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Posts posted by DarloKnight

  1. He may have interests and people on the island but I doubt an expat would have much clout.

    AND thats where the "posting" crap makes "browny points"............thumbsup.gif

    I do have friends there. I have no financial ties to the island.

    People that actually live in Thailand tend to have friends here. My friends tend to be professionals but a few on the island are Thai dive masters.

    There are no browny points.

    What do you your friends on the island think about the situation?

  2. Does anyone know if the phone records have been investigated ? I know in other countries this is looked into along with bank transactions. I do not know how the Thai police operate so I would be interested to know if this happens in Thailand.

    There must be probable cause to do either.
    Do you think they have done it in this case?
    Highly unlikely. Who would they be looking at? The people that the conspiracy theorists want to blame have been ruled out as suspects due to having alibis

    But would it not strengthen the case against the accused if they had looked at theirs? I'm at such a loss with all this I really do not understand why obvious things to me are not looked at.

  3. Why bloody quote me? Or am I the easy target cause I'm a women? I have put my point of view across like everyone else or is it cause I am female I'm not allowed a point of view?

    All I said was SA not UK!

    Thanks jdinasia for pointing out I should scroll down.

    The problem with you is how put things across to other people it's all about scoring points not looking at both sides of the debate.

    My apologies that you took my post to be directed at you. I wasn't even thinking about you and was simply responding to JD responding to me and didn't consider you started the topic which I should have. On a side note, don't assume people are going to know or even think about your gender based on your avatar. I have my wife and daughter's picture as my avatar on other sites including Facebook.

    Apology accepted

    • Like 2
  4. As I said in another post the bodies of the victims were brought home on the 21st September before the 2 suspects were arrested or even accused so the UK will have taken their own samples and will be able to verify the results.

    While this would be great if they can, I am not sure they can. I would think during evidence collection / autopsy they would have scraped any area where foreign DNA may have been found. I also believe her body would not have been able to be transported via a commercial airline without it being embalmed which makes it less likely too without getting into details of embalming.

    While I hope that UK officials did retrieve DNA to put some of this to rest, it really wouldn't matter much to some as they will just say the Thais planted it before shipping the bodies, if it did confirm the match to the suspects in custody.


    Must be embalmed.

    What is sad JD is we spend our time here trying to enlighten people with facts and pointing out when somebody is saying something untrue or stating something unfounded as fact. The result is they don't want to hear it. We get called names and accused of being part of a conspiracy to name just a few things but we don't call names or get all emotionally crazed to the point of wanting to hide from facts. Yet, we are the ones in the wrong or being disruptive in their mind despite neither of us saying these folks should be executed or be sentenced for the crimes or anything along the lines except saying they should stand trial given the evidence that has been released. Posters here say we don't want the truth but we and a few others seem to be the only ones willing to point out the facts be it about this case, the law or how things work here or with other involved countries.

    Why bloody quote me? Or am I the easy target cause I'm a women? I have put my point of view across like everyone else or is it cause I am female I'm not allowed a point of view?

    All I said was SA not UK!

    Thanks jdinasia for pointing out I should scroll down.

    The problem with you is how put things across to other people it's all about scoring points not looking at both sides of the debate.

    • Like 2
  5. As I said in another post the bodies of the victims were brought home on the 21st September before the 2 suspects were arrested or even accused so the UK will have taken their own samples and will be able to verify the results.

    While this would be great if they can, I am not sure they can. I would think during evidence collection / autopsy they would have scraped any area where foreign DNA may have been found. I also believe her body would not have been able to be transported via a commercial airline without it being embalmed which makes it less likely too without getting into details of embalming.

    While I hope that UK officials did retrieve DNA to put some of this to rest, it really wouldn't matter much to some as they will just say the Thais planted it before shipping the bodies, if it did confirm the match to the suspects in custody.


    Must be embalmed.

    This is for SA not UK

  6. If the DNA is match what the F are the Thai authorities waiting on.
    DNA is only one part of the case. It places the suspects in contact (intimate apparently) with one victim.

    Making the case more airtight before trial through other circumstantial evidence is smart.

    Stop your piffle anyone knows even if there IS DNA and I doubt it very much that its been planted there by RP - Grow up and stop talking stupid!
    I am sorry but I'm having a hard time understanding your post.

    Clearly there is DNA. It will be used in the trial as evidence. The defense gets to argue the situation surrounding how it was obtained and its probitive value. The judges decide the merits of the case.

    As I said in another post the bodies of the victims were brought home on the 21st September before the 2 suspects were arrested or even accused so the UK will have taken their own samples and will be able to verify the results.

    Absolutely no reason to expect that to be true.

    Both were autopsied in Thailand. I doubt any foreign DNA remained after that. Then if the corpses were flown on commercial flights they would have been embalmed. After the autopsies there would be no chain of custody and no need to preserve the corpses as evidence.

