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Posts posted by spiderman2

  1. I always worry aboout places costing 5000bht a night that my gear will get stolen, Im not really looking to scrimp and save i can spend more if the right place comes up, just 15k is a guideline that should get something reasonable. Do you have a weblink to the aformentioned place or any other places.

    Also it would be better for me to have a place closer to the gym as i'll be going twice a day 6 days a week, and cooking facilities would be good.

    This place looks good but it also looks away from the centre - http://www.viangbua.chiangmai-online.com/index.html

    I just didnt want to spend 4k a month for a gym in Pattaya as i was being ripped off, i couldnt be bothered bargaining and walked off, i could get a better gym in England for far less then 4k a month.

  2. Ive made it into Thailand after 4 days of either sleeping in Airports or Aeroplanes and spending an extra 500 gbp on flights and food, and am currently in Pattaya. However im not to fussed of staying here much longer then a few days to a week.

    I am thinking of coming to Chiang Mai but know absolutely nothing about the place.

    Im in LOS for 2 months to get as fit as i possible can, so am needing a modern gym which offers 1 month memberships at reasonable prices (not 4000 bht like ive just been quoted at Wow here in Pattaya) i was thinking somewhere in the region of 2500 if anyone knows of one please let me know, also if it has a punch bag itll be good.

    For accommodation i'd like to be pretty much in the centre of town does anyone know of apartments that rent out on a monthly basis for somewhere in the region of 15000bht, and is close by to the gym.

    Thanks for any help, i know most my queries are probably on this forum but im knackered and too tired to look for them after my epic journey.

  3. Kinnear has surprised most and has done a reasonable job since coming in. The only thing that I can't understand is why does he keep substituting Martins and leaving Owen on the pitch. In the Boro game yesterday, Martins looked like our best goalscoring threat. I think Owen touched the ball twice during the whole game.

    I hope that Owen doesn't get a new contract. We need to build the team around players like Martins. Not Owen.

    Agree with you 100% & Martins was none too please which was completely understandable..

    Id drop Owen for Martins you cant build a team around someone who is always injured, Viduka held the ball up well when he came on, if the fat waste of space can stay fit i think he's just whats needed to keep us up, But he'll be in place of Martins as Martins isnt in the in crowd, Duff's in that crowd but ought to <deleted> off aswell, Nzogbias twice the player.

    To answer your question from the other thread the left back is Jose Enrique, shockingly bad again, Bassong looks better then Steven Taylor.

  4. Keegan hadnt watched a live game for 3 years, but he also didnt want any player in his first transfer window.

    According to Wises mob he wanted Beckham, Henry, Ronaldinho and players of this ilk.

    But in reality it is said he wanted the Blackburn left back Warnock, the Bayern Munich Left winger name i forget, a creative central midfielder, Owen to get a contract and me.

    Newcastle have the shittest LB in England, no central midfielder who can control or pass a ball, Duff who plays football like a headless chicken and is crap, and 4 forwards who are either injured (Owen, Martins Viduka) or are sh7t (Ameobi).

  5. When i were a lad getting my first rate education we went on a school trip to this part of London to learn about vegetarians, shandy drinking and male buggery and Dick Van Dyke was more of a cockney then most there, good place for a curry though.

  6. It seemed to me that thousands upon thousands & every Geordie i met thought that Keegan was your savious & a good Manager & for that reason only, i'd say that you're ( the majority of the Toon ) deluded.. :o

    I agree. It was appalling how they drove out Mike Ashley just because Kev the Quitter couldn't work under his terms. Cockney Mafia, LOL. He's from Berkshire!

    I'd love it if Ashley decided to buy West Ham. He'd be a great fit for us. Newcastle's biggest problem isn't their management, it's the fact that their fans have the IQs of real magpies!

    South = Poncy mouthy cockneys, all the men are queer down there its all the same.

    IMO it was an over reaction to Ashley, but my god he has fcuked the club up big time by selling or trying to sell everyone he can, not buying a Left Back a Creative midfielder, A fit centre forward, a right winger after selling Milner or a central midfielder, but we did get Xisco for 6 million and the other gadgy we signed on transfer day who has been injured from day one, and a French reserve player.

