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Posts posted by Pdavies99

  1. No tests as such, but you must have a medical certificate and paperwork as per LenB



    I also have to renew my car and bike licences next month. When I got them for the first time last year I had an International licence as well as a UK licence so i didn't need to take a driving test. Will I have to do ANY tests for renewal, driving or sight and response, or is it just a matter of having the correct paperwork?
  2. LenB is quite right in his advice, but I only paid 305 for bike and about 555 baht for the car licence both 5 years last month? These were the new style plastic style so maybe the prices have gone up but I think not? I applied about two months before renewal date and was issued with 5 years plus additional months up to DOB month.

    They insisted on Med certificate and (residence certificates Jomtien immigration type) both x 2, which meant another day as I did not have them.

    See : http://www.pattayaexpatsclub.info/thaidrivinglicense.php

    Good luck...

  3. I used the Tops one last week, reliable and good new air con mini bus to Victory Monument, they leave in theory on the hour, but usually wait until full, maybe 20 minutes later? (I thinkhCentral one is not any longer available, but am happy to be corrected, there is usually someone who has a comment! :)



    There are a few locations in Pattaya for these mini buses.

    In front of Tops on 2nd road (probably the most professional of the lot) , in front of Central on 2nd Road and the mentioned location near center condo.

    Most let you off at Victory Monument in Bangkok , some go to Central Bang Na

    Apart from the bad drivers they tend to be faster and they leave on time, I gave up on the big buses as they are often leaving late or the tickets are sold out way into the next scheduled bus.

    Way overdue monopoly this big blue bus service has had for way too long

  4. Forgive me for thinking you are being pedantic, but here goes; 500 mg of b12 is about a quarter of a thimble amount usually using a throw away insulin type syringe injected anywhere into the skin (but preferably the upper thigh)..its the type of mini syringe a diabetic self-uses every day..so I assume most people can like them can inject it yourself, or whatever! or pay what you want!

    (The original price of 50 baht was the price of a syringe, a skin wipe and B12 injection, now as below found at 8 baht)

    Most people would think you are just being argumentative?

    Anyway thanks for everyones help...Inquiry closed. :)

    So 3 baht for the B12 and 5 baht for the syringe,that make 42 baht left for the injection as you said 50 baht per injection in you previous post.

    Can you tell us where they give you an injection for 42 baht or even 50 baht as I need some injections sometimes as well so would be very interesting to know.

  5. I used this service to the Airport two weeks ago, about half full, but returning 4 days ago, Saturday 9am service from Airport it was completely full and taking boookings for 1pm bus as they were full up for several services.

    I think though that booking two seats may not mean you will actually get two seats if they are full

    (Why you say??..well this is Thailand!!)

    Good luck!! Paul


    Haven't been for a while but every time I use Bell Bus there were only a few customers on the bus from Pattaya to Bangkok.

    Haven't used it since Christmas though so better to take Mr Beans advice. Ooops, Sorry, I mean Syd :)

  6. Thanks for below, but Vitamin B12 is NOt a flu jab, see following, but thanks for input:

    Vitamin B12's primary functions are in the formation of red blood cells and the maintenence of a healthy nervous system. B12 is necessary for the rapid synthesis of DNA during cell division. This is especially important in tissues where cells are dividing rapidly, particularly the bone marrow tissues responsible for red blood cell formation. If B12 deficiency occurs, DNA production is disrupted and abnormal cells called megaloblasts occur. This results in anaemia. Symptoms include excessive tiredness, breathlessness, listlessness, pallor, and poor resistance to infection. Other symptoms can include a smooth, sore tongue and menstrual disorders. Anaemia may also be due to folic acid deficiency, folic acid also being necessary for DNA synthesis.

    B12 is also important in maintaining the nervous system. Nerves are surrounded by an insulating fatty sheath comprised of a complex protein called myelin. B12 plays a vital role in the metabolism of fatty acids essential for the maintainence of myelin. Prolonged B12 deficiency can lead to nerve degeneration and irreversible neurological damage.

    When deficiency occurs, it is more commonly linked to a failure to effectively absorb B12 from the intestine rather than a dietary deficiency. Absorption of B12 requires the secretion from the cells lining the stomach of a glycoprotein, known as intrinsic factor. The B12-intrinsic factor complex is then absorbed in the ileum (part of the small intestine) in the presence of calcium. Certain people are unable to produce intrinsic factor and the subsequent pernicious anaemia is treated with injections of B12.

