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Posts posted by spiderman2

  1. Fekkin clueless. Sack the <deleted> lot of em :o

    No guts, no style, no idea. Were has it all gone.

    I hear Mancity are going to buy the above back in January, just got to trade their soul in to get it.

    Either 1) Rewrite your comment when you have sobered up OR

    2) Provide English translation of what you are trying to say. :D

    OK in simple terms as youve probably some Moss Side level education.

    Your new owners will buy players with guts, style and lots of ideas, but youve had to sell the soul of your once well respected club, and are about to become the new Chelsea joke club that will push the knife further into the heart of football.

    Well deserved win for West Brom though youve got to admit.

  2. Ive been looking around the supermarkets and the prices are way above what they should be.......they sell Thai tuna in the UK cheaper then what they do in Thailand, whereas a block of UK cheese costs 3 times the amount in LOS, maybe they fly it in business class.

  3. I can tell you Milners crap, he started his career at Newcastle as an average young right midfielder with no pace, no tricks, an inability to cross a ball, and a weak shot but would give 100%, after 4 years he hadnt improved one bit.

    He didn't start his career at Newcastle, he was at Leeds before, and was part of the fire sale when the shit hit the fan with their finances.

    Yes but he did also start his Newcastle career at one time, Agbondalahor looks good though.

  4. I can tell you Milners crap, he started his career at Newcastle as an average young right midfielder with no pace, no tricks, an inability to cross a ball, and a weak shot but would give 100%, after 4 years he hadnt improved one bit.

    incidentally, doesn't that say rather more about newcastle and its coaching staff than it does about milner? he's only been at villa six months but martin o'neill has got him into the england set-up.

    Yep we can ruin the career of the best young players through our coaching, but Milner was/is never going to be more then at best a reliably average player.

  5. I can tell you Milners crap, he started his career at Newcastle as an average young right midfielder with no pace, no tricks, an inability to cross a ball, and a weak shot but would give 100%, after 4 years he hadnt improved one bit.

    He's a million times better than what we've currently got...

    No he isnt Guiterrez who plays on the right is twice the player Milner will ever be.

    Edit - Sorry you said we've not you've, easy mistake, he'll never be as good as that waste of space Dyer either.

  6. I can tell you Milners crap, he started his career at Newcastle as an average young right midfielder with no pace, no tricks, an inability to cross a ball, and a weak shot but would give 100%, after 4 years he hadnt improved one bit.

  7. Whatever Spiderguy...you still didn't answer any of my points?

    I answered all your points

    But what do I know...only that over the past few months the Pound has gone from around 70 Baht down to 50 Baht...while at the same time, the US$ has gone from 31/32 Baht up to 34/35 :o

    Yes but the weak pound is possibly a good thing if we are to start exporting more, because a few sex tourists get less bang for their buck in LOS is possibly not at the top of the UK economic policy. But its very bad for an exporting nation like Thailand to have such a strong currency at a time like this.

    Maybe you should take some of your strong Bahts and buy up some of that now cheap property in the UK and help buck-up your own economy :D

    Ive only 240 Bht in my pocket i couldnt get a doorbell for that, im about to change 200GBP at a rate of 51 bht and it does hurt a bit but i'll survice ive overcome greater tragedies in my life then a weak pound.

    Besides why does it fill you with such joy that the British economy is in the sh7t??????? please answer this.

  8. Spiderman...shake the cobwebs out of your head...did the essence of my point go totally above you?

    Your superior intelligence must be above me internet warrior.

    The UK/London started to fancy itself as a WORLD-WIDE financial center (not just for the UK)...listing stocks from around the world...world wide center of currency trading, hedge-fund trading, etc...get it?

    But it is a WORLDWIDE financial centre (not just for the UK), because companies around the world were flocking there due to less regulations, lower taxes and because its the financial centre of Europe which has 500 million people and is worth more then the US economy. Besides London was a global financial centre that raised the funds to create your Almighty Nations booming economy at the end of the 19th century.

    The only problem was when all the sh!t hit the fan, instead of having a 14 TRILLION dollar economy to bail-out/clean-up the mess like the USA/NYC, they were stuck with an economy only 1/5th the size.

    So youre economy is going to be more run by the state then ours, well done comrade, but wasnt America suposed to be built on free markets? not anymore more my socialist buddy. Besides the dollar printing press bailing out your economy is going to affect the dollar even more so in the coming years.

