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Posts posted by Pdavies99

  1. Take it to DC Computers, 3rd floor on Tuk.com, ask them and they will take apart, apply some external connectors and show you the data is still okay, (if not the circuitry, they will assist you further) then you can ask them to get you a new case with (circuitry standard) and they will charge you cost of case (plus a tip if you are feeling pleased?) Time? 5 minutes.


    I understand everyone has good ideas how to help you, but I believe this is an easy fix.

  2. Sorry but you dont understand....inside the case is some micro-circuitry which the drive inside the case is fitted into inside the case....this circuitry packs up often...so when you buy a new case the new circuitry inside is replaced, when you refit the hard drive...hey presto

    So do you understand, its not magic! I have fixed 100's this way


    Paul hit-the-fan.gifhit-the-fan.gif

  3. Very common problem...external hard drive circuit is u/s...take to tuk.com and ask them to remove internal hard drive unit and fit into a new case..cost 350 baht+- ...this usually fixes it..DC computers 3rd Floor or any competent shop can do this in 3 minutes.


  4. Go to Tops supermarket on Pattaya Klang...outside the supermarket in the lay by is the pick up point, a guy sitting under the umbrella runs it all etc. The minibus leaves every hour on the hour to Hua Hin, via change at Bangkok, very simple, 350 Baht.

    Don't use the direct service at 400 Baht, it stops at nearly every small town along the way!:lol:

  5. Thanks and point taken, its well chained and I guess then thats it!

    Well, thanks for all the comments, yes you are right that the best I could get in Pattaya was 78,000, so I looked around and I bought at a Sattahip dealer 68,200 and with nothing included, but with 2 years theft and 2 years government compulsory insurance, tax, registration, red plates for 2 months and delivered by pick up to Pattaya all arranged today etc it came to 73,500, (I took a thai friend to help with the price, and by the way they had plenty of bikes including the red ones).

    yes and as "Thailaw" states the manufacturers list price is 68,500 base price but the dealerships do get further discounts if they order enough.

    That's good, i know of two people who have had their PCX's stolen recently, apparently they are the current target of choice for the A hole thief's!! , make sure yours is chained to something solid, these feckers just pick them up and in to the back of a pick up, dismantled en-route and sold for parts at the Cambo border!!

  6. Well, thanks for all the comments, yes you are right that the best I could get in Pattaya was 78,000, so I looked around and I bought at a Sattahip dealer 68,200 and with nothing included, but with 2 years theft and 2 years government compulsory insurance, tax, registration, red plates for 2 months and delivered by pick up to Pattaya all arranged today etc it came to 73,500, (I took a thai friend to help with the price, and by the way they had plenty of bikes including the red ones).

    yes and as "Thailaw" states the manufacturers list price is 68,500 base price but the dealerships do get further discounts if they order enough.

  7. Well I've been around today and was quoted 68,200 with two years theft insurance, tax and paperwork completed etc. Would like to get a red one though they seem to be in short supply in that colour!

    Anyone seen the red one around for sale please?

    Thanks for replies

  8. I see the US military is in town....what a change over the years!! Watching them shoulder barge past tourists along the beach front, challenging anyone who looks at them, swigging their bottles of beer...to think I have all my life held the USA (and the military) in respect?

    Forget the efforts they make painting orphanages etc when they are here, its all ruined by the attitude of them out and about.:bah: Worse than any tourists including the brits, ruskies etc.

  9. Chinese baby milk!! You must be mad! :jap:

    It is recommended that mothers breastfeed for six months or more, without the addition of infant formula or solid food.

    Recommedation's are fine and dandy if the mother produces enough milk.

    I've got a 2 month old and Mom would have to produce like a Holstein to feed my little guy.

    To the OP, I'm not down south so not subject to the panic buying, But I've found Enfalac 1+ year old formula just about everywhere. Check 7/11, Lotus and other name shops. Failing that I've found the mom and pop shops everywhere are stocked with baby formula and diapers/wipes, some of the smallest shops have loads of the stuff. The Chinese stores that you have a hard time walking in usually have lots of stock stashed away.