    Vitamin B12 can be stored in small amounts by the body. Total body store is 2-5mg in adults. Around 80% of this is stored in the liver. Vitamin B12 is excreted in the bile and is effectively reabsorbed. This is known as enterohepatic circulation. The amount of B12 excreted in the bile can vary from 1 to 10ug (micrograms) a day. People on diets low in B12, including vegans and some vegetarians, may be obtaining more B12 from reabsorption than from dietary sources. Reabsorption is the reason it can take over 20 years for deficiency disease to develop in people changing to diets absent in B12. In comparison, if B12 deficiency is due to a failure in absorption it can take only 3 years for deficiency disease to occur.

    If you are in Pattaya. Go to a private clinic, explain your needs and any qualified Doctor of medicine can give you these shots.

    You could go to Banglamung or Sirikit Hospital, but you will wait a while to be seen.

    It shouldn't cost you much in Thailand. I had a tetanus injection in the Pattaya Memorial Hospital for 105 baht.

    i get my flu jab every year 150 baht

  7. Hi thanks for responses I actually got it at :

    DPharmacy, on Sukhumvit road, half way between South pattaya Road and Central Road, it is the Pharmacy that sells Medical equipment etc, stand alone building...wait for it!!!

    1000 mg B12.....3 baht each

    Syringe ...........5 baht each


    (So you can see, how much you can be overcharged!!!)

    I must add that having recently had a stomach operation, and now requiring various expensive and inexpensive pills etc, that this place is ALWAYS I think a better price than elsewhere, I spent a long time checking prices with discounts etc in many places (including Fascinos, North Road, who are not too bad) that DPharmcy always offer a lower price and will order in.



  8. Well my friends, not wishing at all to dis-agree with you, but I have had meals there as well, and have you seen how bad mannered many of the tourists are to the person taking and paying for food?? I am not talking about the English either, the Russians, Germans, Nords etc are just as bad...and I am afraid we all end up treated the same...it is a very busy, cheap place offering 24 hour service.

    It is true that anti-foreign policies televised in Thai blame us for their troubles but you should blame the Thai goivernment for that, not the local who believes what he is told.

    (Even the Pattaya Mayor has said many times (in Thai) that Pattaya would be better off with less foreigners and more Thai visitors)

    I am not trying to get into an argument with anyone it is just how it is! :)

  9. I thought I should give a thumbs up to the "Bell Travel Service" Air-con bus to and from the Airport.

    At 200 baht each way it is comfortable and reliable, taking about 1-2 hours trip.

    It is at the based at the back of the Pattaya North Bus terminal, where there is an air-con waiting room, be warned though, the bus service is getting popular so pre-booking is advised.



    (Note; I am not connected to this service in any way)

  10. You get the return mini bus at the drop off point in Hua Hin...you pay at Hua Hin 200 baht to Victory Monument...once at BKK, then you need to walk about 150 metres to very right hand side of monument (don't go over the road footbridge) and ask anyone ie maybe Bus ticket office where to get mini bus to Pattaya

    150 baht. ...its not as simple as going there...but can be done, no problem.



    Air con Mini bus from corner of Tops supermarket Pattay Klang, (see the guy sitting at desk there)

    350 Baht total cost one way leaving every hour every day from 7am takes you to Bangkok Victory monument changing there, (10 foot from bus to bus, slighly diffrent on return) total journey 4-5 hours.

    Did the return trip last week. Anything else??? :)

    Thanks for that, were did you go to get the Minivan back to Pattaya ? and were did you pay.



  11. Air con Mini bus from corner of Tops supermarket Pattay Klang, (see the guy sitting at desk there)

    350 Baht total cost one way leaving every hour every day from 7am takes you to Bangkok Victory monument changing there, (10 foot from bus to bus) total journey 4-5 hours.

    Did the return trip last week. Anything else??? :D


    Hi I know I can get a minibus from Pattaya to Koh Chang for about 600 baht, but does anyone know if you can get a Minibus from Pattaya to Hua Hin, I do not want a private minibus as I know this will cost a lot just looking to share with people.



