he'd bring on an extra out and out midfielder and forsake Young or Welbeck? This is where having Lampard would have been handy to slot into Gerrard's role and Barry too.

  6. Not a chance of getting in the squad and nothing to do with anything off-field. Just not very good these days, was ace at City, everything went through him, was effective for Newcastle too but there must be 2, 3, tops games for QPR where he rose above mediocrity!

    He's just concerned that no one has paid any attention to him for 15 minutes

  7. Doesnt actually seem much interest in who is actually going to be picked on Monday.

    Looks like Downing is going to start (he is 1/4 on).

    Up front Welbeck is slight favorite to start up front ahead of Carroll.


    Johnson Lescott Terry Cole

    Milner Parker Gerrard Downing

    Welbeck Young

    Not my first XI I hasten to add, just who I can see getting the nod.

    That's what I think although I think I'd prefer Ox to Downing ... or, well anyone really. Carroll the option from the bench, Welbeck a lot more mobility running across the lines

  8. If you think it was Hodgson's decision alone then my friend you are deluded.

    The FA have made this stance from the beginning that is why it could not of been changed, personally i would of left both out.

    And as you said we do have younger players who could of gained experience for the future.

    Well, that's the thing. We don't really know what the deal is with the FA. I seem to remember the QPR/City handshake being called off and Anton Ferdinand consulting his lawyer to see if there are legal implications in shaking hands (say what now?!) ... I assume is this somewhat implying ' it's all ok' by doing that. Anyway, was called off, could be a mess. What kind of mess, legal or otherwise would Rio in the squad be then?

    Maybe it is the FA, maybe it's Hodgson and he's used 'footballing reasons' to be diplomatic. Usually it will be left at that but this has dragged it up. I am sure Hodge can defending his footballing reasons if he needs to but it shouldn't have come to this. He's either been diplomatic or his hands are tied and everyone involved no doubt knows that ... yet Ferdinand drags it all up.

    Hodgson may well have footballing reasons and why not have some younger players in like Jones who are more versatile. We moan enough about taking the same ol same players and now we're moaning cause one of the oldest and most injury prone won't be able to sit on the bench after not being included on the stand by list!

    This is all going to reach super nova around the trial too but at least the football will be finished

  9. Yeah, Cahill is out I just meant we don't need to hang John Terry out to dry right now. He's an odious man, not very likeable and he's been accused of something but not guilty yet. If Terry is found guilty and it's decided OMG he can't play for England ever again then we have Lescott, Cahill and Jags going forward for future England duty.

    Not for this tournament, we still have Terry, Lescott and Jags for this, of course

    I wouldn't start a game with Terry. Whether he is fully fit or not is irrelevent to me, he's just not good enough.

    i do agree with you that ferdinand should have more respect for the england team and button it. He might well think he's been hard done by but he should save his comments untill after the tournament.

    It doesn't help his cause one little bit in my book also when he is being championed by a vile, no good, treacherous, lying scumbag like Sol Campbell.

    Lescott/Jagielka have performed well together but Terry is still a good centre back (horror show vs Liverpool at the end of the season aside). People have strong opinions about Terry and dislike him.

    Now we have to listen to this guy, that guy offering their opinions on Rio/Terry again. Sven is talking, Robbie Fowler (who cares), Campbell, David Pleat, John Barnes. I don't understand how Rio can be so annoyed when he wasn't listed as a back up player and this didn't seem to bother him at all. He wasn't worried about other players ahead of him in the pecking order at that point.

    He has created this and dragged up the racism thing within the camp again for no reason whatsoever, that was on the back burner before this and he's not stupid when it comes to Twitter, he knows what he's doing. Pretty sure the comments from his agent and 'friends' have been OK'd by him too, all this 'morally disgraceful'.

    I fully expect Hodgson to stick to his football reasons in his press conference today, explain Kelly has been with the squad already and prepared to join up as was on the back up list (not like Rio and working out in his home made gym as his press buddies would tell us, bit different). Jones is covering Parker in midfield and potentially centre back too as well as right back. Glen Johnson has a ropey toe and had injections before matches for Liverpool, if something happens then we only have Jones as cover ... if something then happened to midfield places like Parker we may need Jones there which would leave us without proper right back cover.

    There is enough of a explanation available for it to genuinely be footballing reasons that he is left out but add to that his age and injury record. He's played 18 of the last 20 as United did hopeless in Europe and weren't playing 2 games a week like they usually are at the end of a season. Even if it is a squad harmony decision then I'd still support him being left out but the fact is guaranteed Hodgson will stick to football reasons but Rio has got this all dragged up again ahead of the trial and before a tournament ... well done, Rio. Very selfish

  10. This is particularly snide from Rio and I am surprised. His comment on Twitter using the same terminology as Hodgson's 'footballing reasons' is pathetic. He knows exactly the reaction. Whether it's football reasons or because of the John Terry issue then I don't see a problem. Now Hodgson will face questions about this again instead of football and I am sure he can explain which player is covering where but he doesn't need to explain. Decision is made.

    If he thinks Terry is better and Rio is injury prone then so be it. If Rio started a game and came off at half time a la Ledley King at the last World Cup everyone would be up in arms 'how can we take an injury prone player' 'why don't we give up and comers a chance, they are the future' etc and if it got injured and missed the start of the new season you wouldn't hear the end of it from United fans or Fergie.

    If there is potentially an issue with him and Terry being in the squad together and it may disrupt things or change other players' behaviour towards Terry then leave Rio out. Terry is more likely to be involved with the World Cup campaign and I doubt Rio will go beyond this tournament and if he wants to who knows when the next injury will come. Terry makes more sense and is also not guilty yet. If he's guilty then deal with that then and we have Cahill, Lescott and Jagielka going forward.

