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Everything posted by wombat

  1. the drain holes at the bottom of the casements are blocked...simple fix
  2. have you checked to see if they have a Facebook page? commbank does...message with a real live person to sort sh!t out
  3. right royally stitched up while the real consignment sailed on through😱
  4. when Thai gold shops let me buy gold with crypto then I will believe crypto is not a Ponzi scheme for the tech elite...until then ...buy gold
  5. I was going to say planters worts removed but toe nails trump worts
  6. To quote a Billy Thorpe song... "Most people I know think that I'm crazy"... Wanting 24hour trading for the grog industry is not one of the reasons.
  7. I got a nylon jacket from a Thai bank 18 years ago and it's still one of the best bits of clothing I've got.
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