    Come on guys someone must know !!!! :)

  12. Hi there!! Just returned from Hua Hin...great place..plenty of nightlife etc, in fact its everything Pattaya has not got!! (Clean quiet beaches, safer walking around, no hawkers on the beach, one day Songkranl! Etc,)

    A lot quieter than Pattaya but nice for a change.

    The mini bus was easy and took about 4-5 hours no problems, 350 Baht.

    iNo , clean and great

    just pay the girl or the man that is near the bus may have a office close by, tops used to have someone with just a table and chair close by, another bus goes from central pattaya just up past the lights after carefour same side about about 20 yards have a small office there same price 160/180 baht to bkk then 180 to hua hin, change at victory monument,
  13. Baht 150 today!

    dont know about that location but from victory monument in bkk i think price about 160/180 baht one way, stops at tops i think and tutcom in pattaya
  14. I love it when people just go off on one, here I am sitting in Immigration at Jomtien, waiting for my residence certificate, showing the immigration officer your answer on my computer, his response" Come and see us without a visa, they would like to meet you!"...Anyway he said you are quite right a proof of Hotel is acceptable, but not a tourist visa..but maybe he can help you??)

    Just trying to help...not an argument! :)

    i rew

    You were ripped off then!!! Got one today for 200 baht at Jomtien Immigration.

    You will not get this with a tourist Visa.

    Sorry but wrong.

    You can get one with a Tourist visa or even NO visa,

    and giving your hotel address.

    Very easy in Jomtien... but 200 baht.

  15. You were ripped off then!!! Got one today for 200 baht at Jomtien Immigration.

    (Having lived in Hua Hin and Bangkok over the past 12 months I can confirm that the immigration offices also charge 200 Baht and if you go to Thai immgration Office at Bangkok, Soi Suan Plu, it is printed in Thai that the charge is 200Baht)

    You will not get this with a tourist Visa.

    You need this residence doc, for many items, such as buying / selling a vehicle, licences etc, they are normally issued day after application.

    (Note only immigration can issue this residence form)

    (Copy of passport, all copy pages signed, two photos, completed form, proof of address, ie Bill in YOUR Name, bank statement, {note a Bank statement in either Thai or English is acceptable}, or a rental contract in your name etc.) I have used UK bank statement at Pattaya (today), Bangkok and Hua Hin)

    Best :)


    Inflation strikes - 400 baht 2 months ago.
  16. To be honest, its pretty easy, I wired up a 3 floor system in a guest house for a friend of mine, part free, part chargeable service. All you need is the correct cabling to each sender on each floor and a main unit and you are done!

    I got any advice I needed from DC computers on 3rd floor, Tukcom...If needed they would set up a service for you, or if you need a "hidden' system, ie put up behind ceilings etc, I suggest you contact Liberty Computers.

    (I would say though, I agree with comments, ref making it free for all, I note you dont mind asking for free advice! :D its no extra cost to you, and you would get an increase of laptop users having breakfasts coffee and goodwill etc, you could always put a time limit?)


    Why don't you just offer it for free. Always hate when I'm ripped off with some outrageous price for internet access in hotels.

    Free for customers! Basic charge for non-customers! We are not a Pattaya charity, but need to pay our bills, staff and more! Feel free to set up free Hotspots for everybody! I can arrange access for you! We are looking for advice on capable companies, not on how to run a business. Thanks.

    :) HH

    Uh, not advising you how to run a business, I'd know nothing about that, but I know how to be a customer and I know when I check into a hotel and pay good money for the room it pisses me off to get billed another $25/day for internet access. This kind of money pays for the internet connection to the hotel for a week and most of the profit is eaten up by managing the payment system. Consider it consumer feedback. Try to Google for "Hotel, Pattaya, Free Wifi". If it is already free for guests why bother with non-customers? Just put a password on it and give it to the guest. Or waste a lot of money on a wifi billing system, up to you of course :D

    :D to you too.

  17. Sorry but you are argumentive for no need, the highest priced ones are available at the medical supllies pharmacy on the Sukumvit Road, sold as a package or individually at 240 baht each, ultimately its your choice, but I bet if you were sitting next to a infectious person, you would be wearing a mask,...or maybe you would not!

    tr myn

    Well I'm afraid you are mostly wrong...it depends on the quality and type of face mask

    The higher end ones are only for health workers. The cheap ones are useless. Your post was misleading. The cheap masks people are wearing do not help.