    Players have been called up from the back up list. Rio wasn't on that back up list. Why was he not bothered about not being on the back up list behind all the other players? He expects to not be on the back list yet get called up ahead of those that are on it, that are more prepared?

    He's been deliberate in what he's done on Twitter and it's related to Terry/his brother. All this talk about respect for Rio how about a little respect from him towards his England team mates' preparation and towards the Manager?

    Played his last game for England imo

    Ferdinand does have a point if he has been overlooked to do with the pending trial of John Terry you cannot ignore that fact and to be replacing CAHILL with Kelly is wrong because Terry himself is struggling with a recurring hamstring injury,thus leaving us 2 centre halfs!!

    Ferdinand has come out and said he is 100% behind the boys and will be in a pub somewhere cheering them on.

    The FA is at fault here not Ferdinand

    Hodgson didn't create a problem, he's dealing with one.

    Rio is not a starter. Do we need this agro for a back up player? A back up player that wasn't concerned about not being listed as a back up player?

    Rio's team mates may treat Terry differently when Rio is there. Hodgson is dealing with an issue and I think this is the way that makes the most sense. Having them both in the squad is probably not wise for whatever reason. You can't take Rio and then when he steps down after the tournament and then say 'hey, Terry ... come back in the squad now'.

    It makes sense for Rio to be left out and even for footballing reasons, he wasn't on the back up list. We have cover in all positions without him.

    Terry is fine, he trained, there's no issues it's the media making a big deal out of it to keep the Rio left out stuff on the boil.

    We love a bit of drama, don't we? Can't go into a tournament just normal

  11. Yeah, Cahill is out I just meant we don't need to hang John Terry out to dry right now. He's an odious man, not very likeable and he's been accused of something but not guilty yet. If Terry is found guilty and it's decided OMG he can't play for England ever again then we have Lescott, Cahill and Jags going forward for future England duty.

    Not for this tournament, we still have Terry, Lescott and Jags for this, of course

  12. Is Krabi 'supposed' to have less rain than Koh Chang for July/Aug? I always go to Chang and it rains a bit but is generally decent just wondering how Krabi compares to that typically during those months. Last few years I am on Chang (closer to BKK) and weather is fine over 10 days. I know it's not high season and you get good/bad days all over but is it more a sun and rain in evening / odd days of sun all day / odd day of rain all day type deal? It's been a while since I been down there

  13. This is particularly snide from Rio and I am surprised. His comment on Twitter using the same terminology as Hodgson's 'footballing reasons' is pathetic. He knows exactly the reaction. Whether it's football reasons or because of the John Terry issue then I don't see a problem. Now Hodgson will face questions about this again instead of football and I am sure he can explain which player is covering where but he doesn't need to explain. Decision is made.

    If he thinks Terry is better and Rio is injury prone then so be it. If Rio started a game and came off at half time a la Ledley King at the last World Cup everyone would be up in arms 'how can we take an injury prone player' 'why don't we give up and comers a chance, they are the future' etc and if it got injured and missed the start of the new season you wouldn't hear the end of it from United fans or Fergie.

    If there is potentially an issue with him and Terry being in the squad together and it may disrupt things or change other players' behaviour towards Terry then leave Rio out. Terry is more likely to be involved with the World Cup campaign and I doubt Rio will go beyond this tournament and if he wants to who knows when the next injury will come. Terry makes more sense and is also not guilty yet. If he's guilty then deal with that then and we have Cahill, Lescott and Jagielka going forward.

    Players have been called up from the back up list. Rio wasn't on that back up list. Why was he not bothered about not being on the back up list behind all the other players? He expects to not be on the back list yet get called up ahead of those that are on it, that are more prepared?

    He's been deliberate in what he's done on Twitter and it's related to Terry/his brother. All this talk about respect for Rio how about a little respect from him towards his England team mates' preparation and towards the Manager?

    Played his last game for England imo

    • Like 1
  14. Most of those exit issues go away with a bit of cash and a bit of luck too, some seem to be targeted more. This is the 'pines makes it's money, exporting female workers around the world and they make them jump through hopes for the privilege of being away from home and sending money back to prop the country up!

    As I said, my filipina g/f had no issues and neither did a friends but that's flying from Dubai, coming out of the 'pines is probably more of a hassle than any issue at the Thai end imo

  15. Well I flew on the 1145 am flight off the rock , and had to buy new pants when I arrived in Bangkok ... Man was that a bad flight .. Didn't help the fact the cabin crew where ginning out the paper featuring a plane crash

    I am sure I read something about thermals and currents in the air (maybe I made that up) that say flights into the Samui/Surat area tend to be a little dodgy with cross winds. Always seems ropey when I fly to/from there

  16. The 'expectations are so low that I am starting to get optimistic' line is getting ridiculously close to full on optimism :D

    Nothing wrong with optimism but I think if we can keep 2 clean sheets out of 3 then we have a great chance of going through. Ukraine have lost all their friendlies I believe leading into this. Every country we play we elevate their players to world beating levels. If we have our wits about us and play well we certainly have enough to beat both Sweden and Ukraine for goodness sake it's just them not crumbling into the heap in panic with the ball at their feet.

    I think we can give France a decent game. I'd like to see the quicker wide players in Ox and/or Walcott given a chance and to actually be in the game but I expect he will start Milner on one side for a bit of a solid defending and to keep a shape. I think I'd start Welbeck for his mobilty and have Carroll on the bench for later on.

    French defence isn't the best and have all that attacking talent but don't always fire. Beating Estonia doesn't change much. I'd love an edgy, nervous 0-0 draw as no one likes to lose the opening game so if we keep our concentration it'd be lovely to pick up a point but if not we should be able to beat Sweden although they may have 3 points under their belts already from the Ukraine game

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