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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. I always carry my wallet in my front pocket. I can never understand someone that would carry it in the back pocket. Seems stupid!

    maybe some people have back pockets with buttons/zips or maybe some people have sensitive bum cheeks;)
    I don't want to be sitting down on my chunky wink.png wallet if its in the back pocket, zips or buttons or whatever!
  2. Ok, so the hotel shouldn't be a problem if we behave sensibly. How much of an unpleasantness or risk of worse is there is at the earlier, airport immigration stage? Presumably as a thai, even though with a visa, she'd have to queue separately from me, as a UK passport holder. Can the immigr chap make a problem for someone with a visa?

    There used to be queues for westerners but not anymore. Everyone queues together unless you have e-gate electronic card thingy.

    You'll probably stroll through quicker as you're a western, look, stamp, done. Queue together.

    Immigration will either glance at the visa and stamp or may ask a question 'where you staying' can just saying traveling with you (point at you standing just beyond the desk) but they rarely ask. Sometimes they try to make a joke but honestly, the whole place is full of expats coming and going so don't worry too much.

    With a visa in hand it shouldn't be any hassle at all. Just be polite and smile, like any immigration really (i don't mess about at immigration! haha)

  3. 15 years in Dubai. The actual day-to-day of bringing your girlfriend here and being here is no problem at all.

    As long as visas are in place you won't have any hassle with immigration. You won't get any snotty looks. This place is full of filipinos and Indonesians and various Ethopians and Chinese and generally all expats so a Thai chick coming here with her boyfriend won't raise any eyebrows at all.

    Hotels won't care. It's not Saudi or Kuwait. You stay together, no one cares. Loads of tourists come over and stay together. The entire tourism industry would collapse if you couldn't do that.

    I am not sure on the visa situation. There used to be a thing with hotel bookings arranging visas for you. Not sure if that's the best bet. May be able to arrange from Thailand or wherever you are now for her (you get stamped on arrival). Probably fill some forms. Traveling with you, got a hotel booking (may be useful or friends you staying with mentioned on any forms) and you're good to go

  4. If this is genuine then I agree with someone early in the thread about it sounds like you're being set up for something. Obviously I don't know the people involved and how you met, etc but you mentioned the mother is introducing her to farang? That's alarm bells, right there.

    Seems odd. I can see an angry situation ... demands for payment of money/something like that with a 'repay sinsod' excuse as you mentioned the sinsod figure so I guess it's been discussed or you're aware of it

    I'd stay away but the fact you haven't already implies you don't want to.

    Yes, things could turn nasty. Yes, someone may demand money from you. Perhaps the 'wife' is in it on it. Perhaps the Mother thinks you're a better long term option for paying out? How well do you know and trust the family involved?

    Personally, I'd dial back my contact with her, not over discuss this day and night with her, calm down those feelings that this will be resolved quickly and with you and see if she keeps pushing it

    Don't get into any discussions with the husband

  5. People mentioned some bars and clubs and won't repeat the whole 'don't do it in a Thai club/odd looks/frowned' stuff that has been mentioned but everyone is focussing on the 'flashing the bits' aspect of the OP here. Is this entirely neccessary or is it just an end product of being out in such places? I mean, would you go out, get crazy and not flash?

    Just wondering if the flashing bit is key to the night out or the potential for flashing is 'ok' if you felt the need.

    I don't know of too many flash-friendly places (!) but I am not much of a clubber however the jist of it is crazy, western-orientated club type places and I can't believe no one mentioned Khao San Road yet. There's a fair few 'clubs' in KSR these days and it's not just hippies and soap dodgers like the old days. Some are ok. I think 'The Club' gets quite busy and crazy late on, a lot of westerners in there and maybe a more western feel to it and 'Lava Club' or something is another. Gullivers even but that place seems to have been overrun by hookers lately but there's certainly a western vibe late into the night.

    I'd maybe try around that area, plenty of late night activity.

    In terms of the actual flashing of the bits you definitely need to head to Haad Rin on Koh Pha-Ngan for the full moon!

  6. I always hear the Khao San bus did ok so I do wonder why they don't at least continue that.

    Is there a minibus thing from airport bus station to khao san still at least? I mean even then they don't want people with huge bags on it. You know that if there was another AE2 type bus from the airport bus station then pretty much all westerners going to Khao San would use it.

    I mean that whole area is quite prominent so seems odd it's so tricky to get there from the airport these days.

    Basically Airport Express and then cab but you'd think it'd be easier than that

  7. It sounds like even though you are boyfriend/girlfriend she is still in the 'getting to know you' phase whereas you are in the 'this is my g/f phase'.

    Maybe she doesn't consider this a full blown relationship as yet so isn't going sexually insane for you? I can understand the not touching in public but as said above there are ways she will find to just touch you if she wants to. I also agree with what someone else said here that no matter what happens and you may live happily ever after but I doubt she'll go from 3 times a month to 3 times a week or something.

    Also, you were introduced via friends, is she used to the whole farang way of things? Perhaps sex with you is not comfortable or she likes specific things. Need to talk with her 'I really like spending time alone with you' and things like that.

  8. As it is the season of goodwill I will share my favourite "Thai joke" which I believe I personally came up with although I hereby waive any rights to royalties or compensation from anybody who wants to repeat it.


    Why are Thai cats so skinny?

    Because whenever people try to give them food they say Mai-ow


    Thank you.

    Haha, not bad. I am sure that would go down well with Thais

  9. Used to be loads when I lived in Hong Kong, see them less in BKK but just don't engage with them, they can be quite nasty and try to bully you if you speak with them and don't 'tip' so just avoid them.

    It's a total scam. They will talk with you, do the usual 'cold reading' tricks relying on you applying things to stuff he says and then they will ask to you write your Mum's name down on a small piece of paper or something similar. You give it back to them and they have also written that name on their hand! OMG OMG!! haha

    It's utter rubbish, this used to go down all the time in Honkers, they have a very small, charcoal type pencil on their thumb and once they see what you wrote they copy it down and then show you as though it was there all the time


  10. No point just telling him to 'ask her out' as he said he's shy.

    If you're ok with the chat-chat then get there mid day-ish, ask her if she's eaten already or where she usually eats at lunch time, ask if she would like to eat together. It's like asking her out without directly asking, even saying 'no' is not the worst thing. If it's 'I can't ... cause' then it's also not no.

    Even 'what do you like to eat' or 'have you been to xxxx food court/noodle shop' (casual).

    Ideally, you just want to spend time with her and have her feel comfortable. Bite to eat, even coffee. Take a small cake next time, tell her you just met your friend for coffee and as you coming to post office you thought you would bring her a cake. You're thinking of her, even if that's it next time you go in you're a little closer, can ask if she would like a coffee or bite to eat without it seeming weird, you already 'crossed the line' so to speak by doing something personal

  11. Anyone try their hand at making their own Thai food at home?

    I can do a mean fried rice and noodles tongue.png Not too bad Laap too.

    What are your favourites, any simple recipes to share for your favs??

    Thought it would be quite cool to know what everyone likes to make/eat :)

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