  18. Well I'm afraid you are mostly wrong...it depends on the quality and type of face mask..I refer you to the feature in UK newspaper as follows:


    As you will see you can have 99% safety abd anyone who currrently flys at this time without a face mask must be MAD!! :)

    In addition you will see Bangkok Airport are giving ALL arrivals face masks AFTER flying, very clever!!

    The masks don't prevent viral spread, either in or out - it's the same. The filter size is way too big. If you really had a closed filter that prevents viral particles from passing though, you would'nt be able to breathe through it very easily - the air would suck in from the sides. In any case, I believe the virus can take hold through any exposed epithelial membrane - including your eyes. Most of the fragile-looking masks used to prevent intake of traffic pollution are equally useless. Surgical masks that are often used only prevent movement of aerosols - liquid droplets that are quite big - OK, they also prevent movement of any viruses in those droplets, but don't per se prevent viral transfer.
  19. Wow nice language, sounds like you are an unhappy type :o

    The bottom line is simple, we are talking about certifying a passport copy...all you need is a photocopy stating "I certify that this is a true copy of the original and the photo is a true likeness...stamped, dated, signed and name printed out with a business card attached.

    If you need a certified translation then go to a translator, not a UK Lawyer, well then its your own fault!!! Dont blame others.

  20. Hmm...probably too late now..you should have treated your eyes quickly, a very common problem in Pattaya due to dust etc.

    There are not many reputable Eye docs in Pattaya, however I can tell you they will prescribe what I suggest below or a derivative.

    Spersallerg (non antibiotic eye drops): Temporary relief of the signs & symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis including conjunctival hyperaemia, chemosis, itching.

    Spersadexoline (Antibiotic) eye drops : Conjunctivitis & keratitis of allergic & infectious origin & marked by severe swelling & multiple vascular congestion. Inflammation of anterior uvea, scleritis, episcleritis, myositis & sympathetic ophthalmia.

    Both are german products, highly rated and available at most pharmacies, however as with all eye problems, treatment is required asap.

    (Regular use of Optrex is recommended, available ftrom Boots)


  21. Hmm!! Well Its nice to hear they have improved....it used to be very good several years ago, and its nice to see all the friendly comments, but lets not get carried away, only a few months ago there were many comments on the Forum about poor service and I myself was recently asked for financial ?????, neverless well done for improvements.

    Visiting last week Pattaya Immigration for the 90 days reporting, I have to say that the service has improved since the last 3 months. . After only 10 minutes I was done. It seems also that more officers (ladies) are working now.


  22. Got a yen for fishing some years ago, bought all the rods and tackle, read the book, got the tide tables.

    Fished off the beach from Koh si Chang to Koh Chang, really relaxing but caught ONE fish and that was only a few hundred grams. Then saw that the sea was generally netted virtually everywhere about 100 metres offshore.

    So..take to the boats, Had an excellent day, (swim lunch etc) with a Dutch place (not there now)..caught a box load of very small fish. Next step..go with the serious guys (Germans) on a boat from somewhere near Sattahip, drove thro appalling slums. No-one caught anything. the lunch was a styrofoam box of cold rice.

    Another try, small boat along beach road, only about 1200 baht..went twice..caight nothing. Don't see them now, I think the 6000 baht/ few hours power boats have chased them off,

    So...on to the fishing parks, caught nothing but had my hearing damaged by the wardrobe sized speakers.

    So if your friends just like a days fishing and not care about catching anything then it's fine by my experience. There are sometimes pix of guys with huge fish in the paper..but....don't know.

    If you do catch anything please let me know

    Typical answer, you try a couple of times and then give up and then go back to watching TV.

    On the fishing boats, you can catch plenty of fish, have a great day out with a reasonable lunch and have no music etc but like everything there are good catch days and not so good..I admit the fish in general are not so big, but its nice to give them to the locals who love eating them etc, all this for about 600 baht. (ps the boats that offer swimming etc are just tourist jolly day out boats!!)

    Have a nice day :o

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