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Posts posted by kevozman1

  1. Thing is mate, all people do not like smelly people......... not just Thai's.

    Got a story for you, back in the day travelling on the district line there

    was quite a large population of indians and pakistani people travelling.

    When they got on the tube they would stink the place up with their foulness

    and we would all squeeze our nose and be even more rude then the Thai

    people you encountered as we would actually tell them they needed a bath.

    Conclusion: move to India or Pakistan............they will not mind your stink.

  2. ^Yeah I go back to 87 on the old Amstrad.

    Gotta say some of the games you listed I would not

    personally call classics but see if these games bring

    back any good memories.

    Street Fighter 2 Turbo

    Mario Cart

    Command & Conquer Red Alert

    Dungeon Keeper

    Warhammer Dark Omen

    Goldeneye 007

    Zelda Ocarina Of Time

    Metal Gear Solid

    Final Fantasy 7,8 & 10

    Grand Theft Auto 3

    Midnight Club 3

    Probably some more I have missed. Just thinking last couple of

    years the video gaming industry has not been knocking out too many

    classics.............. maybe the reason for my reminiscing.

  3. OP, have you considered Singapore? Plenty of yachting industry there and the weather is warm, not too mention it's much more first world than Phuket. I lived there for 5 years and moved to Phuket years ago, but Singapore still makes for a pleasant change when you want to get in the first world but like Asia, warm weather, and English as the main language of communication.

    Thing is you will need plenty of ££££££££££££3 to live in Singapore at a decent

    standard. Your average dude getting £600 pension sent over is not going to cut

    it in Singapore.

  4. For me the best game I have ever played is Final Fantasy VII. All time classic with

    addictive gameplay and epic story. Have to say Zelda Ocarina Of Time comes a

    close second in my list and just followed by Metal Gear Solid.

    So what games do you guys rate tops.

    • Like 1
  5. Could some one explain what is this Star Craft game?? I only heard about Starcraft

    when recently as the sequel is coming out.

    I am a gaming veteran and go way back when. My type of games range from

    Final Fantasy, Zelda, Age of Empires, Warcraft, C & C, GTA, Street Fighter.......... you

    know all the classics man. This Starcraft has passed me by is it worth me getting into.

  6. Just noticed that admin member SBK of Thai visa closed a topic down

    just because she PERSONALLY did not like the content, stating at the end

    of her post "I've reached my limit with these monotonous threads, closed".

    Now I have seen other admin members close down topics for dubious

    reasons but they were a little more cute about it then SBK.

    I do beileve that if a topic becomes un-used for long periods or contains

    too much abusive content then as the forum police they should act.

    At the same time they should also be fairly neutral with opinion and not

    close a topic merely for not personally liking the subject.

    So from now on I am just going to use Thai visa as a occasional informative

    reference rather than a bit of a yarn and fun.

    Still think it is a good forum and is well constructed site, maybe the owners

    just might want to think about a change of admin.

  7. Some amazingly hot Thai women are so approachable. They are beautiful but they seem to think it's no big deal.

    Thailand for sure has a very high percentage of hotties. China for example has maybe 1 hottie per 100.

    Harsh dude, Chinese girls are nice, only 1 hottie per 100. Harsh.

    Agree with you though so many girls in Thailand are hot and most do

    not play up on it. Actually the women who are promoted inner Thailand

    as beautiful, (you know the pale chicks on skin whitening adverts) for

    me are not as beautiful as some Isaan women I have seen................

    ..................and more.

  8. Judging from to-days "Best Topics" Pattaya also ranks as one of the most crime ridden cities in the world.

    Outside of Africa it probably ranks No.1

    Think South America may have a few more crime ridden places than Pattaya to be honest.

    I have spent many months of my life in Pattaya and nothing bad has ever happened

    to me there. I think in most places in the World the kind of places I was in I would have

    sure to get in some sort of trouble but never happened.

    Gotta say when it comes to number of bars and ladies of the night per sq km I think Pattaya must

    rank number 1 in world.

  9. Could these visitors that the TAT keep not be counting people who work in Pattaya

    coming and going from Pattaya and considering them as visitors.............

    Anyway hardly seen many of these Thai holiday makers in all the things I have done in

    Pattaya and NO before someone mentons I did not spend all my time in a bar.

