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Everything posted by Pdavies99

  1. Quit possibly just the drain pipe is blocked, check to see any water etc coming out.
  2. Best in Pattaya!
  3. Very effective for sweat rash from Cycling! If not try Quadriderm.
  4. I've been through this, Omeprazole at 20mg is a low dose, I eventually was on 40mg twice daily, Lansoprazole is the next step, then Esomeprazole. In addition it is important to stop eating at least 3-4 hours before sleeping, also to elevate the bed head end by abut 6 inches. An additional great pill for night time use is Famotidine 40mg at night. All this is suggestions, and there are no real surprises here, just standard progressive drug use. This is the advice from a NHS Gastroenterology Surgeon over the past 5 years to date. Of course, there are many home made remedies, Ie Apple Vinegar etc, but bad GERD Acid Reflux is usually caused by a Hiatus Hernia and that can only be fixed by Proton Pump Inhibitors etc or surgery.
  5. As Sheryl mentioned cleaning ears with cotton can easily cause irritation. This might cause some swelling, enough to block the eustacian tube, which is the middle ear drain. Stop cleaning with cotton completely and use an over the counter ear drops.
  6. Best really to pay a Thai to find out, go to a local Lawyer firm toget someone to follow her? That way you can keep out of confrontation until you know
  7. You need to read the attachment, it should assist you. https://www.ftadviser.com/pensions/2020/01/15/how-clients-can-take-pension-benefits-early-due-to-ill-health/?page=2
  8. Great! So you have Chinese and Russian, let's hope India tourists soon arrive, great for business! A pity though for the Aussies!
  9. Why don't they just say they do not like foreigners! They could find petty reasons to deport us! Oh sorry, they are already doing that!
  10. Have you really looked? There are many small book shops and the best in my opinion is Canterbury Books, Soi Bongkot.
  11. Think how it would be if they did not like Tourists! Ha Ha!!
  12. For the Schengen Area (comprising the vast majority of EU countries, plus others) there is a limit of 90 days in any 180. The simplest way to look at this: if you went out to the Schengen Area on 1 January 2023, you would be able to stay there until the end of March. You would then need to stay out of Schengen for another 90 days, until late June. However this is just for visiting, if you want to retire to say Spain, you can apply for a residence permit and providing you meet the financials and other rules you most likely will be issued a residence permit.
  13. Welcome to Thailand, step out out of line and you are out! But only if you are white!
  14. Did you know there is a condo block in Pattaya reputedly know as "God's Waiting Room" Many elderly residents pop off here! I wonder if many know where I'm talking about?
  15. RIP Sadly, he wll be greatly missed as a person who helped many thousands with sound advice. Thank you.
  16. Many UK banks allow an account to continue for non residents, but due to regulatory factors they have stopped new members, non resident from applying for new accounts.
  17. Whatever you state, they will see are using internet from Thailand or a VPN, in either case they will effect a "background" check.
  18. Sorry but UK (and most EU) money laundering regulations and legal / regulatory rules state that to open an account, you must be a UK resident or EU and supply proof of address, ie an acceptable bill, and then a "background" check is effected. I assume you are not on a UK voters list or registered for council taxes, you will find it impossible. Like many suggest you should get an offshore bank account with say Hsbc, Lloyds, Skipton International etc. I'm sure some may disagree with what I have said, good luck.
  19. Pdavies99

    I day,

    Hi Just realised my 30 day visa exempt is one day short leaving Thailand. Will I be asked to pay at Suvarbhumi? Thanks
  20. As ever the figures are a myth, I flew last week with Emirates, the flight was code-sharing with Thai and another. Guess what....the rear half of the seating was closed off, ie no passengers. Overpriced flights and they are unable to fill them, so the Airlines share a flight, suggesting they are busy. They should get real and start some competitive prices, they forget life etc is harder for all nowadays.
  21. Hi Just realised my 30 day visa exempt is one day short leaving Thailand. Will I be asked to pay at Suvarbhumi? Thanks
  22. Try getting the money back! No chance or fat chance!
  23. The issue is mostly the carrier...If it's Fed Express or UPS then forget it, it will not through Customs. If it's Ali Express post or Thai Mail delivery I have always found it fine.
  24. Wash the table or buy a new one?
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