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Everything posted by Pdavies99

  1. The bigger issue is that the "battery pack" has a life expectancy of 8+- years in many makes and a replacement pack currently is over £10,000 in the UK. Just saying!
  2. Go and buy a few snakes, maybe a tarantula or two, chuck them in his garden a few times, buy a doll and stick a load of pins in it, throw that in his garden. Use psychology!
  3. 3 months Goa, 2 months Bali, 6 weeks ago UK, back then to Thailand.
  4. Gone! Now in Goa!
  5. A poor memory https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-far-right-britain-lawyer-keir-starmer-violence-liverpool-muslims-cardiff/
  6. Let's be clear, this "insurance cover" was implemented by the Thai Government, and most likely forced upon the Insurance Companies, I think it is just a money making scam and truly not designed to assist tourists in need, rather a pocket filler!
  7. Latest updates resolved any compatibility issues, I have not seen any issues at all.
  8. Take a walk after your evening meal and no bedtime food. Generally resolved.
  9. I'm a little surprised nobody uses "Free Libre Office" it works great and is fully compatible with MS Office.
  10. Not really, only death or injury. Heart Attack..No, Stroke..No Sudden illness ..No etc.
  11. Ridicolous, I notice Thailand seem to like never letting problems go! (And never resolving moe important issues of today, like road deaths etc)
  12. Fat chance, its a World wide issue. Lets face it, you cannot even stop porn!
  13. More money gouging of foreigners coming to Thailand....they seem proud of it!
  14. I'm rather surprised at the apparent indifference of the Thailand Government, little or no comment! Its as if they hope it will just go away, shame on them!
  15. It's nothing new, this rule has been around 20+ years, it's wrong but everyone should really be aware of this before retiring to Thailand. Of course Thailand are not interested, they just intend to apply income taxes regardless!
  16. No, the sun is Thailand is special, no cancer rays included, they stay over Australia! Damm, what a stupid question!
  17. They only have to look at Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Once a great place, affordable bars, 5+ beaches, restaurants and a few casinos. Then they let Chinese investment in, Bars closed, Hotels unaffordable, Restaurants now Chinese type, Now look at Sihanoukville, deserted, no tourists, half built casinos, filthy beaches, NO INCOME for Cambodia, ruined! That's what may happen to Pattaya!
  18. They may be rich, but the Thai community revile them as a family who will not allow a prosecution of their Son, who killed a Policeman. They should act with their heads held high, they know how!
  19. Better and easier to use a photo to fax app, little or no cost.
  20. Because most Thais sweep their rubbish to the side of their property and throw waste bags on top, that's it. Little or no pride in the country as a whole.
  21. Dulux Weathershield is a great paint, very waterproof and lasts well. Its quite a thick paint to apply, but don't let the painter thin it down.
  22. TENS work fine for many, I however would recommend Acupuncture. Good luck!
  23. It looks like Thailand's financial mis-management in Government and Private business may be unravelling!!
  24. The issue often in the UK is families who have no working person producing an income. Many would rather rely on Government handouts / benfits to live, and pay for everything! That's one reason why illegal immigrants much prefer to live legally and illegally in the UK. However, don't believe this is worse or special to the UK, it is a common situtation in virtually all countries, whether advertised or admitted. I will say though I feel sorry for low income families who work and struggle to survive.
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