    I mean, some UK folks lost a few billion in Iceland's banking implosion and the UK practically declared war with Iceland so desperate were they to recover some of their lost money. :o

    It was local governements who lost billions of taxpayers money they were defending and for once i back this pathetic government.

    And no i dont think America is at fault for the state of the UK economy, it is purely down to the greed of the people thinking housing will rise 10-15% PA forever, the banks for lending money that cant be paid back and the most incompetent government this nation has ever had for actively encouraging the boom and having an economy totally based on Finance and the property market.

  9. ..........and George W Bush gets to go to Texas and write his memoirs.......go figure.


    And so does this Australian murderer, that you anti US mob conspired to free -


    All the ranting and raving in the world wont change a thing about this drug runner, he is well and truly f####d for the rest of his life.

    Anyway all smackheads in Sydney will still be able to get a fix tonight if they caught 100 of these people a week.

  10. The hotels see the rooms full, Russians may still come, but....

    I used to sell property in Bulgaria, Spain up until 18 months ago, and towards the beginning of this property crash all agents who were struggling used to tell me and the few prospective clients that the Russians were still coming and buying at full price without negotiating the smallest amount of discount, that Russians only bought the best 5 star places for cash.

    Well property crashed and the few Russians that have money didnt save the day.

    The Russian economy is on its ass at the moment, im guessing the Russians wont be saving Thailands tourist economy either.

    As for Pattaya i went to 10 places looking for a room for a month and they were all booked out over xmas and new year, but like an earlier poster said it is dead here, id say 50% less people are here then last year.

  11. Yeah...what ever happened to all that talk about London being the new world capitol of finance and edging out NYC :o

    Youre either havent been watching the news of late or are very stupid, both financial centres are in the sh7t.

    an economy that's only 1/5th the size of the USA!

    And a population thats only.... wait for it........ 1/5th the size of the USA!

  12. Ive got to go along with Msingh, it would be great for English football for these franchises with their droves of event seeking supporters to go out, so they have less money which may enable the slightest chance of some real competition in the premier league.

    I was gutted when Liverpool fluked their way through against that Belgium team, after being played off the park in the 2 games.

    I wanted all the British clubs other then Spurs and Villa to get through in the Uefa cup though.

  13. A couple of days ago, my wife suggested a new Italian restaurant to satisfy my frequent craving for Italian food.

    It's 'La Luna', located on 3rd Road. It's about 1.6 kms north of Pattaya Klang, on the west side of the street.

    I had a pizza. It was the absolute BEST that I have had in Pattaya.

    I just went to this place, very good staff and really nice environment, but the pizza was no more then average, it looked very good though.

    i know its not Patts but if youre in Bangkok and go to the far end of PatPong turn left, then about 400 metres down the road on the opposite side is a Pizzeria called Succi or Cussi i forget the name however this pizza is very very good.

  14. Will be in Pattaya at Christmas and feel the need for a traditional Christmas Dinner, anyone recomend an establishment that will meet my needs?

    Ive eaten all the pubs that sell roast dinners for about 300 bht and theyre all crap, maybe you need somewhere upmarket but stay away from all the pubs if you actually want to enjoy the food.

  15. Exports will make or break Thailand in the next few months IMHO

    Of course the lack of tourist £$€ will hurt the economy but exports was the main reason Thailand pulled its self outta the cr$p in 97' and it will be the main reason it will / won't sink in the coming months.

    Thats pretty much spot on, but on another level the UK and US need to restart building a manufacturing base over the coming years so we're creating the goods we buy.

    I can see Barack Obama and in a year or so Dave Cameron doing all they can to create this, this will be at the expense of China Thailand and countries of such ilk, i for one hope they do if not in not so many years we'll be in far greater sh7t then we are already.

  16. If you're looking for poor people, you're in the wrong country. Only 10% of Thais live below the poverty line, about the same as most wealthy nations.

    But 100% of Thais arent entitled to free healthcare, a social security system that is as good as a middle income job and can be lived on for life, or free education thats worth having.

    Take away us farangs who finance these girls in one form or another and most of them will be living in what id class as poverty if i were to see it back home......... and im from the hood.

  17. I was here last year and it was twice as busy as what it is now, maybe tourists will turn up over the next few days with Xmas being on a Wednesday, hence many will be finishing over the next few days.

    As for property keep on going up and up and up in LOS, wasnt that Gordon Browns plan for property to rise by 5-15% PA forever.

