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Posts posted by kevozman1

  1. ^Pattaya can be very dangerous and so is Thailand in whole which has quite a high

    murder rate. (highest murder rate of all east and south east asian countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Saying that I have never had any problems to talk about, feel safer walking around

    anywhere in Thailand at night then I would in certain parts of London.

    Do get the feeling that making a mistake in Thailand could end in tradegy as the place

    does give you the kind of feeling that most problems are sorted out person to person

    rather than through police or courts. Thai people do not seem the easiest people to reason

    with in a heated situation either.

  2. A length of bamboo seems to be the way to deal with this in Thailand.

    Thankfully, this kind of thing is illegal in Thailand under the Child Protection Act.

    It's a quick way to teach people how to hate others. It has never worked, it doesn't work & it will never work.

    I'm glad I'm not one of your students (aka whipping posts).

    Hey I did not say I approved of disciplining students this way..................... jumping to

    conclusions again (love this forum).

    As you seem to be an expert on this subject you should also know that illegal or not

    teachers in Thailand regulary discipline students physically, especailly in rural areas.

  3. Saturday night in Bangkok. The stars were out and I was out on the town wearing

    my finest Singha vest, red football shorts and sandles. i decided to visit a well known

    cocktail bar for some relaxed and sophisticated company.

    What a night...................until....................... some kids recognised me from a recent

    unfortunate journey on the Skytrain. They started to follow me all over Sukhumvit

    sniffing me and laughing.

    I stopped off at a noodle bar at the side of a soi.............. when I just could not control

    myself no more................ lets just say my red shorts were now looking rather brown.

    Now all the local Thai people were pointing at me, sniffing me.................. but why?

    "WHAT AN OUTRAGE" I screamed. It was just a accident and natural behaviour from

    a man of my age. In the end it was all too much for me so I escaped to my apartment

    where I did not leave for days.

    Now alone I ponder this tale of woe and think to myself do I need a colostomy bag

    or are the Thai's completely unreasonable and should allow this foriegner his right

    to soil his pants when ever and where ever one feels like doing so.

  4. I'm not amazed so many are avoiding the point. A lot of people here will side with thais over *anything*. The reasons for this are varied -

    1. Self preservation (fear of losing what they have, specifically wife/GF)

    2. Hatred of everything western (bullied at school)

    3. Mob mentality (it is easier to go with the crowd)

    And so on.

    Simply psycho-babble. Fabricated and predictable.

    Actually "the panic" I agree with you there, alot of posters here will back up

    anything Thai....................... but not for the reasons you listed.......................

    the only reason for this attitude is they are foolish. Some of the western

    people who stay in Thailand for a long period of time think they are part

    of the Thai community and excepted. This is not the case, as a foreinger

    you are always considered a visitor in Thailand.

  5. Yes you could conclude that I have the balls to tell people who are offending

    me what I think and not just keep it to myself like a wasteman wimp of a man.

    Maybe you are one of these people who are scared of people................ god

    dam_n it I just realised why you keep shitting yourself on the skytrain.

    I think if those Thai people you were stinking out could speak the same language

    as you they probably would have gave you a piece of their mind and would be

    somewhere on the lines of go back to where you come from farang............... and

    they would be quite right to say so to a visitor who will enter public transport with

    no regard for other passengers.

  6. Please be aware that in any future posting we cannot allow any criticism of a Thai court's decision, or on libelous/defamatory content to appear on this board.

    Any posts considered by board mods/admin. to be libelous, or criticising the court's decisions will have to be removed from public view.


    So it would be OK to criticise other countrie's courts ................. just not Thai courts.

    Could I ask why that is as this is a worldwide internet forum.

  7. Thing is mate, all people do not like smelly people......... not just Thai's.

    Got a story for you, back in the day travelling on the district line there

    was quite a large population of indians and pakistani people travelling.

    When they got on the tube they would stink the place up with their foulness

    and we would all squeeze our nose and be even more rude then the Thai

    people you encountered as we would actually tell them they needed a bath.

