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Posts posted by kevozman1

  1. Maybe for something serious mate like a Tsunami.

    Can you really see people reaching into their pockets

    just because a few hundred people lost their jobs.

    So what about if a large factory employing a thousand

    people closed down are we to have a whip round again?

  2. What the OP really seems to be asking is; why he can't find a normal relationship in Thailand. Well for one thing his concept of normal is not the same as then one held here. So what he is actually looking for is an unusual relationship in Thailand. He is looking for someone he can relate to, someone who will get him, and not keep doing things opposite to what makes sense to him.

    The entire process here is warped by the difference in how westerners think, feel, decide, and act, compared to how Thais think, feel, decide, and act. And of course these things also vary person to person.

    A major barrier to westerners finding simpatico relationships here is that in the west people meet others through interaction in their own social and work environments. This gives an opportunity to make reasonable judgments about what kind of person someone is before the potential relationship stress moves in and ups the ante. Westerners also share similar decision making abilities and most are are used to making independent choices.

    In an east west situation this sort of thing just doesn't happen very often. In Thailand the westerner is always the outsider, the exotic, the atm, the sugar daddy, or some other possibly unfair stereotype. And even if your lady doesn't really see you that way herself and the two of you have developed some understanding; her friends will continually pour advice into her based on their own stereotypes and perception. This is the minefield, Thais and the advice of peers is major source of frustration to the westerner.

    I won't pretend I fully understand this problem but what I have seen is Thais are very uncomfortable with saying I don't know. Because of this, discussions about life's little problems are usually driven by the first suggestion that comes up, no matter how ridiculous it may be. Apparently it is not proper to discard anyone's suggestion (among peers) so whatever advice comes up first is usually just supported and accepted as the best way to go. So instead of carefully thought out advice you get knee jerk reactions being accepted as wisdom so no one loses face. This problem is magnified when the person giving advice is a superior. A boss, a parent, an older sibling, or an official, has tremendous power over the decision making of individuals here. This leads to the situation where the advice or commands being given may not even logical, in fact they might even be contrary to what the individual believes, but will still be carried out without hesitation.

    So if you want to have a relationship with a Thai, remember that you are entering into a complex situation and you have to leave a lot of room for misunderstanding. It is like dating someone with split personalities, you never know how any situation will be processed. If you have no patience, you should quit now.

    Best post i have read on Thai Visa.

  3. Oh well, that's really gone and buggered it now hasn't it?

    Udon, the country's best kept secret has been mentioned in a similar vein as the 'more common tourist places' so now the airlines will be adding extra flights to take the ever increasing amounts of farangs to the heart of Isaan in search of something 'different'. I read that over the past couple of years, the powers that be in Udon drove out some of the less desirable farang types that had decided this sleepy backwater was a great place for their nefarious activities (whatever they were). Here's hoping that they keep to their word and don't let these developments degenerate into the same rubbish as Pattaya and Phuket. I am saying Udon is for the more genteel pursuits of the respectable, retired, dare I say it, well-off individual and perish the thought it's gonna radically change.

    Udon thani is for well off individuals!!!!

    I love this site............full of jokers.

  4. Have to say I have enjoyed Thai Visa in the last month or so.

    A very good forum site. Spoilt slightly by some posters constant

    negative views (including mine sometimes).

    Keep up the good work.

  5. There's two main problems in this part of the world (Isaan).

    1. Lau Kao and the dysfunctional chaos it causes.

    2. Divide and rule. They love to keep each other down and hate to see anyone break free and make even a moderate success of their lives.

    Well, it's my experience of it anyway.

    Sadly, climbing the ladder {in some circles} is certainly not acceptable.

    Well said.

    Isaan is full of wasters who will bad mouth others to make themselves

    feel better. I am sorry OP but your GF sounds like one aswell.

  6. Loss of Face in Thailand :) , you gotta be kidding, its a myth. I would never borrow money from anyone as I think that is a loss of face, yet Thais are always sponging off people and not paying it back. Another example is one of the common professions amongst women,that is another area that shows they just dont have any pride or care about loosing face.

    Your face is different.

    Maybe that's because you're a foreigner. You can tell foreigners from their face. Its scarcely surprising.

    I imagine some people think that looking after their families is more important than the work they do to achieve that, and would feel that they had lost more face if they could not feed their children than if people found out that they were a consultant or a banker.


    That is a cop out...its so easy to turn to that profession or something else like drug dealing or burglary to feed your family rather than work hard for a lot less. That to me is real LOSS OF FACE if you do that.

    "Loss of face";

    More important to people in most other countries than Thailand.

  7. Bangkok similar to any US city! No.

    Is Thailand still a third World country? Yes.

    No state benefits. Poor wages for the vast majority of citizens.

    Poverty in large areas of the countryside and in Bangkok.

    The same goes for you. On your way please.

    Sorry grumpy

  8. <snip>

    I think women are easily influenced all over the World,


    The nineteenth century called. They'd like you to return home.

    My friend I love women but They are easily influenced, (not all I know)

    They are not as single minded as men and can be heavily influenced

    by what their friends say or what was discussed on a silly soap

    opera. just what I have noticed anyway.

  9. Its true you can not trust people in Thailand and especially

    the women who are more devious.