    The overinflated price of renting shop/office space is one of the major reasons restaurants/ bars are getting so expensive here. Hopefully the upcoming "economic depression" will be the antidote to cure dumb horny lonely farangs who pay overinflated amnounts for their gerrybuilt condo/villa and prices will become reasonable, its happened in Spain with all the wealthy Europeans living there its got to happen here.

    Thailands an export economy if the countries theyre exporting too, arent buying a major downturn is innevitable, is it not?

  18. Last time i had my washing done i swear it was cleaned in the sewers, it came back stinking worse then when i sent it, all for the rip off sum of 6 quid - 300bht.

    Im staying in Soi Day Night 2 at Mosaik, can anyone tell me if there is a launderette where you can wash your own clothes close to this area or that is on the baht bus route.

  19. ok whopper, i'll indulge you. you'd sell obafemi martins, arguably the barcodes' best player? right. you'd send shay given back home? yeah.

    Those 2, the 2 Argies Beye, Harper can stay the rest can go back to where they came from.

    I think youre an idiot for not being able to tell the difference between highly skilled people on 3-5 year contracts who will never ask for anything off the state and unlimited low skilled immigrants.

    no i won't since i'm, well, not. you ignored two points i made about it. one that it's ten years out of date and implies a discrimination against british citizens, which it does not and two, it's just <deleted>.

    Im presuming youre a teacher or someone of similar ilk as you cant work out what is written in front of you, now if you could only read properly you'll see i said that would have been in Labours first term in power and that i wont waste time looking for more links.

    10 year ago under the same government is not irrelevant, shall we also say Newtons theory of Gravity is irrelevant that was written 300yrs ago? after 450million is spent on their first term in power you can guarantee they didnt slash this figure to zero in the next term, could you not work something like this out for yourself.

    i support the funding of anything that offers any minority a chance at a fairer deal to give them a more level playing field with the masses of a country.

    OK so when someone arrives in Britain you think i should go to work to pay for them to have extra money spent on their education, to what the government would spend on my own hideously white blue eyed devil child.

    they've as much a right to a fair crack as anyone else has.

    But theyre getting extra money so spent on their education so they are getting more then a fair crack of the whip, racist whitey working class boy is doing the worst in Education but you brainless liberals still make laws to discrimate against him and fund others education at his expense....do you not realise there is only so much money in the pot.

    you're missing the point about who has the favouritism already.

    I lived in Newcastle until 1990 there was 25% male unemployment, are you trying to tell me i was brought up with favouritism? youre a knob from middle England.

    it's not a level playing field. do you agree or are you prejudiced against minorities?.

    I know its not a level playing field with laws favouring giving jobs to minorities who may have had a private education over a white working class boy who may have had to work harder to achieve results.

    And yes i am prejudice against people that are given an unfair advantage that is funded by the taxpayer.

  20. To be honest Stevie, although maybe not what one would call "ideal", i think we should have stuck with Erikkson for longer.

    But i'd also like to see what the "special one" could do :o

    i'd have stuck with eriksson too man. he took lazio to the serie a title when he had money to spend there, so i think he'd have done similarly well at city.

    Eriksson is one of the greatest charlatans in football and the world, he is a crap manager who knows little or nothing about football, and that goes for that midget sidekick of his.

    As for his time at Lazio he spent money the club didnt have to win the league and almost bankrupted the club, then he nicked the owners misses, that Nancy whatevershe'scalled... the ladyboy lookalike thing.

    The nicest thing i could wish him after he sat on his talentless ass for 18months after leaving England whilst we paid him 5 million quid a year is an early death.

    Back on topic, Allardyce was coincidentally at the Blackburn game at the weekend, 2 + 2 = he was stitching Ince up behind his back, but his dreadful style of anti-football may give them a fighting chance of staying up.

  21. I hope they get Souness, Blackburn are a pointless club whose fans know nothing about football, they used to give Shearer sh7t despite him being the main reason their pointless club won the league. Maggie Thatcher used to be their Director, which is another reason for wanting them to go down.

  22. lunacy. the premier league is become the 80s and 90s serie a. sack the board, they're the <deleted> who appointed him.

    Granted they appointed him but the board are also the owners so its difficult to sack themselves.

    He is in the process of getting them relegated you cant leave it too much longer to make this decision to give the incoming manager a fighting chance, at the start of the season there were rumours that he had lost the dressing room due to being an arrogant fcuker, maybe these rumours were true.

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