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Everything posted by wombat

  1. This ain't Kansas Dorothy where stealing under certain $ amount of goods the police aren't called and they are given a free pass. For some un-woke reason here you are expected to pay.
  2. Guilty. Not weed When one consumes weed in excess one goes to sleep.🛌✌️
  3. Listening to people or reading posts from punters who live in the largest open air BG meeting place worldwide who take the high moral ground brings a smirk to my face as I wonder what skeletons they have in their closet that they are hiding.
  4. My thoughts exactly. We have more compassion for our pets than humans.
  5. Which personality will the Queen of word salad use today?
  6. Pattaya...hands down.
  7. You do realise what country you're in don't you?
  8. ditto. The silent majority will vote Trump
  9. stealing power is a big no no
  10. woman with large ones tend towards misandry
  11. ''proposed'' being the operative word. nothing changes just rearranges ☻
  12. Tommy? Tank Yank or w/anchor Asks confused.
  13. Tommy? Tank Yank or w/anch, Asks confused.
  14. Why? I drink to forget but at the bottom of the bottle the problem is still there.
  15. More holes in that story than Swiss cheese
  16. my daughter says keeping her legs closed works
  17. Did you write the paper on how to be a professional student in Thailand on $10 a day?
  18. Old mate goes to Pattaya for his PhD. Does that count?
  19. Are they really conspiracy theories? Conspiracy theories that were reality after the dust had settled are the greater %.
  20. My girlfriend packed my bag when she kicked me out. How could she be so cruel.
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