    But no worries we've Ashleys best mate Dennis travelling the planet looking for youth player just whats needed when youre in the bottom 3, Wise hasnt a fcuken clue.

    My worry is whoever buys the club will buy it using credit and use money the club generates to pay the debt back, the only teams that could do this without ballsing up are Man U and Liverpool as theyre pretty much cash cows no matter how theyre doing, Newcastle arent.

  7. Onethailand it would seem youre going in the other direction.

    I booked with Jetairways in the end theyre supposed to be quite good plus i can stop in Mumbia and go to Goa for a weekon the way back, going out the stopover is only an hour.

    All the cheap flights with Eva seemed to be for 3 months max with no option to change the return date, if i could have done this for free as i could last year i'd have booked as they are very good.

  8. [As the UK teeters on the brink of what experts predict will be the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression, the Government has surrendered £55.8billion to Brussels this year.

    £55.8billion for what?

    - the eurofighter?

    - straight bananas

    - the right to buy in the costa del and backward countries.

    - a belgium parliament, and a german central bank? deja vu mein herr.

    *rant over*

    That could be the silver lining of this crisis the end of the fascist EU.

    One of Greece, Italy, Spain, Ireland will be forced to leave the Euro with it being so strong.

  9. On BBC this morning. An increase in taxes on the "rich". However only after the next election, so we can assume it ain't goung to happen.

    To tax those earning over 150k a year at 45%, some unhappy footballer maybe.

    Why not make civil servants retire at 65 like the rest of us that'd save 100s of billions, if they strike sack half of them, it wouldnt make too much of a difference and would save even more billions.

  10. With all due respect the attitude that people are "owed" a living is what got the UK into the mess it's in.

    They should bring back national service RAZZ thatll help!.

    If £7 an hour is good enough for a Pole, Estonian, Russian etc Why can't a Brit work for the same amount? I'll tell you why...As a nation we've become bone idle and rely on the welfare state too much.. :o

    Thats wonderful now the working classes should be brought down to have a standard of living marginally above that of countries barely out of communism.

    Id do what my best mate who left school at 16 and has barley had a day off work is doing, ie work 20 hours on the books and get the rest in the back pocket, enabling him to scrounge all the benefits he possibly can, as its the only way he can make ends meet. Is he lazy he works, imo he's doing whats best for his kids?

    RIP England.

  11. about £630

    Thai wanted around £800

    Just as a matter of interest, how long is the ticket valid for ? I paid about 650 ish back in April for a one year return ticket, the return half of which can be changed for no charge. If you try to get the same with another airline, especially Thai, you need a lot more beans in the bank.

    I bought the cheapest economy last yr with them and it was as you say now there is a 50gbp charge or no change permitted depending on the day i fly and which website i book it with, and the price is 670gbp whereas Thai are 630gbp.

    Think i may fly with Jetairways at 620gbp and spend a week in Mumbia on the way back, only a score to change the ticket.

    Thats 1 customer lost from Eva, and Thai planes are too crap, id rather walk.

  12. The only way you could be surrounded by more ManU fans is if you were in Surrey itself, so you'll have difficulty avoiding them.

    But try Gullivers on Soi 7 Sukhumvit.

    There is a thread on here somewhere about which bar is best for footy in BKK.

  13. I asked them for help just last week, no one is interested... They won't even give me a credit card for a 0% balance tranfer..

    With your fine credit rating i find this hard to believe, if i were you i'd right to my local politician about such as injustice.

  14. Why not go back to the UK and declare yourself bankrupt, everyones doing what youre doing these days.

    After a certain length of time the bank will right the debt off to tax 6 years approx, but they can still chase you for this money forever.

    Youve scammed them for 40k fairplay to you but there isnt a nice friendly bank manager who is going to say no problem we dont really need the money at the moment anyway.

  15. Ive got to disagree that the British are too work shy to do such sh7tty work, ive lived in mining village as a boy and have family members not work since theyve closed the pits and never will again.

    There are plenty of working class British people that do sh7tty dirty jobs on building sites, oil rigs in hospitals, etc, etc...........

