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Posts posted by spiderman2

  1. Spiderman2, let us not be naive to believe that a self confessed Glory Hunter would have even the faintest idea of anything resembling what a " real " Football Fan would go through following his Club through thick & thin, over Land & Sea, Win, Lose or Draw.. :o

    The said " Fan " also confessed to not being able to work out why anyone would support a " losing Team " irrespective of the reasons why we do..

    But if i could have chosen to be born to a rich family instead of my own i would, same kind of thing.

    & before the delightfully intelligent redrus or James get on their high Horses about " Who gives a <deleted> what anyone does ", i'm only pulling your Chain James, hence the :D ..

    Fair play to BKKJames he's a Septic or Canadian from my reading into his writing, its like admitting your a puff admitting you like soccer to their family and friends, would you go that far?

    He was born with the infliction of not being born near a sh7t football team that never wins <deleted> all, that infliction leads seems to ManU lets be honest they are good to watch.....see for yourself-


  2. Go easy on GH, Spiderman2. He's in Saudi and not getting any. :o

    The great GH need do no more then turn his head in the direction of Saudis finest females for them to tremble inside with lust, but alas he has married into the elite of Thai society leaving us all to truly admire his superiority.

    Only playing I bet he never really spoke to girls too much until he went to SE Asia.

  3. GH, is it difficult for you to understand that "it's not wrong to take care of your parents as they get older?". It should applauded not degrade.

    Yes, but let's draw the line at taking care of one's parents with other people's money.

    And then there are the Farangs dishing the cash to 'Parents' who are younger than themselves..... Yep that's to be applauded too.

    Come down from your Ivory Tower, whats wrong with someone helping his wifes parents in times of need, my friend pays for his wife (same age) kids to go to school should that be looked down upon.

  4. she can have the baby here and apply for uk passport/citzenship,a mate of mine did that

    I hope she didnt get a UK passport/citzenship just for getting knocked up, if she did tell her to send me a thankyou card for paying for her hospital bill, housing, child care, social security, legal fees when she divorces him etc.....

  5. a fairly quiet night out with gf and stepson,nice thai food and a few beers,then a wonderful late night with gf,a lovely way for me to let the new year in.

    Sounds great if youre lucky and im not booked up i'll join you!

  6. My advice is to stay in, NYE is the most over-rated night of the year, and ought to be banned.

    A bit extreme.

    Extreme but fair, my first NYE in Patts i thought was the best thing ever with the absolute chaos, but last year i had a nightmare evening if it could go wrong it did.

  7. Almunia or whatever the Arsenal keeper is called is eligible for England but there is something not quite right about that kind of situation, be like we're the Republic of Micks of the 21st Century.

    You mean like our cricket & Rugby teams ????

    Puff sports.

  8. . If they're having a problem, why don't they call the tourist police? This is just wrong

    If i was a poor Thai i wouldnt call the police as id have probably have been scammed and ripped off by them many times and wouldnt trust them, plus i know ive got free reign to kick crap out of a farang with help from those around and get no comeback whatsoever.

  9. QED i was once beaten to within second of my life by someone with a weapon for no other reason then i was walking down the street (in England)

    Many operations later i no longer think these things happen to people you never meet, but can happen to anyone fortunately its rare.

    Last year walking past 3 Thais drinking out the back of a pickup truck i could have so easily gotten into a fight for no other reason then i was walking past them alone and they were looking for trouble, these were well to do Thais not junkies.

    I hope the pr7ck who stabbed him ..........................

  10. Why does this never happen to anybody that I know, or anyone that they know? That's alot of people not getting into grief.

    As I said in my earlier post, I am no way a Thai apologiser.

    So as none of youre superior sexpat friends has ever been stabbed for no reason, anyone it happens to must have done something to deserve it.

  11. Where is the Bali Hai Pier? Is it at the end of Walking Street??

    Ive heard December/January is the best time to be in Pattaya for the weather and its busy... this right?

    The weather is good this time of year 26-32 and not as humid as normal, and the pier is where you think it is.

    Xmas N year its very busy but gets comparatively quieter not long after this.

  12. Well it looks as if i maybe flying there next Wednesday/Thursday, i'll bring a stick if there is more massage places down that soi, there were already 100s of girls last year chasing a sprinkling of customers who just seemed to walk by they must never make any money. Many more massage shops in the same place sounds like Pattaya economics at its finest.

    I just tried googling "orn place pattaya" and nowt came up, do you know what it is a night or month? Or is Honey Inn worth staying in, im a fussy fcker thats my problem and as im staying there for a month or more it needs to be clean new and relatively cheap and in a ok location.

  13. Dedicated Hammers fan I know, but you would really travel to HK or China for this, I mean its not like they field many first team players? But have fun!

    When you support any team other then a successful ones, you go to away games purely for a good day out and the laugh and piss up with your mates, the actual football usually ruins what would have otherwise been a great day out, apart from once or twice a season when you win and it makes the day out and the 100s of pounds spent seem worth while.

  14. Ferguson was talking about Ben Foster recently saying he is Englands best keeper which he has to say really, but if he cant get a first team place at the age of 25 he cant be that outstanding.

    I predicted Seaman to be a liability in Japan, just as Shilton was in 1990 and he made an identical error, hence my worries that we've no decent keeper, when everything else is looking tickityboo.

    Wigan fans were singing Kirkland is Englands no1 last week, maybe a Wigan fan on here can say what he is like, he was the best of the bunch when he first came on the scene.

    David "The Scab" James should never get another game though as he irritates me by coming out with this kind of sh7t constantly-


  15. Just another way of meeting people who youd never normally meet in day to day life, i couldnt fall in love with someone on MSN though that seems a bit overblown, but each to their own.

    Though many on this site have fallen in love with girls from brothels which i bet they never thought they would so why not.

  16. When the cock up between Carson and Terry led to their goal,I expected the worst.

    Carson was responsible for that goal as well costing us defeat v Croatia last year, if you come out that far youve got to make sure you get the ball.

    Goalkeeping is the biggest worry for the WC2010 the best it seems we have is James and he is crap now so i dont know what he'll be like in 18 months.

    Is Hart going to be world class in a year? as ive no faith whatsoever in Carson, James or Robinson

  17. My wife wasn't as extreme, but like many of her UK friends has come to realise how relatively expensive things are here, and how if we want a better life, bigger house, we have to save too. How long has your wife been out of Thailand?

    Read the post soppyone his breadknife hasnt been out of Thailand, and doesnt have friends in the UK or England i call it.

    Also his wife isnt into saving, she prefers talking ol lover boy into parting from his hard earned to buy a bigger house overnight, <deleted> me if i could do that i would.

    I wish useless farangs would stop falling in love with prostitutes, then kids who are a cut above like me would have a little more faith in the non pro's then i do, not that i am looking for a Thai chick.

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