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Everything posted by kimamey

  1. I think in most shops such as Lotus's and 7-11 their tills use electricity and they probably aren't able to take money without it. I remember a couple of times a few years ago in the UK in Tesco or Sainsbury's the power going down and they had to stop. They needed their electric tills even to take cash as they need records of transactions.
  2. I would think so as its already the case elsewhere. You need QR codes if there's no NFC. The ability to swipe your card over a terminal would also avoid that problem.
  3. That doesn't mean you can't own it just that the revised document doesn't show ownership. Usually the owner and registered keeper are the same. There is a reason for our but I can't remember what it is now. I think there's a situation where a company owns a vehicle but the driver is the registered keeper. One other thing that I think isn't entirely correct is the idea of being jailed for not having a TV licence. I think you can be fined for not having one and then be jailed for non payment of a court imposed fine which is normal procedure. I think the original reason for needing one regardless of what you were watching was it's very difficult to check on people.
  4. I had to look up which hotels are his and I don't think I've used any of them. Assuming some of these hotels are listed on Agoda, Booking.com ect will they be able or willing to deal with this sort of discrimination? Will it be added as a tax or will you have to pay at the hotel? How will it work with one Thai and one foreigner?
  5. That's what I thought but if you can still use Payonner (USA) and Skrill (UK) then I'm not so sure. Only saw the name Payoneer afew days ago but I used Skrill a few times some years ago when it was Moneybookers. It looks more plausible with Uber though.
  6. Maybe not too much of a problem then. It would help if Thailand weren't so restrictive on vehicles meaning less choice
  7. I think they were staying on the fence to avoid any financial consequences. Now might be a good time to rethink that. If the war could be stopped that would help.
  8. That was a decade ago and in other countries the motivation was to remove old inefficient vehicles from the road and replace them with one's that use less fuel. Thailand seemed to avoid that with their take on it. Things are different now and EVs are much better. Hopefully in terms of vehicle fuels at least the big companies are beginning to see the longer term financial advantages of cleaner fuel and since money rather than oil is their motivation they may change. Politics may be what is holding things up.
  9. Yes that's the problem. I've thought about EV as I could charge at home if the supply to the house will stand it. Lights dim a little as the electric shower comes on now. I know from posts some time ago including from Crossy that there is, or was a limit to the power available unless you paid to upgrade it. If solar were an option then that would help but I suspect cost might be an issue although that could change.
  10. Based on that it doesn't seem much of a game changer. Maybe if they tried the plan they used in 2012 but without making a complete mess of it. We bought our Honda Jazz using that. The problem with it was unlike in other countries where the tax reduction (I can't remember how much but it was worth it) was available if you gave up your current vehicle so not increasing vehicle numbers here it I was if it was your first car. In a lot of cases that meant an extra vehicle rather than replacement and there were apparently a lot of old people who couldn't drive suddenly owning big pickups and SUVs.
  11. Hopefully they will deal with that as well. These things take time and just waiting for everything to be right at the same time won't work. I don't know how green power generation is in Thailand right now so I can't say how relevant your comment is.
  12. I think PTT are adding them at their sites which will help. There's a new one in Mahasarakham and I think there are EV chargers there. There are several different aspects to increasing EV vehicles. Cost, availability of different vehicles, charging infrastructure, clean production of electricity, ethics around mining of lithium and probably several more. The details of this tax reduction isn't clear to me but if it helps then great.
  13. I've not checked the air quality figures here in Mahasarakham where I live but I've certainly not felt any problems with the air at any time of the year. Maybe they are stricter on enforcing the rules on burning here. More problems with the wife's cooking and particularly the mil who cooks over an open fire.
  14. If there was going to be a coup would they announce it?
  15. I arrived at the airport on Saturday afternoon but I can't recognise where this is but then I go through here quite often and in fact I'll be there again on Wednesday and then Saturday. Google Street view is from 3 years ago and it's changed a lot since then.
  16. I'd like to know as well. There do seem to be some really small black ones that bite but those are the worst. It needs something they take back to the next.
  17. It must have been a couple of months ago on a thread related to road safety that I said they should make the wearing of seatbelts in the rear a legal requirement. I then received a reply saying I was behind the times as that was already the case. Since 2017 I think. I'm pretty sure they linked to the relevant legislation which I'll try to find.
  18. More to the point has anyone done a stress test on the passengers. ????
  19. I did this in 2018. I can't remember the actual number of days but I normally stayed under the 90 days and then returned to the UK and then back again. Basically I was spending just over 6 months in the UK and just under here. On this occasion it was longer here but with a trip to the UK with my wife in the middle so splitting the visit into 2 visits under 90 days. The day before we were due to leave her sister had a stroke and died shortly afterwards so the UK trip was cancelled. I never gave it a thought and it wasn't until I went to check in for my flight that the check in staff told me and it took a few seconds to work out what had happened. I had to pay a fine and got a red stamp on my passport. By the time I returned I'd had to replace my passport due to wear although I still had it with me. I had no problems but I don't know what would have happened if I still had the old passport but I assume that immigration would have a record of it.
  20. A couple of points. Aren't there far more dangerous things on Thai roads that the police seem to have no interest in? Pixelating faces in pictures is common and with good reason. I'm less certain when it's the back of someone's head. Still better safe than sorry I suppose.
  21. I think there was some logic to engaging with Russia economically at first but it should have been realised some time ago that Putin wasn't going to take the opportunity seriously. The same could be said for China.

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