    The thing is they are not going to do it for 7 pound an hour, when they can stack shelves in Tesco for that much.

    Pay people a good living wage ie 15gbp an hour + , so they can afford a family, simple house and a new car every few years and theyll do anything.

    Bring in millions of East Europeans to work for the 7 GBP an hour then they wont, i know i wouldnt work for 7gbp an hour doing this kind of manual work or on a uilding site, id stay on the sick as anyone with a little sense would. You think any roughnecks would work for miimum wage?

    As for using the coal, they convert it to gas when it is still underground, dont know too much about it but its all to do with not having government approval to do it, also a few coal mines were reopening recently due to the high cost of coal.

    I wonder what the UK will do when it cant import cheap foreign labour any longer.

  16. Just look at Don King to see where most of the money in boxing goes. Boxers often get little from the purse.

    Don King is the greatest promoter in boxing history.

    He is a businessman you cant blame him for some Thai boxing blowing his money.

    I see nothing in the article that suggests he blew his money only that he was ripped off, a common occurrence in the boxing world despite your adulation for Don King.

    Yes nothing in the article says he blew his money, but he has none after 60 odd fights, so i put 2 and 2 together, but maybe he ate it.

    Don King is a murdering, thieving, lying, throughly vile man, but i am a boxing fan and he has put together the greatest fights ever, and is without doubt the greatest boxing promoter ever, please dispute this if you wish.

    Calzaghe Jones didnt have a promoter last week, they also couldnt sell out Madison square Garden and had p7ss poor Payperview sales, Don King could have made them more money which is what pro boxing is all about.

    Naseem Hamed made 10s of millions fighting people my gran could go 12 rounds with, this was down to his promoter, though i do think Frank Warren overprotects his fighters.

    Good on Ricky Hatton for helping him out though, and also to Lou Di Bella for making Malignaggi who is an average fighter a good pay packet last night.

    Oh won according to this.


  17. Note also that despite having bookings, there will be many people who have not paid a deposit and will not phone to cancel. A walk in can yield surprising results.

    One last piece of business to attend to then ill be booking my flight Monday to fly Thursday i can't f'en wait.

  18. Yeah, I lived in Pattaya, met my GF in Pattaya the day she came here, now I have a house in Loei ( Her house that I paid for actually ) :o

    And I've still got my rental in Pattaya, which is where I'm typing this from at the moment , cos I don't like being woken up in the morning in Isaan whilst the new west wing is being built on my ( her) house. :D

    But, she said it's OK for me to go to Pattaya, as her Brother is taking care of everything.

    Now that's what I call service. :D

    I think id rather your existance then the OP's with her family dictating where he lives, that brother inlaw of yours sound like he really really loves his sis helping out like that.

    Why do farangs with a Thai wife always have to say she is Thai/Chinese, is there something wrong with just having a Thai wife?

  19. Why not offer long term tax cuts to new economy industries such as greener fuels, hybrid cars, biochemical and to R&D to get foreign investment and to create decent jobs, and put tariffs on goods from countries such as Thailand/ China who do the same to us, again this will create British jobs.

    And controversially why not use the coal we have in the ground for our energy supplies, instead of funding terrorist backing states like Saudi Arabia.

  20. If Britain wishes to open its economy up to more the banking ie manufacturing, the week pound is the place to start, im sure Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Greece would all like a lower Euro to do this.

    These tax cuts on Monday (lowering VAT has been mentioned) are to get people into the shops buying goods, now as most these goods are imported it seems Gordy the brilliant economist wishes to send more money abroad via the highstreet, and he is also pushing the banks to lend the most indebted nation on earth to borrow more.

    He's fcuked up like no one before him and is about to make the problem worse in order to stay in power, but deep down he knows he wont and that it will be the Torys that have to try and resolve this upcoming disaster, whilst he's cashing in on the lecture and after dinner speaking circuit.

  21. I sure do. I even have them here at the house. All 12 of them.

    I sleep on the couch and eat chicken on a stick.

    Luxury........ there's 13 of us living in a shoe box in't middle of t' road.

    Some people love to come online and boast about their wealth, its vulgar.

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