    But the UK carried out autopsies because the UK coroners report will not be out till January

  7. If the DNA is match what the F are the Thai authorities waiting on.

    DNA is only one part of the case. It places the suspects in contact (intimate apparently) with one victim.

    Making the case more airtight before trial through other circumstantial evidence is smart.

    Stop your piffle anyone knows even if there IS DNA and I doubt it very much that its been planted there by RP - Grow up and stop talking stupid!
    I am sorry but I'm having a hard time understanding your post.

    Clearly there is DNA. It will be used in the trial as evidence. The defense gets to argue the situation surrounding how it was obtained and its probitive value. The judges decide the merits of the case.

    As I said in another post the bodies of the victims were brought home on the 21st September before the 2 suspects were arrested or even accused so the UK will have taken their own samples and will be able to verify the results.

    • Like 1
  8. If the DNA is match what the F are the Thai authorities waiting on.

    DNA is only one part of the case. It places the suspects in contact (intimate apparently) with one victim.

    Making the case more airtight before trial through other circumstantial evidence is smart.

    Stop your piffle anyone knows even if there IS DNA and I doubt it very much that its been planted there by RP - Grow up and stop talking stupid!
    I am sorry but I'm having a hard time understanding your post.

    Clearly there is DNA. It will be used in the trial as evidence. The defense gets to argue the situation surrounding how it was obtained and its probitive value. The judges decide the merits of the case.

    As I said in another post the bodies of the victims were brought home on the 21st September before the 2 suspects were arrested or even accused so the UK will have taken their own samples and will be able to verify the results.

  9. There is absolutely no evidence at this time to support either anyone else being involved or that that somebody else did this crime. Sure, people can speculate and make up theories bases on nonsense but there just is simply no evidence to suggest they have the wrong people going to trial for this.

    DNA matched to semen in victim, witness claiming they gave property of one of the victims to them, property recovered at suspects home, witnesses putting them near the scene around the time of the murder, video, they never came forward to say they were the ones singing on the beach or in the video despite much publicity asking to identify them,although they said they were threatened and tortured they admitted, without police present, to embassy officials, embassy lawyers and a human rights group they killed those too but said they didn't mean to kill them.

    Why others don't want this case to move forward to court with two countries now officially observing and the suspects having competent defense team is beyond me.

    Thought there was 3 different types of different DNA found on the victim? So was there a 3rd person?

    The other 2 countries did not observe from the beginning that's why.

    We all want the same thing justice but it seems we all see it differently.

  10. I am parent and if this had happened to my daughter I would want every theory investigated whether it be conspiracy or not I would not rest till this was done, also the same if my child was being accused of murder and there was evidence/theories that she had not committed the crime.

    It's called justice and unconditional love!

    I take it you and jdinasia are not parents

    I would be satisfied that the two suspect or sons whose DNA matched the semen found in the victim and who were in possession of a victim's belonging and who were in and around the scene at the time of the murders and who don't appear to have claimed to have consensual sex with the victim are the ones going to stand trial by competent lawyers (not state appointed) and that this case is being looked at under a microscope and their country has sent representatives to monitor as well as the victims country as well as human rights groups.

    Let them have their day in court.

    Yes let them have their day in court, only if all DNA and other evidence had been verified by the country I live in if not I would not be able to sleep at night thinking 2 more innocents would lose their lives.
    Read this


    The investigation is a Thai issue.

    I am not a retard! I know it's a Thai issue but I would still want to know my own countries findings.....

    I know this would probably not make any difference.

    Would you be able to sleep at night knowing 2 people were sentenced to death for something they did not do? I know I couldn't.

  11. I am parent and if this had happened to my daughter I would want every theory investigated whether it be conspiracy or not I would not rest till this was done, also the same if my child was being accused of murder and there was evidence/theories that she had not committed the crime.

    It's called justice and unconditional love!

    I take it you and jdinasia are not parents

    I would be satisfied that the two suspect or sons whose DNA matched the semen found in the victim and who were in possession of a victim's belonging and who were in and around the scene at the time of the murders and who don't appear to have claimed to have consensual sex with the victim are the ones going to stand trial by competent lawyers (not state appointed) and that this case is being looked at under a microscope and their country has sent representatives to monitor as well as the victims country as well as human rights groups.

    Let them have their day in court.

    Yes let them have their day in court, only if all DNA and other evidence had been verified by the country I live in if not I would not be able to sleep at night thinking 2 more innocents would lose their lives.

  12. My being a parent would lead me to want many things. Including not having a bunch of people who have nothing to do with what happened or what will happen scrolling through pictures of my brutally murderer child and commenting on it via social media.