    Maybe they just visit Pattaya and stay in there hotels there whole trip.

  10. I take everything with a pinch of salt.

    Have to say what I have noticed so many times is peole on Thai visa

    thinking a woman who works as a bank cashier or office admin staff

    are somewhat hi-so or whatever! These are working class jobs guys, wake up

    I know these girls who work in these jobs think they are the top notch

    but I am sure one day they will wake up also.

    This isnt the west man. Some Thai girls might actually be happy with what they are doing and its not their goal in life to try and out rank men.

    I have never met a woman anywhere whose goal is to out rank a man.

    Never said they are not happy. Actually in the west a woman would have a job

    in a office or bank and generally be happy, humble and treat people with respect.

    I can not speak too much for female office workers (although met a couple who think they

    can look down on their countryfolk) but female bank cashiers are arrogant asses usually

    in Thailand. They have a real attitiude problem. I have recieved good service overall in Thailand

    from shops, restaurants, hotels, airports etc but banks seem to be a place where some right snotty

    women work with no manners, charm or common service sense. Actually the male cashiers

    seem Ok. Might be just me but I dought it. Gone way off topic here though. Apologies.

  11. I take everything with a pinch of salt.

    Have to say what I have noticed so many times is peole on Thai visa

    thinking a woman who works as a bank cashier or office admin staff

    are somewhat hi-so or whatever! These are working class jobs guys, wake up

    I know these girls who work in these jobs think they are the top notch

    but I am sure one day they will wake up also.

  12. The thing about Thai women is that there is a high percentage of them

    who are hot. Walk down any street in Thailand and you are certain to

    spot at least a babe or two.

    I think other Asian countries are similar but with Chinese or Japanese

    girls they are going to be more fussy on the guys looks and character,

    not like in Thailand where a white man is seen as someone with

    money and that will be the main factor for the girls 90+% of the time.

    So I believe it is this with Thai women; their looks and availabilty to

    the broad variety of western men. Also have to say they have a lovely

    nature which many will find apealing.

    I do believe that other East Asian countrie's women such as Japan, China or

    Korea are more suited for a relationship with a western man. Thing is the

    relationships usually involve two people of silimar age and the rest of it

    unlike in Thailand where a lot of retired guys come to live and choose

    a younger woman................. can not blame anyone there I would choose

    the same myself.

  13. Very hesitant to post, but here goes. Enjoy.

    It all sounds bog-standard. But. It is possible that she's on the up and up.

    Here's the old Thailand wisdom that I have a small problem with. 'She will NEVER put you before her family'.

    After 5 years with my wife, I can categorically state that it isn't true in her case. (Howls of laughter in the background... Look, he says mine's different :o )

    I am a pretty cynical not-so-old bastard. I didn't come to this conclusion easily, but I am not willing to lay out our life story on the net.

    Furthermore, I also know a couple other Thai females for which this holds true.

    I know Thai culture is this great monolithic unmovable thing in most peoples minds, and it holds true for the vast majority of Thai people, but it doesn't mean that ALL Thai adhere to it religiously. There are a growing number of people here that are changing their views and personal culture. A great deal depends on you, whether you can establish a personal contact - not easy if faced with cultural and language problems, not to mention the mutually-advantageous-contract style of a lot of relationships.

    I wonder (maybe a poll) how many guys married to Thai females for a while would have found this after a few years together. I suspect there are a few.

    Very good post and nice to hear from someone who can think outside of box instead of

    your average Thai visa poster who attitute is "I came to Thailand tried to date a Thai girl

    half my age, that did not work out so from now on I am going to trash every possible

    other realtionship someone could have with a Thai woman."

    • Like 1
  14. Hi there

    I know alot of people will probably be judgemental regarding thism but here goes, I wont go into all the detail but summarise the maini points.

    I met a Thai girl online, who happens to provide an escort service. That was the initial intention, but then we got to like one another during the 2 weeks I spent with her. Shes educated and used to have a decent job, but allegedly used the internet after breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, shes 31 by the way. She told me her rate and I said it was quite expensive so I made her an offer , she said she would see when she meets me, was quite fussy about what I looked like etc.