    The girls might love you at the start but one viewing of a certain

    soap opera or a remark from their friend could turn your

    once pleasant girlfriend's mentality into that of a evil fuc_k.

    I think women are easily influenced all over the World, but in

    'the land of smiles' they lack complete focus <snip>

    Make up your mind already. Are Thai women devious or are they so simple minded that they are easily influenced and lack focus?

    I think women are easily influenced all over the World

    Clearly. Women should never have been given the vote, let alone allowed to run for office.

    Apoligize for my nasty post, I have met some nice Thai ladies

    to be honest.

    I did not say they were simple minded but a lot of them are

    devious and by the way you can be easily influenced and devious.

  10. Not that I know too much about Thailand's history but I think

    if you are talking about somewhere like BKK then the change

    in time and developments would have been more gradual and


    I think you may have a point with Isaan and rural places. I bet

    if you went back 30 years into Isaan it was probably the same

    for a thousand years or so without too much change.

    I could be totaly wrong though.

  11. A lot of foreigners staying in Thailand saying you need to stay in

    Isaan or Northern Thailand to take in the REAL THAI CULTURE.

    I am sorry but &lt;deleted&gt; to all of that, as a foreign person stick

    to the beach resorts and enjoy yourself. Take in culture of a

    country that takes itself a little more seriously.

    The local inbreds in Isaan will never really except you and no amount

    of whiskey drinking will change that reality as you are a alien to them.

    Good to see that you have been accepted in the beach resorts.

    Apoligize for my negative post. Not really like that usually.

    Been a bit bored and depressed the last week, probably why

    I have been posting on this forum.

  12. A lot of foreigners staying in Thailand saying you need to stay in

    Isaan or Northern Thailand to take in the REAL THAI CULTURE.

    I am sorry but &lt;deleted&gt; to all of that, as a foreign person stick

    to the beach resorts and enjoy yourself. Take in culture of a

    country that takes itself a little more seriously.

    The local inbreds in Isaan will never really except you and no amount

    of whiskey drinking will change that reality as you are a alien to them.

    Good to see that you have been accepted in the beach resorts.

    Don't know about Surin, but Buriram is quite close and I have stayed

    there, guessing they are both about the same.

    Lets just say I was glad to leave, reason being the surroundings

    and the people.

    A lot of foreigners staying in Thailand saying you need to stay in

    Isaan or Northern Thailand to take in the REAL THAI CULTURE.

    I am sorry but &lt;deleted&gt; to all of that, as a foreign person stick

    to the beach resorts and enjoy yourself. Take in culture of a

    country that takes itself a little more seriously.

    The local inbreds in Isaan will never really except you and no amount

    of whiskey drinking will change that reality as you are a alien to them.

    Sorry for going some what off topic.

    Spoken like a true TOURIST(2 week Millionaire) :):D:D

    I'd stick to Benidorm next year, if I were you. The prisons nice (I've been locked in it) :D

    My post was a bit negative but..................

    Chai mai, I think you will find it is a lot more important to be

    accepted into a village with a population of 60 then be accepted

    into a tourist area.

    As for Dave;

    Never been to Spain will not go there.

    I think you will find that your type of being a big farang fish in a small isaan bowl

    is in the minority. Two week millionaire, usually go for a month or two actually.

    My girlfriend comes from Buriram and she does not rate Isaan either.

  13. Kevozman1 said:

    Man I don't know about leaving Thailand to go to a neighbouring country

    or nearby right now (maybe in a few years who knows). What is there;

    Cambodia:Danger (why?????)

    Laos: Danger (Why?????)

    Malaysia: Muslim (say no more) (????? please explain - I do not understand. I live in Thailand (Krabi) and the majority of my neighbours are Muslim

    Vietnam: Bit shitty me thinks (you mean lack of sanitation or something?)

    Burma: Dont need to comment (Why not? Practical comments would help


    So sorry Simon I have edited my ill informed post;

    Cambodia: Completely safe, hey why not take the kids.

    Laos: Well known for great hospitality towards visitors.

    Malaysia: Those Muslim chaps are very pleasant and so liberal towards different religous groups and sexualities.

    Vietnam: Has won awards for cleanest country in Asia.

    Burma: World wide admiration for great democratic rights of its citizens.

  14. Life's Good.


    Bill is the only guy I take any notice of, like me he actually lives in Thailand and has done for many years, like me also, he does not whine about the property ownership laws, (That we all knew before we bought property anyway ), who cares anyway, I can't take land with me when I die.

    Why on earth Farangs whine about land ownership laws when they know the laws that exists is beyond me. Whining on an internet forum does nothing, you still can't own land, but you already knew that, so why freekin' moan about someting that you already knew ????

    I paid for land that will never be in my name, big deal, oh wow, I'll be on my deathbed thinking about it................. and if it was in my name, I'll still be on my deathbed, thinking about it ..... I'd leave it to my wife or kids either way.

    Do Farangs think that the land they ' OWN ' will follow them to the afterlife ?

    We never own nothing, we just have it for a few years, we die, then somebody else owns it until they die, then somebody else owns it until they die and so on and so on...................................................

    Good luck Bill......

    No but you could be evicted while you are still alive. You do not own any land as it is not in your name.

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