    I would not want these conspiracy theorists trying to muddy the water. The sheer number of theories brought forward by people who are relying on social media could slow down the case and thus delaying justice.

    Justice delayed is justice denied.

    I could tell by your comments you were not. That aside I agree only on one point I would not want pictures of my child brutally murdered on the internet.

    But I would want the truth at any cost, any new information whether theory or not investigate.

    Unconditional love for the life I carried and brought into this world I would seek justice but would want it to be 100% accurate.

    You are wrong. I am a parent. But don't let your biases bother you :)

    Where have I said I'm biased and biased against what? Please elaborate!

    As a parent you must know then how passionate I feel, the accused parents and the victims parents feel ?

    What ever the truth is it as got to be 100% right! I can understand why both parties would want every theory investigated is that not what everyone wants?

    • Like 1
  13. My being a parent would lead me to want many things. Including not having a bunch of people who have nothing to do with what happened or what will happen scrolling through pictures of my brutally murderer child and commenting on it via social media.

    I would not want these conspiracy theorists trying to muddy the water. The sheer number of theories brought forward by people who are relying on social media could slow down the case and thus delaying justice.

    Justice delayed is justice denied.

    I could tell by your comments you were not. That aside I agree only on one point I would not want pictures of my child brutally murdered on the internet.

    But I would want the truth at any cost, any new information whether theory or not investigate.

    Unconditional love for the life I carried and brought into this world I would seek justice but would want it to be 100% accurate.

    • Like 2
  14. Are u a parent JTJ. Can u understand that line of thinking...

    I am not a parent. I do not need to be a parent to understand the mind of a parent.

    I do not need to be a murderer to understand that murder is abhorrent and wrong. Regardless of the fact that it is unlawful.

    To be a human being is to have empathy for those that are different to ourselves.

    You are so wrong to bring a child into the world to love and care for them to put another persons life before yours to want to see them grow up like I said before if my daughter had been murdered I would want the truth and I would follow every theory till I got this.

    You do not know what it is like to love another human being more than life.

    • Like 1
  15. Half an hour with JTJ and his mate JD most people would admit to murder.

    It's much better reading and easier to follow since I put that troll JTJ on ignore.wink.png
    I second that, I've a far less urge now to respond to the rubbish they post and if I'm feeling like I'm missing something then there's still a tab there to show the missing post immidiatly
    Close them eyes tight --- only way to continue to perpetuate conspiracy theories based on unknowns and incorrect facts.

    I am parent and if this had happened to my daughter I would want every theory investigated whether it be conspiracy or not I would not rest till this was done, also the same if my child was being accused of murder and there was evidence/theories that she had not committed the crime.

    It's called justice and unconditional love!

    I take it you and jdinasia are not parents

    • Like 1
  16. I just spoke this morning with a friend of mine in USA. He is a tropical horticulturist who has visited Thailand for 20+ years working with university persons and Thai government officials. He was way up on the past news of floods and coups as he has visited Thailand during such troubled times. He watches every day the US version of BBC and NHK Nightly news on free US public television.

    I asked him what he knew about the recent murders on Koh Tao. He said: Nothing ... the murders have not been mentioned on those 2 broadcasts.

    And that makes you,the army,the RTP,Nomsod and Mon happy

    but your happiness will not last forever

    Happy? I just noted that this case has not received the universal attention that everyone on here presumes. I was rather surprised that my friend -- who will be her next summer for a world-wide horticultural conference --had not heard of it and that it is not covered in the 30 minute BBC evening newscast.

    Someday this case is going to be over ... then what'll you do?

    Don't know what country your in but it was on BBC news and SKY news this week? It as also been in the papers most weeks!

  17. Since they are here to observe only and not to investigate, 3 should be plenty.
    Is that wishful thinking on your part? From your posts, it sounds like you'd like the frame-up to continue unhindered.
    I guess you need your hearing checked. Feel free to check out today's threads.
    You mentioned, "3 should be plenty." 3 is a small number, particularly when squared up against the full force of Thai police and army brass, all of whom are locking arms to maintain the cover-up.

    By all indications, the UK specialists are in Thailand as observers only. That could mean; they can look at things, but can't do anything tangible to further the investigation. When I go to an art museum, I'm an observer. I'm not participating in creating art or how the paintings are displayed.

    In sum, there are 3 hamstrung observers versus dozens of police brass supported by dozens of army brass. All the brass can make decisions re; the case. The Brits are essentially helpless. I hope I'm wrong, but to allow the Brits to do anything tangible would risk derailing the cover-up, and you get one guess re; whether Thai brass want to do that.

    Yes. 3 observers.

    They get to observe /evaluate, not interfere.

    jdinasia......I wish I had a £1.00 for every time you have said here to observe! I would be a rich women! (Yawn)

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