    At the end of the holiday she didnt ask for any money and appeared (even found money in the hotel and gave it to me) to be enjoying my company as I am a similar age to her and we got on very well sexually and personality wise, we even had a few arguments like boyfriend and girlfriend do, this had never happend to her before when meeting clients it was a more professional basis. I was ill and she looked after me, she seemed to care filling my plate when it was empty and glass etc. She even paid for some of the meal we had one day. Im going back in December and she wants me to visit her place where she grew up (maybe family). I have also spoken to one of her cousins (female) who saked me about myself and what I did.

    She tells me she has no children and is quite open with me. By the way I dont find it difficult to attract women back here in Europe, so we seem a good match together. She even talked about cooking for me and if we were married she would care more for me then her MOM.

    I know that she still does her job and Im fine with that, but Im not sure if Im just another client or if this is genuine (afterall she is a sort of escort), its 50/50 in my gut. We communicate now and again on MSN and email and text almost every day.

    I know this might be a bit pathetic, but what are the chances this is genuine? I will probably know more in December when I return.

    The alarm bells should be ringing on this one....Not going to say your naive, but to pick up on a couple of points, She told you her "rate" and at the end of the "holiday" you never paid her....you will find in Thailand the working girls will never ask you at the end of "business" for the money, you should have offered the cash, as if you ask the question...how much..stock line is up to you...

    Personally thinking you may be getting prepped to become a walking ATM, hence the reason for the "freebie"

    Also the statement "she would take care of you, more than her Mom".....a very un-Thai sentiment, as you know in Thailand the children are suppose to look after the family and the family comes first, so this statement goes against Thai culture, but in the west children are not expected to look after the family in the same way, so have a feeling she was telling you what you wanted to hear...

    Well just spend some more time with her if you enjoy her company. Not

    going to lie it sounds quite a volatile situation you are going into but I really

    can not say too much as I do not know you or the lady.

    By the way do not listen to Soutpeel. The fact she did not ask you for money

    is definately a good sign, she must like you and would like to be your

    partner or she had a good time and did not want to spoil it by asking for cash.

    Forget about what he said when talking about working girls in Thailand. If the girl was

    looking at you as a customer you would have had to pay and she would not just accept

    her fate because you have not offered the cash to her.

    Good luck whatever you decide to do.

  15. ^I never said I had a problem with people who disagree

    with me or others posts, Just have a problem with people

    like yourself who look for mistakes or a way to make a cheap

    little dig at someone. Well if it makes you feel better then carry

    on or alternatively there are plenty of speeding Tuk Tuks in the

    Banglampoo area of Bangkok, feel free to get acquainted with

    their tyres.

  16. Now do not get me wrong I like Pattaya, small city, but got lots to do.............its fun.

    But cool.........................no I am sorry, just look at the average age of a Pattaya tourist

    and the place can not be cool.

    The average age of the Thai tourists being referred to here is probably around 18.

    What is this rubbish about Thai tourists in Pattaya???????????? Yes there are

    some but jesus christ lets not exaggerate. Most Thai people will not consider

    Pattaya for a holiday and I have done all the touristy thing it that area and the only

    Thai's I met were mostly young Thai females accompained who live in Pattaya

    by older western guys.

    Now I know someone is going to post back saying there are Thai tourists there

    yap yap yap. I know there are aswell but it is such a small amount compared

    to other tourist groups.

  17. ^How is my post not relevant to the OP. "ihunnieibee" stated that she

    is surprised for some reason that a lot of western guys are hitting on

    her in Thailand. Now being a western guy myself She also said a lot of

    western men are interseted in her in Thailand, I added my part to say

    personally I would not be interested in her (sexually) while in Asia

    towards the east of Asia you know where Oriental looking people live.

    As for Boo, I have to say I am probably the sexiest man on this planet god

    dam_n it. (maybe apart from Enrique Iglesias, hes such a dream)

    devastated................yes but you will get over it..............eventually.

  18. ^Difference is that the games I mentioned are just games that you

    play when you have nothing else to do if ownest. A large percentage of

    WOW players make their game of choice like a lifestyle where real life

    situations evolve around getting back to their sad little fictional world.

    Some people play WOW for 8 - 10 hours a day for months!!!!

    Obscure, excuse me Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Sold are classics

    my man.

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