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Denim last won the day on July 7 2020

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  1. The area to the West of HuaLampong station but before Yaowarat has also gone arty-farty. This translates as being more expensive for the privalage of sitting near rich Thai / Chinese offspring of now wealthy parents. The Mustang Blue cafe is an example. Beautiful colonial architecture but toffy nosed staff.
  2. I feel cheated. Been here 40 years but nothing as exciting has ever happened to me.
  3. Where was this. In a tourist area he won't long survive the attention of the police. I have seen foreigners doing similar things in rural areas but always with their wives / girlfriends. Enjoy your holiday, Glad you made it back safely.
  4. It's not the Lao khao per se , it's the quantity they drink. Same as vodka , tequila, gin ,rum etc. If you hammer any hard alcohol from dusk till dawn you are not long for this earth. Better to not touch any alcohol or drug at all. Even excessive carpet munching has been found to be detrimental to health. It's a wonderful life if you don't weaken.
  5. Since the legal system has never possessed either of these qualities , a fact every Thai knows , it seems strange that only now somebody is questioning it.
  6. That video is a year old at least.
  7. Wheres the Polish bottom slapper when he's needed ?
  8. The assailant should at least replace the victims jeans that were badly torn in the assault.
  9. Like lost car keys then
  10. Coldest in 40 years they say. Slightly warmer here in Petchabun at 13 degrees. Warms up in the day but indoors can't get higher than 22 on account of all the insulation. I was looking forward to the cool season but now I've had enough. The sooner it gets up to a comforatable 20 the better.
  11. Those louvered windows facing onto the corridor are a bad idea. They might improve airflow but even when closed they let in too much outside noise.
  12. Population of the UK = 68,000,000 Population of Koh TAo = 8000 ( approx ) In a large population bound to be a few unexplained deaths. Given that the UK population is 8500 times larger than Koh Tao I am less surprised. As for seeing the autopsy results , you are probably correct. The story will probably die and we will hear nothing much more in the press , especially if nobody is interested.
  13. Thank you. I will. I will be interested to see the autopsy results . I think a spontaneous heart attack in an apparently fit young man needs further investigation..

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