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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. Says something about the current state of the UK music industry when this drivel makes it to number 1,that said its not that difficult now any way you only need to sell a few copies.

    Anything that interupts the 'verse, chorus, verse, chorus ... bloke does a rap' we currently have everywhere in mainstream music.

    Also, who cares about the charts anymore, couldn't tell you who was number 1 from one week to the next

  2. Go live in a small village in Isaan, I fight them off ( as long as my wife is around) constantly. Of course, they are thinking about money but this is one area where they think long term.

    You may have to leave the village after a month or two (irate husbands returning from work or Mia noi somewhere).

    You may want to buy a gun.

    * heads off to small village *

  3. Haha, that's true about the airport link. No need to mention that. It IS DM, I will probably be in Samsen, hadn't decided at the time as it's not even a night. Meant the railway being closed rather than airport link.

    Bah, bus would be good but I know how I am, time I have a few beers in the afternoon and early evening there's no way I'll get a bus so I will get a cab but thanks for the effort :)

  4. I am not familiar with any of the previous gripes of the OP, this seems a common occurence judging from some responses?

    Maybe this 'I am a lickle girl in the big bad world' thing is projecting something outwards to people or maybe you take certain situations the wrong way because of this mentality (not neccessarily this thing but I mean in general) :)

  5. Maybe it was the woman thing, maybe it was the dog thing but the OP mentions both being present in the Soi with other people. It does seem odd. Perhaps they feel like they want a little section of an area for themselves but being stopped going into shops is a bit harsh, with or without dog.

    I live in Dubai and talk of not walking dogs, etc is utter rubbish. They sell dogs in pet shops here and people do walk their dogs with none of the debate I have seen in this thread. Muslims tend to not keep dogs but they don't stop other people doing it or walking their dogs.

    Maybe you got some extremists in that soi but never had any anti-western feeling. Maybe it is just one guy but then you got told you couldn't go into shops too so that's odd.

  6. Overused by ThaiVisa posters

    educated half Chinese wealthy wife/gf


    Overused by Thai hookers

    Mak Mak

    You handsome man


    Over used by Thai hookers is when they see one farang do one particular thing ... you can see the brain ticking over .. they turn to you and say 'why do farang do this' as if it's something all farang suddenly do.

    But to be honest there's enough threads on here that start off with "Why do Thais......" and then go on to list either a solitary example or something that I've never noticed as in " Why do Thais get angry when you correct their English?"

    Might as well put "Why do Thais explode when you expose them to sunlight?"

    Haha you're probably right. I should have put the flip side of that in there too.

    Should also probably add westerners judging everything they know about Thai people and Thailand by experiences with hookers

    • Like 1
  7. Can anyone explain to me why groups of university students wear their uniforms to the malls, even though the school is closed for the holiday. In the US the first thing a female getting home from school is dump the uniform. Someone suggested it was some kind of a status symbol to wear your school uniform when not attending classes. Any truth to this?

    I always used to think that it was cause traffic and travel was so bad that it wasn't worth going all the way back home, changing and then going out again as we'd do 'back home' after school.

    Also, I think once you are out from school you can sometimes stay out with hassle from parents but once you're home, that's it. No more out so maybe it's in their interest to go to the mall right from school and not go home first. Parents calling 'yeah, with my friends, be home at x'o clock' rather than going home and saying you're going here or there

    However, I am sure I see Uni kids out at weekends in their uniform!

  8. Got an early, early flight from DM and obviously airport link closed at that time I assume.

    Is there any other way there aside from a cab? The trains from Hualumphong also not running that time (2am/3am)?

    Not really looking for a series of 5 different buses from Samsen Road or Sukhumvit area but is there an obvious

    air con bus that runs late that I am over looking?

    Ta :)

  9. expirence

    You will find the evidence leading to the cause of death in the hotel mattresses. The chemical tocin that caused the deaths dissipates when exposed to the environment inside the body. This results in there being little or no trace of the chemical in the bodies.

    Starting in 2009, hotels in Thailand started to experience problems with westerners coming to Thailand unknowing carrying bedbugs. The bedbugs soon started to rake havoc in some hotels that primarily catered to westerners and they took measures to eradicate these pests from their hotel mattresses. In most cases a proper chemical was applied and the directions were followed. However, in some cases the hotel employees took extreme measures by over applying the chemicals and did not follow directions such as to take the mattresses outside to air out during and after the application of these chemicals.

    The end result was transference of the chemical from the mattresses via contact with the skin of the victims. Even then in most cases when the victims became ill they and left before they had enough exposure to kill them. Often they wrote it off as food poisoning and just moved on.

    In these cases in Phi Phi and Chiang Mai, five people survived after being hospitalized and so far as we can now confirm 11 people have died with the possibility of three other deaths from 2009 in other cities that could be related. The information on these deaths can be found with a little time making few Internet searches.

    Is this for real? Westerners carrying bedbugs here? From where exactly?

  10. Nok air has a combined flight-catamaran ferry in cooperation with lompraya.

    You can book direct to Samui or Koh Phangan, no need to take coach to Surat.

    I have the direct booking to Koh Pha-Ngan as I have done before.

    Previously this involved taking the flight to/from Surat and then coach from airport to ferry and off you go but this time I booked we are not flying to Surat but to Nakorn Sri Thammarat instead, which I found odd and then from there to Surat ferry and off we go.

    Just wondered if there was a reason for this

  11. Quick question. Is anything going on with Surat Thani airport atm?

    I have a Nok Air flight that goes to Nakorn Sri Thammarat and then coach to Surat and ferry.

    I have flown using Nok Air before to Koh Pha Ngan and used Surat Thani airport. When I was

    booking I tried a few days either side and it seems all their flights were to Nakorn Sri Thammarat.

    Anything stopping them using Surat right now or just Nok Air chucking the Samui, Pha Ngan and

    Nakorn Sri Thammarat routes all in together.

    I actually don't mind as leaving the island is now on the mid day ferry and then coach and flight

    up to BKK whereas previously from Surat Thani for a 4pm flight I'd need to be on that early morning

    ferry for some reason. Always annoyed me that :/

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