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Posts posted by spiderman2

  1. I might as well stay in Australia, be bored out of my skull and just wait to die.

    What's so boring about Australia?

    boring people are bored

    You mean you come on Thaivisa for excitement?

    Or because youre bored?

    neither, i come here for information

    The general forum and most TV threads are full of bickering know it all sexpats....... .not much worthy information to be found.......... only idle tittletattle.

  2. To the OP

    Why go halfway across the world to marry some girl who may or maynot have an immoral past.

    Why not put an advert an a US based dating website for a attractive slim 20 something.

    But state quite clearly -

    1. You will be paying for private medical care for the parents.

    2. Will send the average monthly wage to the girls family.

    3. Youll pay 50000 dollars to the girls parents for marrying her, upfront.

    4. You will buy the family a luxury house.

    5. Youll pay for any problems that arise with the house in the coming years, most notably termites.

    6. She will get free tickets to fly half way round the world once or twice a year to see relatives.

    7. Youll also be setting up her boyfriend i mean brother in a business.

    8. And finally youre very trusting of others and like to make up stories on webforums.

    Youll be beating them off with a stick.

  3. Last year they were building a hotel or apartment block opposite the Honey Inn which is just off Soi Boukow, whats the name of this and does anyone know their prices, its a perfect good location and everything will be shiney and new there.

  4. going from soi bukow, cross over pattaya central road theres a couple of little road taking you towards jamesons irish bar, now there loaads of new appartments in and around that area, and 5 min walk to carrfour and 10 mins to big c .

    i wouldnt worry its very quite here, here at mo and your not the only one 30% down, many are more!

    Cheers, think the best bet is to have a good walk around, i'll definitely take a butchers down there.

  5. Cheers if you find anywhere decent give me a shout, im taking it as your moving the place you are now isnt the best.

    Need to be thrifty with the penny's this year as im 30% poorer then last, im even flying with a stopover like a peasant would.

  6. Im looking for a room in a newish hotel or apartment block close to Soi Buakow/LK Metro area, from the 6th December for 1 month and hoping to pay 15k but will pay more if need be.

    Ive emailed several places already but everywhere seems to be full, if anyone might know of somewhere please let me know.

    Alternatively whats the likelyhood of finding somewhere decent when i arrive if ive got a couple of days to look around????

  7. Back to the topic: I heard a rumor that they are considering a devaluation of the Baht. Is there any substance to this or is it just another rumor?

    I read in one of the BKK papers recently theyd like to devalue it by 5%.

    5% hardly seems to make much difference, but wouldnt it be the case that if the BOT sold baht to lower it a little the markets would think the BOT know something they dont and there would be a run on it.

  8. I am not a believer in all of this new world order stuff but I was amazed at how the leaders of the 20 most powerful nations in the world spoke with such a common voice.

    Gordon believes in the New World Order -



    Even the Sun says so -


  9. Ooooops Brown going around with his begging bowl.....

    Chinese Superior is Delighted by UK's Decision to Accept Beijing's Rule Over Tibet

    The UK has announced it will accept the ruling of Tibet by the Chinese government. The move has been warmly received by officials in Beijing. It is unknown if this is connected to PM Brown's effort to bring China into new world financial agreement.


    Aw well at least he didnt attend the Olympics, isnt that protest enough.

  10. i've met plenty of sound barcodes fans who just want to enjoy going to watch the match and i've met plenty who think for some reason that they have a gods given right to a top four place and regular champions league football. as you can probably imagine there's an age difference in the two types of fan.

    FWIW i think that 'big club' status should really be measured on trophies won, not purely on the size of your attendance each match. plus there's the geographical factor to consider, clubs like newcastle and leeds for example get massive support because they're the only teams in their respective cities.

    it's a shame that the league cup has become as devalued as it has, likewise the uefa cup. they were great competitions when i was a kid and it was an honour to play in them or win them.

    Newcastle are a big club if its on trophies won, its more a case of when they won them.

    Newcastle are a bigger club then Chelsea always have been always will be, as are Man City, Villa, Leeds, Sheff Wed, Spurs, Everton, West Ham, Arsenal.

    Liverpool and Man U are without doubt the biggest clubs and almost a licence to print money, the rest it just depends on how successful they are at the time,

    As for the geographical factor, other then Liverpool and Man U, Newcastle have had the best away following of any team in England for my 25 years of watching them, this despite them doing terribly and being in the 2nd Division for many years.

    Also the recent goings on at Newcastle made it onto the front pages of all national newspapers for a couple of weeks, as well as being main slots on the TV news, again this shows theyre not some small insignificant club.