    Conclusion: move to India or Pakistan............they will not mind your stink.

    Oh really? So you're stating categorically that you *personally* approached south asians on the district line and told them to their faces they smelled? Interesting...

    You find that interesting............... not only are you smelly but your boring aswell.

    And I don't think I need say what you are - your post was VERY revealing!

    I would love to here what you think I am from a couple of half assed posts on

    a internet forum.

  8. Thing is mate, all people do not like smelly people......... not just Thai's.

    Got a story for you, back in the day travelling on the district line there

    was quite a large population of indians and pakistani people travelling.

    When they got on the tube they would stink the place up with their foulness

    and we would all squeeze our nose and be even more rude then the Thai

    people you encountered as we would actually tell them they needed a bath.

    Conclusion: move to India or Pakistan............they will not mind your stink.

    Oh really? So you're stating categorically that you *personally* approached south asians on the district line and told them to their faces they smelled? Interesting...

    You find that interesting............... not only are you smelly but your boring aswell.

  9. Thing is mate, all people do not like smelly people......... not just Thai's.

    Got a story for you, back in the day travelling on the district line there

    was quite a large population of indians and pakistani people travelling.

    When they got on the tube they would stink the place up with their foulness

    and we would all squeeze our nose and be even more rude then the Thai

    people you encountered as we would actually tell them they needed a bath.

    Conclusion: move to India or Pakistan............they will not mind your stink.

  10. ^Yeah I go back to 87 on the old Amstrad.

    Gotta say some of the games you listed I would not

    personally call classics but see if these games bring

    back any good memories.

    Street Fighter 2 Turbo

    Mario Cart

    Command & Conquer Red Alert

    Dungeon Keeper

    Warhammer Dark Omen

    Goldeneye 007

    Zelda Ocarina Of Time

    Metal Gear Solid

    Final Fantasy 7,8 & 10

    Grand Theft Auto 3

    Midnight Club 3

    Probably some more I have missed. Just thinking last couple of

    years the video gaming industry has not been knocking out too many

    classics.............. maybe the reason for my reminiscing.

  11. OP, have you considered Singapore? Plenty of yachting industry there and the weather is warm, not too mention it's much more first world than Phuket. I lived there for 5 years and moved to Phuket years ago, but Singapore still makes for a pleasant change when you want to get in the first world but like Asia, warm weather, and English as the main language of communication.

    Thing is you will need plenty of ££££££££££££3 to live in Singapore at a decent

    standard. Your average dude getting £600 pension sent over is not going to cut

    it in Singapore.

  12. For me the best game I have ever played is Final Fantasy VII. All time classic with

    addictive gameplay and epic story. Have to say Zelda Ocarina Of Time comes a

    close second in my list and just followed by Metal Gear Solid.

    So what games do you guys rate tops.

    • Like 1
  13. Could some one explain what is this Star Craft game?? I only heard about Starcraft

    when recently as the sequel is coming out.

    I am a gaming veteran and go way back when. My type of games range from

    Final Fantasy, Zelda, Age of Empires, Warcraft, C & C, GTA, Street Fighter.......... you

    know all the classics man. This Starcraft has passed me by is it worth me getting into.

  14. Just noticed that admin member SBK of Thai visa closed a topic down

    just because she PERSONALLY did not like the content, stating at the end

    of her post "I've reached my limit with these monotonous threads, closed".

    Now I have seen other admin members close down topics for dubious

    reasons but they were a little more cute about it then SBK.

    I do beileve that if a topic becomes un-used for long periods or contains

    too much abusive content then as the forum police they should act.

    At the same time they should also be fairly neutral with opinion and not

    close a topic merely for not personally liking the subject.

    So from now on I am just going to use Thai visa as a occasional informative

    reference rather than a bit of a yarn and fun.

    Still think it is a good forum and is well constructed site, maybe the owners

    just might want to think about a change of admin.

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