    Good luck and hope you find what you need.

  10. Clinical Lifecare Lab, a small single shop-house clinic in the new shop-houses on 3rd road between the elevated section going to Bali High Pier and the Soi 17 traffic lights.

    It's in the soi opposite the peach coloured apartment block (LV Appts) on 3rd road.

    Open 7am till 10pm. Results usually available same day. 038488048 & 0814817180

  11. Well speaking from experience, I've lost 35kgs and now weigh 70Kgs..this took 30 months of exercise every day and completely modifying my diet.

    Losing weight and keeping it off is tough!!! Its a complete life style change...small healthy meals, lower amounts of alcohol and no moped etc, walking everywhere...buy a bicycle!

    (You will need to really improve how and what you eat forever!)

    Me, I hate gyms but have used them and you must have a personal trainer for at least 3 months to help you.

    As to which Gym you try its up to you although WOW is okay, but any Gym that do not give you a fitness test and check your blolod pressure on 1st visit is a waste of time.

    You should go for a full blood and urine tests to establish what your Fats and sugars etc are and then you have a base line to work from. (I suggest lifecare Laboroatories near Bali Hi pier 500 Baht for a good check up)

    Let me know how you get on, maybe you are serious, but don't forget its forever!


  12. If you have lived here some time, you would understand that City Hall are not at all interested in the views or comments from foreigners.

    The Mayor absolutely is never going to take a recommendation of any type from anyone unless there is a reason behind it!

    Nothing that Pattaya has ever done has ever had maintainance and as such quickly becomes an eyesore.

    You have to just accept that they think they are a world resort and can not see beyond this.

  13. Unfortunately the Mayor is typical of Government in Thailand...they are not interested in the thoughts or opinions of foreigners...he never answers e-mails sent to him from foreigners and has no interest or regard for advice or suggestions put to him by anyone..anybody can see the state of Pattaya Beach yet nothing is ever done to improve mattters.:angry:

    I have lived/ worked in Pattaya area for 6 years. When I first came here, there were many retired "farangs" (mostly from Germany and England) who flocked to the city for the winter months. Now , there seems to be less of them (due to the economy). Six years ago there were very few Russians, and the ones you saw were from the "older generation"; now the city is ???? 75% Russian, mostly couples and families from ages 20-45 years old - very trendy and international. Next, the past year has shown more Indians visiting Pattaya due to Air Asia flight into India and cheap packaged tours. True, if you go to Walking street, one may think that Westerners are the majority, but they are thinning out...that is why many of the bars are closing up--no business. Russian men come with their wives (and prefer to buy their big bottle of beer at Seven Eleven); the Indians are not going to spend 80-120 baht on beer, and the Chinese and Koreans are on packaged tours. Yes, Pattaya will always be a haven for the single man -- not a haven for its acqua blue beaches or clean, planned out city.

    The mayor seems to be trying to improve the city (the buoys out along the beaches to keep the swimmers safe as an example) but it would help if he walked (by himself without a camera crew) along the street and sois to observe the delapated and sometimes blocked sidewalks. He needs to take a stroll along the beach (again without his dignitaries) and observe the garbage that is along the shores of Pattaya Bay. He needs to focus on the basics (spend tax money on garbage bins; fixing the sidewalks, improving the safety before spending money on festivals, concerts or even a monorail). The monorail is a perfect example of "big ideas" that do not make sense. Why put up a monorail that would only stop at 5 places whereas the baht bus can stop anywhere? why not focus on the baht bus and make those electric so they do not pollute the are; paint them up in beach festive colors --that is a practical approach. Also, before you spend millions on pedistrian cross walk lights, wouldn't you educate the city drivers about these lights ..and make sure they work???? The sad thing about being a mayor in this town is that it seems the police department does not work with city hall - they take care of themselves.

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