    Theyve changed the format of the UEFA cup for next season so its similar to the Champions League, but they still get the Champions League cast offs entering the group stages which continues to belittle the competition, so the rich clubs still get 2 bites at the pie.

  11. 1 big thing that i didn't say & that can't be overlooked is the fact that plain & simply, these days, for those outside of the Top 4 & especially those that are in the bottom 3rd League within the Premier League as i like to call it ( the 6 or 7 Teams that will be genuinely fighting for Relegation ), the Carling Cup simply can't afford to be a distraction for them & their quest to stay in the League..

    This Year it seems that 6 or 7 may be increased too..

    IMO any team from Hull down could get dragged into the relegation battle this year so its the bottom 15.

  12. But the main thing you've lost me on James is, why the <deleted> are Newcastle a big Team cos i haven't a <deleted> clue ?? :o

    Ok they get big attendancies, but so do Red Star Mumbai, probably bigger than Newcastle & you don't see them thinking they're better than they really are.

    Newcastle Fans for me, like Spurs, are deluded & why, i really don't know..

    When i was growing up Spurs were always regarded as being a bigger club the Arsenal, whats so deluded about wanting to finish 4th after theyve spent 70 million GBP? or should everyone just accept the status quo?

    I was at the game yesterday, along with 46000 others, spending 35GBP to sit in the freezing cold watching a team get played off the park by the 10 men of Wigan for 80 minutes.

    Newcastle fans dont have some delusions that the club are huge, all they want is a club that is ran properly and the money the club generates which everything being equal will be in the top 5 enables them to reach that position in the league or at least come close, and maybe to win a tournament such as the League Cup once in a blue moon.

    You shouldnt take as gospel the voxpops quotes of idiots outside the ground, the southern based media and skysports to get your opinions.

  13. Liverpool and Chelsea go out, Man U and Arsenal survive though with mainly reserves playing.

    Is it not right to say the priority for the Big 4 is the Premier League and Champions' League?

    Apart from these two latter league competitions all else are treated by the top 4 as Mickey Mouse and if they don't take the Carling Cup seriously then why should we......?

    I am open to be persuaded otherwise, but am I correct or not?

    Couldn't care less! :o

    Only the glory boy supporters couldnt care less, all other teams out of the top 4 fans would be delighted to win it. Maybe if the offered 15million GBP the teams that finish in the top 4 (NOT THE BIG 4) would take it serious as lets be honest its all about the money.

    Best thing they could do to revamp it is to merge the English League Cup with the Scottish League Cup.

    I was only joking numb nuts! :D

    Youre a funny guy :D

  14. People on this post are saying the strength of the BHT to the GBP is linked to the dollar.

    If this is the case why then when i first came to LOS in 2000 was i getting 80BHT to the GBP, whilst at the same time getting $1.50.

    I'd like to know where you exchange your GBP for Thai Baht.

    According to the exchange rates posted on the Bangkok Bank website, the highest rate for the GBP in 2000 was 64.20 at the very end of December, with the lowest exhange rate being 57.19 on May 26th, for the majority of the year it was in the 58-59 range.

    I am as sure as i can be that was the rate, i was even going to say it was 82. I was there September 2nd 2000, it certainly wasnt as low as your research shows.


    Just checked here would seem i am way out on what i was getting, i could get twatted on 20 quid then and have a blinding night out, now it's take at least 50.

  15. People on this post are saying the strength of the BHT to the GBP is linked to the dollar.

    If this is the case why then when i first came to LOS in 2000 was i getting 80BHT to the GBP, whilst at the same time getting $1.50.

    I'd like to know where you exchange your GBP for Thai Baht.

    According to the exchange rates posted on the Bangkok Bank website, the highest rate for the GBP in 2000 was 64.20 at the very end of December, with the lowest exhange rate being 57.19 on May 26th, for the majority of the year it was in the 58-59 range.

    I am as sure as i can be that was the rate, i was even going to say it was 82. I was there September 2nd 2000, it certainly wasnt as low as your research shows.

  16. Liverpool and Chelsea go out, Man U and Arsenal survive though with mainly reserves playing.

    Is it not right to say the priority for the Big 4 is the Premier League and Champions' League?

    Apart from these two latter league competitions all else are treated by the top 4 as Mickey Mouse and if they don't take the Carling Cup seriously then why should we......?

    I am open to be persuaded otherwise, but am I correct or not?

    Couldn't care less! :o

    Only the glory boy supporters couldnt care less, all other teams out of the top 4 fans would be delighted to win it. Maybe if the offered 15million GBP the teams that finish in the top 4 (NOT THE BIG 4) would take it serious as lets be honest its all about the money.

    Best thing they could do to revamp it is to merge the English League Cup with the Scottish League Cup.

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